How to make a bath with horseradish and how is it useful?

A healthy lifestyle has become not just a goal, but a fashion. Some believe that this is expensive, but in fact, small secrets and habits will increase immunity and maintain health without resorting to complex vegetarian dishes and expensive cards in the fitness club. How do you like Sunday's leisure, like a bath? Steam bath itself is curative, and a bath with horseradish will give a charge of strength and vivacity for the whole working week.

Together with horseradish bring a spruce broom to the steam room, its smell will not leave anyone indifferent

Useful properties

Horseradish has many useful components in its structure, and is also available to everyone. No more need to go to the pharmacy for essential oils, it's enough to go out to the garden or to the market for horseradish. First, the plant is a powerful antiseptic and simply irreplaceable in the period of cold and flu. Secondly, horseradish contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which when heated become active and easily enter the body. So, using horseradish products in a bath will eliminate the runny nose, prevent the onset of flu and cure seasonal hypovitaminosis.

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A pleasant smell in the sauna raises the mood, improves overall well-being, relaxes. Contained in the plant, vitamin C triggers the body's antioxidant systems, helping to eliminate toxins. Parylka, in turn, activates the excretory system, improving the excretion of those same toxins to the outside.

Bath with horseradish will be very useful for people with skin diseases, for example, psoriasis. Any inflammation on the skin causes a violation of the barrier, provokes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Horseradish, as a powerful antiseptic, along with the steam gets on the skin, disinfecting it. This will be a fairly mild effect because the same bath with horseradish psoriasis can be contraindicated.

Important: If you have any skin disease in the active phase, always consult a specialist before visiting the steam room.

How to prepare a plant?

It is best for a bath to use fresh leaves. Prepare them for 2-3 hours before the steam room. Just wash the plant under running water and dry it on napkins.

In winter, when the attendance of steam rooms at the highest level, it is difficult to find fresh horseradish leaves. No problem, the root will also work. You can prepare it from the summer. Take the horseradish root, wash it thoroughly and clean it from the top layer. For the bath spine should be thinly cut, preferably strips. Dry the plant, wrap it in a newspaper and put it in a dark place. Dried roots do not deteriorate, so they can be used and 1-2 years after the stocks were made.

Recommendation: Dried roots can be stored, but the prepared broth should not be, because the smell evaporates and the useful substances break up.

Useful recipes for the steam room

Horseradish is often used as a means for aromatizing water in a therma. Fresh leaves should be filled with hot water and held for about 30 minutes. After the product must be filtered through gauze, so that parts of the plant do not fall into the infusion. Obtained water should be periodically poured on the glowing stones, so that the aroma of horseradish constantly stood in the steam room.

Brew horseradish in wooden containers, so you will get a more saturated and natural aroma.

You can prepare the infusion from dried roots. Only hold in hot water they will have at least 60 minutes, and preferably 2-3 hours. If you stay in a steam bath, your eyes are very watery, then the infusion was too concentrated. Just dilute it with warm water and continue to use.

Tip: You can slightly dilute the aroma by alternating a decoction of horseradish with bread kvass.

There is one common and ancient recipe that allows you to get a good curative broth that will not irritate the eyes. For 4 liters of water, take 2 roots and 1 sheet of horseradish, boil and cook for about half an hour. Then the broth should be cooled, add to it 2 tablespoons of spray and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Despite the fact that the horseradish is aggressive enough, the last recipe is useful even to children( if there are no general contraindications to visiting the steam room).The smell turns out soft and pleasant, does not cut eyes and does not cause irritation.

Also aromatized water for the steam room can be prepared on the basis of several plants. Take horseradish, mint, thyme and eucalyptus. Pour boiling water and steam for about half an hour. Strain the resulting broth and use for a bath.

Tip: Prepare the product in advance and pour a little on the stones for 20-30 minutes before going to the steam room. So you immediately feel the aroma of herbs and disinfect air in the bath.

Are there any contraindications?

If you carry the smell of herbs, then you can steam yourself with horseradish. Naturally, the contraindication for such a therapeutic rest are general warnings when visiting a bath. These are some skin diseases, fever, internal diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, lung problems. If you are on the account of someone from the doctors, before going to the bath, consult and get permission to visit the steam room.

Herpes zoster looks like

Herpes zoster can be localized on any part of the body, more often in the intercostal area. At similar rashes visiting of a bath is strictly counter-indicative.

Bath with horseradish is a universal and affordable way to maintain your health. The main thing is to approach this kind of rest with the mind and being in the steam room to closely monitor your health, because even the most resistant man can experience a sudden change of pressure or worsen his state of health when overheating, especially if you visit the steam room seldom.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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