Kuril tea - decoration for the site and health benefits


  1. Fingerprints, what is this and where it grows?
  2. Curative composition of bush
  3. Kuril tea - what are its medicinal properties and whether there are contraindications?
  4. When collecting the Kuril tea, how is it stored and brewed?
  5. Some tips for growing

Traditional medicine has existed for thousands of years, healers from generation to generation pass recipes for beauty and health, which were both relevant for our distant ancestors, and for us - modern people. Only, unfortunately, few people now believe in the strength of the herbs and fruits that surround us in nature, which is not right. Even weeds can be useful and heal from ailments, we'll talk about a plant that is suitable for landscape design in your dacha or a section near the house, and will bring a lot of health benefits and it's Kuril tea.

Cinquefoil loves the mountainous terrain

Cinematograph, what is it and where it grows?

Many residents of private houses, who like to decorate their garden with various interesting plants, know the cottonwood. This shrub looks great among coniferous, lawn grass, decorating the landscape with its white or yellow flowers. The homeland of Kuril tea is Altai, there are many of it in the Asian regions, in the Caucasus Mountains. Local residents of Siberia, the Urals know the bush, collect it for winter supplies, because of the flowers and young shoots make a delicious drink, which due to the composition can have a beneficial effect on health.

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You can grow the plant in the garden

Infusions and decohes are indicated for use by people with various ailments, as we will discuss further. Prepare the plant can be simple - after collecting the cobweb dried in natural conditions, that is, under the sun. You can use the attic or special dryers for herbs, vegetables, fruits. They are now sold everywhere in the stores of household appliances, have an affordable price, a different number of pallets. If you are a resident of the city, you can search for Kurilian tea somewhere in the woods or buy a finished product in pharmacies. Owners of their homes or cottages can easily plant shrubs on their site, it gets well, it easily transplants from place to place, in a year you can reproduce the Kurilian tea, a photo of which, by the way, you see, with the help of processes.

For information! Many do not harvest grass, because they think that their taste is unpleasant. If you are among the fastidious people, it is worth saying that the brewed cobbler is pleasant, useful and will not be worse than the tea that you are accustomed to drinking.

Curative composition of the bush

Kuril tea has a very rich composition, which makes it a unique helper to our health. There is tannin, which is characterized by astringent effect and tannic properties. It gives the plant an antimicrobial force that protects the bush from disease, and will also be beneficial to humans. There are many flavonoids in Kurilian tea that protect our blood vessels, resist viruses, strengthen immunity and have a beneficial effect on the whole organism. The composition contains catechins, which can remove inflammation, help the capillaries, the immune system, have an antioxidant effect.

Useful properties are in the cauliflower due to the rich composition of

Important! Both catechins and flavonoids are considered substances that can withstand oncology. But there are also carotenoids that can rarely be found in plants or fruits, and they can also fight lung and skin cancer. The latter can still be found in carrots and apricots. Of course, there are vitamins, microelements in the composition. Just imagine that everyone knows a known source of vitamin C - a lemon five times inferior to the Kurilian tea or cobweb. There are copper, iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese, magnesium, and, of course, essential oils in the bush, which have long been valued by the inhabitants of many countries of the East and Asia. Still rich in resin, acids and saponins, which help us during the cold. But the P-active substances help the Kuril tea to have an even greater antimicrobial and antiviral effect, and in the aggregate the whole composition can have a very powerful effect, have a beneficial effect on us, cure and be a prophylaxis of the ailments.

Shrub can treat ailments

Kuril tea - what are its therapeutic properties and are there any contraindications?

Assistant during illnesses

So, you already understand that Kuril tea is a beautiful bush, pleases the eye, the taste is very pleasant, available for collection and purchase for everyone, it's time to find out what can give us a drink in the form of infusion or a decoction of lapchatka.

  • Tea helps to raise natural body protection or immunity. It is very useful to drink a drink during the cold season, to everyone who often picks up various diseases.
  • Indicated for use by people who suffer from high blood pressure, migraine, and, in turn, serves as a prevention of stroke.
  • Helps to stop blood, will be useful for women with severe menstrual cycle, diseases of the genitourinary system, erosion.
  • Has anti-allergic properties, which is good for allergic people, which often react to different plants.
  • Helps to expel bile, remove swelling, as it has a diuretic effect.
  • Sedative action helps those who suffer from insomnia, depression. The soothing effect of the plant helps to cope with stress.
  • Has analgesic effect, also eliminates intoxication.
  • It will help to establish the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of dysbiosis, constipation, indigestion, will become a preventive measure of hemorrhoids.
  • Due to the ability to fight the entire pathogenic environment, the Kuril tea is indicated for use by people suffering from tonsillitis, stomatitis, acute respiratory infections, rotavirus, staphylococci and other harmful microorganisms.
  • Kuril tea or shrubby bush also normalizes fat metabolism.
  • Will help the child not to write at night, to adjust a chair.

Who should not drink chicken tea?

Cinchona - the plant is safe, but you must remember that it lowers the pressure, and if you have hypotension, it is better not to take the drink. If you drink a lot of tea, then there can be a lot of stress on the kidneys, because we remember the diuretic effect of the bush. Also we must say that there are people who can be allergic to certain components, then they are contraindicated in the use of Kuril tea. How can I tell if your finger is not suitable? It's very simple - if you have intolerance, immediately after taking the drink you may experience nausea, dizziness, vomiting, a rash, your stomach may get sick, and the temperature may rise. You should immediately stop drinking tea, drink an anti-allergenic drug and consult a doctor.

Important! If you have chronic diseases, then never introduce a new product or drink into the diet without the permission of a doctor and especially do not abolish medication alone. Pregnant and lactating also need to talk with doctors.

The color of the cottonwood can be different

When collecting the Kuril tea, how is it stored and brewed?

Fees are carried out when the cobweb blooms, and it has new sprouts or growth in a different way. In different regions the flowering period will be different. In a temperate climate - this is the end of May-June, in the northern part a little later. After harvesting, you put inflorescences, young leaves and twigs on drying, after removing the contaminants, if any. Dry in the air or, as we said, in the dryer. Next, you can drink tea throughout the winter until the next season. Be sure to see that the insect, mold do not appear on the cobweb, clean all dry, diseased shoots in advance, and keep the plant in glass jars with a lid.

Good to know! Brewed chicken tea you can use not only as a drink, but also as a means for rinsing your mouth and throat during various diseases, also wound with wounds, burns, used as a tonic for the skin.

To brew a healing drink, you can use a simple recipe - two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with 500 grams of hot water, put on fire, tantalized after boiling for 2-3 minutes. After that, they cool and drink during the day. Such a drink can be drunk, as the prevention of the above diseases, adding honey to it, if you can not without sweet.

If you are already sick, you will need a more concentrated compound. To do this, pour two tablespoons of tin with one glass of boiling water, soak half an hour in a water bath, then drink three times a day for 1/3 cup before eating.

For the prevention of diseases and incontinence among infants, it is necessary to give a spoonful of infusion three times a day, which is prepared from a spoonful of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. For infants, the norm is a tea spoon three times a day. So, you understand that for newborns, too, Kuril tea due to its beneficial properties will be a good remedy for immunity. Pregnant women, it is better to refrain from taking a drink before birth, in order to exclude possible risks.

Some tips for growing

If you are interested in this shrub as an ornamental plant for your site, then consider several tips.

  • The spearmintle grows very well and develops in sunny places and in the penumbra, in the shadow it will also grow, but not so intensely.
  • In summer, watering the tinder can be done from the sprinkler for the garden, which is installed by the gardeners.
  • After watering the next day you need to loosen the soil so that there is no moisture stagnation, the roots do not rot.
  • If your soil is too acidic, then lime is injected, if drainage is needed, since a lot of moisture, then use sand. In regions where there is cold and little rain, mulch around the root is used, which will store moisture, warm the soil.
  • It is better to avoid a draft.
  • The hibernate hibernates fairly well, does not freeze.

We hope you have learned a lot for yourself, and now differently refer to different recipes of traditional medicine, because they can be simple, but very effective. The result is worth all efforts.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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