Homemade tincture of honeysuckle: fragrant portion of health

Honeysuckle is a unique plant for several reasons. First, this berry ripens before others, and secondly, it has a unique sweet-tart taste and, thirdly, it produces an incredibly aromatic and healthy drink that can take a central place both on the festive table and at homefirst-aid kit. This is a tincture of honeysuckle, and today we will prepare it.

Honeysuckle tincture is useful in the off-season, becoming a reliable assistant in the fight against the cold

A little bit about the benefits of the drink

Before you prepare a tincture of honeysuckle, we suggest you consider its value. In dark blue fruits concentrated a huge portion of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for the normal work of our body.

Important! Useful qualities are only those varieties whose berries will be dyed in intense blue or dark shades, close to black. A red, orange and yellow honeysuckle is poisonous, which must be taken into account when collecting it. Using such fruits, you risk getting quite serious poisoning!

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The healing properties of tinctures of honeysuckle on vodka are many-sided:

  • improves the digestive system;
  • there is strengthening of immunity;
  • provides assistance in the fight against obesity.

In addition, berries of honeysuckle help to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, remove salts of heavy metals and protect the walls of blood vessels. Biological active substances present in the fruit make it possible to recover faster after a long illness, perfectly tone up and restore strength.

In the honeysucker's tincture the whole potential of fresh berries

will be preserved Important! Tincture on honeysuckle is strictly contraindicated with reduced arterial pressure, gastric disorder in the acute stage, peptic ulcer disease and increased acidity!


Next, we describe two recipes for tinctures of honeysuckle. You can use fresh, frozen or dried fruits to prepare the drink. But if you take dry berries, they will need three times less than if fresh or frozen honeysuckle were used.

At home, tincture of honeysuckle is prepared, usually on alcohol or vodka. The remaining ingredients are added in a certain amount, which will depend on the strength of the alcohol base. Do tincture on unrefined moonshine is undesirable, since it has a specific taste and smell, which can spoil the quality of the finished product.

Recommendation! If you wish to use moonshine as the alcohol base, it must first be passed through a charcoal filter or a secondary distillation!

The best option is still quality vodka or alcohol.

On vodka

To prepare a tincture of honeysuckle on vodka you will need 400 g of fresh berries, 2 liters of vodka, 300 g of granulated sugar and 400 ml of bottled water. If desired, sugar can be replaced with natural honey, which makes the taste of the finished product bright and multiplies its useful properties.

  1. The berry is thoroughly washed in several waters, we remove the garbage and leave it in a colander for a few minutes to leave the liquid.
  2. Transfer the fruit to a food processor and grind it or use a conventional mortar.
  3. The berry mass is placed on the bottom of the glass container, we pour sugar on top and fill everything with vodka.
  4. The container is tightly closed, we shake the contents and transfer our future tincture to a dark place. Leave for 2-3 weeks, then filter and bottled.
Tincture of lemonade should be kept at room temperature

On alcohol

Tincture of honeysuckle on alcohol is prepared as follows:

  1. Choose a jar of any capacity and half fill it with pure fruits, from which you must first get all the bones.
  2. We pour alcohol - it should go to the very neck.
  3. Close the jar with cap nylon and transfer it to a dry warm place where it should stand for two weeks. Do not forget to shake the contents daily.
  4. After this time we drain the alcohol into a separate container, and the remaining berries in the jar are covered with sugar( 600 g) and leave under a tight lid in a dark warm place. Again, every day, shake the berry mass, so that the sugar quickly breaks.
  5. Honeysuckle will give juice, which after 7 days must be drained into a container with alcohol. The remaining berries are filled with water and leave for another week.
  6. After, drain the water into a container with juice and alcohol and mix.

Note! The sweetness of the tincture and its strength you can adjust to your own taste. If the output is too strong for you drink, then the last procedure with water can be repeated again.

Remember, despite the fact that the honeysuckle drink has powerful healing properties, it is not worth using. Take the tincture moderately and stay healthy!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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