Drink chicory soluble - you will be healthy! From insomnia and stress in a moment he will save!

To begin with, find out what is soluble chicory. It is a product derived from the root of chicory, which has gone through several processing steps;First it was ground, further extraction and spraying were carried out. But what are the useful properties and contraindications of soluble chicory? This will be discussed in this article.

Competent use of chicory will bring to your body only the benefit of

About the benefits of using

The benefits of soluble chicory are quite high;this plant is appropriate in the treatment of various diseases and has long been recognized as an excellent healing remedy. It exhibits the following properties:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • relieves attacks of tachycardia;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • has a positive effect on the circulatory system;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • helps to overcome kidney, liver and spleen diseases;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • improves general condition in diabetes mellitus.
Cicorn root is an excellent general restorative tool
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Chicory soluble can also be included in medicines that, through it, show choleretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Preparations of this plant stimulate appetite and help reduce body temperature during the exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases.

In addition, based on soluble chicory, topical preparations are made that help cure skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis and furunculosis. Tinctures based on it contribute to the regeneration of the skin and relieve inflammation.

For coffee makers

Chicory can be safely used instead of coffee for people who are contraindicated in caffeine, and the resulting fragrant drink will have an exceptionally positive effect on the body. To taste it almost does not differ from coffee;It can be brewed simply with water or added at will milk or sugar.

Important! Remember that whole milk does not mix well with soluble chicory, so it is recommended to plant a drink with its vegetable counterparts: soybean, coconut, rice or walnut milk.

Also worth noting the following, a chicory drink has the same qualities as coffee itself - it invigorates, energizes and improves mood, but it does not "disturb" the nervous system and does not do any harm to health.

The best alternative to coffee - soluble chicory

For women

Now let's figure out what soluble chicory for women is useful. In fact, the fair sex can receive from this product a triple benefit.

  1. Fighting overweight. You are "haunted" by sweets, to which you can not say "NO!"?Drink the chicory! And inulin, contained in it, will help to eliminate the harm that is in these products. Chicory is also rich in thiamine, which is able to convert carbohydrates and fats into energy, riboflavin, helping to get rid of excess weight, and triterpenes - the catalysts of metabolic processes. In addition, the calorie content of chicory is negligible and amounts to only 11 kcal per 100 g of product.
    Drink chicory and lose weight with pleasure

    Recommendation! Since this product besides all contains pectin, which brings rapid saturation, then it should be consumed after eating!

  2. Pregnancy. As is known, during pregnancy it is very important to give up drinks that contain caffeine;coffee, tea and even cocoa. And here comes to the rescue soluble chicory. He is not capable of harming his mother or his future child;and at the same time, the properties of this product acquire particular urgency, since chicory is the prevention of anemia, strong immunity, a healthy sleep and a great mood.

    Important! Remember that you can not pour chicory steep boiling water, since most of the nutrients will be destroyed. Water should be hot, but in no case burning.

    Support your body during pregnancy with a tasty vitamin drink
  3. Beauty. The use of chicory for women's beauty is invaluable. This product is rich in vitamins and minerals, which contribute to the acceleration of the recovery of collagen fibers, and also perfectly tone the skin. And using soluble chicory as an external agent can accelerate the healing of wounds for various skin diseases.

In addition, this plant has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Rinsers, cooked on its basis, improve their structure, strengthen and promote growth.


Soluble chicory has a number of contraindications, which must be remembered. The use of this drink is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • varicose veins;
  • asthma;
  • chronic cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • vascular disease;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Rules for the use of

If you are not among the ones to whom soluble chicory is contraindicated, then it is worth finding out how much it can drink per day.

  1. Use in large doses, of course, is not welcome. The optimal daily rate is 2 cups;Exceeding this norm, you must be careful and always listen to your feelings.
  2. Those who wish to get rid of coffee dependence, you can advise to switch to a chicory drink gradually - in the first days it can be bred together with coffee in a ratio of 1: 1 and gradually completely displace coffee from your diet. This scheme will save your body of caffeine and unnoticed to reduce cravings for it.
  3. In addition, frequent and excessive reception of soluble chicory instead of the expected weight loss will promote rapid weight gain, since this drink stimulates appetite, and, accordingly, there is a risk of eating more and more often.
  4. You can not drink chicory just before bedtime, as there may be problems with falling asleep. In addition, this product has a diuretic effect, which is also worth considering, taking it at night.

And always remember that every organism is individual, so chicory, like any other food product, will be more suitable for someone, and for someone less. Always listen to your feelings, be careful, exceeding the norm, and be healthy!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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