The joints are in order, they are migraines - all this is treated with lilac tincture!

The lilac was brought to the territory of Russia from the Balkan Peninsula. The lush bushes delight the eye with its beauty, attract the aroma and it is often quite difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of ripping off a couple of twigs and bringing them to your house. But in fact, the lilac is not only very beautiful, but also useful for health.

This home remedy will help to overcome a number of ailments

Representatives of traditional medicine appreciate the tender inflorescences for their medicinal properties, because the products prepared on their basis can help overcome a variety of diseases. This article will describe the use of lilac tincture on vodka, which is very simple to prepare at home. Let's understand, in what situations this tool helps and how to do it correctly.

Indications for use

The use of lilac tincture can be both internal and external. And with proper use this tool will show its useful properties and help in such cases:

  • will relieve kidney diseases and facilitate the general condition of the patient in the presence of kidney stone disease;
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  • will lower body temperature and will have a diaphoretic effect for colds, fever and malaria;
  • will relieve the pain syndrome with bruises and contribute to the early healing of wounds;
  • it is considered one of the best means for the treatment of rheumatism, polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout;
  • will relieve the heel spur;

  • normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and prevents its disorders;
  • will help to cope with fungal diseases and ringworm;
  • will cure laryngitis;
  • will relieve a headache even with migraines;
  • is recommended for use in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • will translate dry cough into productive and will help to withdraw phlegm.
Lilac tincture with an integrated approach will help to overcome tuberculosis.

For therapeutic purposes, all parts of the plant are used: bark, roots, leaves and flowers. And its healing properties lilacs due to the presence of a special substance - syringin;it is he who allows lilac preparations to have anti-inflammatory, anti-febrile and analgesic effects.

Note! Outer this remedy can be used even for the treatment of skin diseases in children!

Cooking and healing

To tincture of lilac brought maximum benefit, it is necessary to procure raw materials in time, and the preparation itself must be properly prepared. Flowers and leaves are recommended to collect in dry weather and choose those plants that grow away from motor roads and factory complexes.

Note! Until now, it has not been established which lilac will bring more benefit - white or lilac. Often the choice is offered to do on their own, but still most studies hold the view that it is worthwhile to focus on white flowers.

There is a sufficiently large number of recipes for the preparation of lilac tincture, and the number of ingredients and the intake scheme always depends on which disease it will be used for. Let's consider some of them.

Classic recipe

Classical tincture of lilac flowers is prepared as follows:

  • half-liter jar to top fill with raw materials;
  • pour vodka and close tightly;
  • transfer the container to the shaded area and leave it for 3 weeks;
  • after this time, filter.

The obtained tincture can be used as an external agent - for compresses and lotions, as well as as an internal preparation that takes 30-40 drops before meals three times a day. The duration of treatment is about one month.

Important! Lilac, in addition to good, can also harm your health, since it contains a poisonous substance - hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, before using this medication for medical purposes, it is necessary to consult a specialist and always adhere to the indicated dosage.

For joints

Lilac tincture is often used to treat joints. To do this, you can use a preparation prepared according to a classic recipe or take on the following:

  • in the jar put 4 tablespoons of dried lilac and 2 tablespoons of willow bark and bay leaf;
  • pour a liter of vodka and close;
  • leave for 3 weeks in a shaded area, filter.

This product is used for compresses that need to be kept for no more than 2 hours.

Lilac infusion very quickly relieves joint pain

Caution - contraindications!

Internal use of lilac tincture on vodka requires special care. It is categorically contraindicated in the following cases:

  • malfunctions in the menstrual cycle, especially with prolonged delay;
  • renal failure in the chronic stage;
  • atonic locks;
  • stomach diseases in severe form;
  • glomerulonephritis.

In addition, if you suffer from any protracted disease, you should first agree on the reception of lilac tincture with your doctor. Otherwise, this remedy can be taken without fear.

Lilac is an amazing plant that can help overcome many painful conditions, even those with which many medications can not cope. Approach the use of natural gifts competently, and they will surely give you good health.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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