Today in this article we will talk about the use of yarrow medicinal. This plant has other names: a blood-herd, soldier's grass, cut-grass, trees, akhaley and others.
The yarrow plant is a perennial herb that is characterized by an unbranched ribbed stem. The top of the yarrow stem is decorated with a dense inflorescence, consisting of multiple small flower baskets. These very "baskets" have a rather sharp specific flavor.
Yarrow refers to unpretentious medicinal plants, which feels great in mixed forests, meadows and glades. In folk medicine, only flower baskets of the plant, previously cut and dried in the shade, are used.
With proper drying of flowers, the raw material can be stored for about 2 years.
What is yarrow used for?
In folk medicine, yarrow flowers are used that have the following properties:
- Stop the blood( used for external and internal bleeding);
- Increases appetite;
- Relieve inflammation in women's diseases;
- Eliminate pain in diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
- Strengthen sweating;
- Remove the metabolic disorder in the body.
It is in the flowers of the yarrow that there is a large amount of vitamin C, phytoncides( natural antibiotic), tannins and carotene.
Yarrow broth perfectly helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver diseases, inflammation of the pelvic organs in women, colds and hypertension.
Juice plants are used to stop bleeding in cuts or internal hemorrhages( pulmonary, uterine, gastric).
Recommendation: Prepare juice from raw materials harvested in August. It is in this month that the yarrow blossoms actively.
Take the juice inside at the rate of 1 teaspoon per half a cup of water.
If you suffer from a reduced appetite, then for his excitation it is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon of pure yarrow juice mixed with honey. Such treatment not only improves digestion and stimulates appetite, but also normalizes metabolic processes in the liver. To prepare the mixture, coriander honey is perfect, as it has the ability to increase appetite and purify the liver of toxins.
What does yarrow treat?
Application of yarrow in diseases of the digestive tract
For gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach, patients are recommended to take yarrow infusion inside. Cooking it is very simple: 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers plant pour a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. Then infusion filter and drink a few sips throughout the day.
The product is excellent for chronic forms of digestive canal diseases. With gastritis, yarrow is used to normalize the secretion of gastric juice and reduce irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach. Similar action has another powerful means of combating diseases of the digestive system - the mummy. It has a good healing effect and increases the resistance of the mucosa to irritants. Read more about this in the article: Mineral mummies are used actively - stomach ulcer he heals perfectly!
Yarrow with diseases of the female reproductive system
Yarrow flowers are widely used in gynecology.
Using infusion or decoction of flowers helps to cope with painful menstruation, stop uterine bleeding and increase milk production during lactation.
In addition, lotions with yarrow help restore the integrity of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix with the erosions and other damages on it. Above it was described how to brew a yarrow. This decoction can be used for sedentary baths and irrigation of the mucous membranes of the female genital organs.
The liquid extract of this healing plant has an anti-inflammatory effect in endometriosis and endometritis.
Attention: the liquid extract of yarrow is a concentrated alcoholic infusion, therefore it is necessary to use it only with the permission of the doctor and with special care.
The use of yarrow during pregnancy is not contraindicated, but before starting treatment it is better to consult a gynecologist. The plant has an excellent regenerating effect on the mucous membranes, which is especially important during pregnancy, because any microcrack on the genitals can become an open gate to penetrate the pathogenic microflora into the body, and this is dangerous for the growing fetus.Douching with decoction of yarrow in female diseases eliminates the symptoms of such pathologies:
- Fungal diseases( thrush);
- Itching and irritation of the genitals with vulvitis and vaginitis;
- Swelling of the labia majora with inflammation of the Bartholin gland;
- Muco-purulent discharge from the genital tract with cervicitis.
Contraindications to the use of yarrow
Separately want to talk about contraindications to the use of this plant.
If you actively use traditional medicine to eliminate any symptoms of disease, you probably noticed that almost all medicinal plants have their contraindications.
How to properly take yarrow, so that the treatment would be beneficial, not harm?
This plant can not be used by people who suffer from low blood pressure and thrombocytosis in the blood( increased number of platelets).As a rule, many people neglect these contraindications and engage in self-medication, thereby causing their body more harm than good.
And finally advice: if you have to take blood tests, then treatment with yarrow is better to postpone. The fact is that taking this plant during the examination can change the blood test.
Remember that you can start treatment only after consulting a doctor, since any medicinal plant can lead to serious poisoning and allergic reactions with an incorrectly calculated dosage.