- How useful psyllium for hemorrhoids
- Contraindications
- Application forms for hemorrhoids
- The best recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids
It is not customary to speak about this ailment aloud, but one can not keep silent about it either. Strong pains and severe discomfort do not give rest and significantly reduce the quality of human life. The patient, having knocked down his legs, runs around pharmacies in search of the best medicine and does not even suspect how well a simple plantain from hemorrhoids can help. The plant is recognized as an official medicine and is used in complex therapy and prevention of hemorrhoids of the rectum.
Than useful plantain for hemorrhoids
Medicinal herb growing along roads and on wastelands, has unique medicinal properties and is widely used in non-traditional medicine of different countries. From a scientific point of view, the most effective plantain is large and fleecy. Both species grow in huge numbers on the territory of Russia, so there are never problems with the purchase of raw materials.
The healing properties of plantain in hemorrhoids are based on its rich phytochemical composition. All parts of the plant contain a lot of useful substances:
- flavonoids - have antibacterial activity, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, prevent the development of infection;
- essential oils, natural bitterness - relieve irritation of tissues;
- vitamins and trace elements - strengthen the walls of the vessels, tone up;
- alkaloids - eliminate bleeding;
- phenols, tannins - have anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.
Warning. Due to the rich composition, the plant improves the production of gastric secretion, strengthens motor function, softens stool and facilitates their evacuation.
Plantain juice is used to eliminate itching and inflammation, healing of rectum walls, reducing bleeding from the hemorrhoids. From the leaves and seeds of the plant prepare medicinal broths, squeeze out the juice, and dry raw materials are ground and used to sprinkle wounds.
In addition, the fruit of the plantain is an effective laxative, softening and enveloping fecal masses. As a result, the walls of the rectum are less traumatically affected, and the symptoms of hemorrhoids subside.
But, like any medical preparation, psyllium has contraindications, which must be remembered. Therefore, do not use a natural remedy without first consulting a doctor.
In most cases, plantain is safe and it is often recommended for use in pregnant women. However, in some cases, the plant can be harmful:
- Do not use the drug for patients with increased blood coagulability and a tendency to thrombosis.
- With gastritis with secretory activity, plantain is taken orally with great caution.
People prone to allergies, therapy should begin with a test for sensitivity.
Forms of application for hemorrhoids
Plantain in the treatment of hemorrhoids are used in different versions. There are a lot of recipes, so everyone can choose the most convenient and acceptable.
Healing decoction
A mandatory component in the treatment of hemorrhoids is a decoction from different parts of the plant. The drug is taken orally, it is based on microclysters and sedentary baths, used for lotions.
Prepare a decoction simply:
- Dry or fresh raw material is poured with boiling water and kept on low heat for 10-11 minutes.
- Then remove the dishes from the plate and press for 1 hour.
- The resulting infusion is filtered, heated and used for its intended purpose.
Tip. Unused residue can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, but it is better to prepare a fresh preparation for each application.
To prepare a sedentary bath brew at least 3 liters of infusion, mix with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and sit in the solution for 15-20 minutes.
Procedures are recommended to be done twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. The medicinal broth should be slightly hot, but not burning. Baths are used for hemorrhoids without bleeding and dropped hemorrhoids.Microclysters
Another excellent tool for the treatment of delicate disease. Microclysters with psyllium are indicated for weak hemorrhoidal bleedings and small anal fissures. Injection of a warm broth is done after each act of defecation. If the inflammatory process has passed to the acute stage, the number of procedures is increased to 5-6 times a day.
Attention. Microclysters are not carried out with falling internal nodes and the presence of external hemorrhoidal formations.
For the procedure use a small syringe, which collects 45-50 ml of warm decoction. To the event passed quickly and painlessly, the tip of the pear is smeared with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil.
Lotion from decoction of plantain medicinal is used for the loss of hemorrhoids and perianal veins outwards. In a warm solution, a cotton swab or a folded gauze is moistened, a little squeezed and applied to the protruding formation.
Keep the lotion for at least half an hour. The procedure is repeated several times a day until symptoms are eliminated or complete recovery. To treat hemorrhoids, you can use fresh leaves of plantain. They are thoroughly washed, kneaded until juice is obtained and applied to the dropped out knots.
For prophylaxis proctologists recommend conducting several courses of lotions during the year. Particularly useful are such measures for people leading a sedentary lifestyle and office workers.
Very effective from hemorrhoids juice of plantain. For its preparation fresh leaves are well washed, dried and passed through a meat grinder or blender. From the resulting squash squeeze the juice.
Tip. For long-term storage concentrate is pasteurized over low heat and hot poured into sterilized jars. The containers are tightly capped and stored in a refrigerator.
Juice is used to make ointments and rectal suppositories, make compresses on the fallen nodes and take it inside.
Ointments and suppositories
Excellent means of local hemorrhoids. The close contact of the drug substance with the affected tissues allows you to quickly eliminate pain, itching and burning in the anus, stop bleeding.
Ointment from plantain is prepared on the basis of Vaseline, fat or butter. The most effective is the drug, which includes beeswax. Apply the mixture as needed, but it is desirable after another act of defecation.
For suppositories use pure juice or add to it additional ingredients that have a healing, cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. Freshly squeezed plantain concentrate is poured into fingertips or fingers of a medical glove and placed in a freezer.
The received candle is injected into the anus daily before bedtime or more often according to the doctor's indications. A cold suppository relieves pain, relieves inflammation, stops bleeding. As far as dissolution, all useful substances and trace elements are gradually absorbed into the affected tissues.
Tip. Frozen juice retains healing properties until the spring, so stock up on candles for the whole year.
As an emergency aid for hemorrhoids, if it is not possible to prepare a decoction or squeeze juice, it is recommended to use a fresh plantain leaf. He is turned into a turunda and injected into the anus. The remedy heals cracks on the walls of the rectum and softens the hemorrhoids.
To get a good effect from treatment with psyllium, it is necessary to follow certain rules:
- all therapeutic procedures are performed only after rinsing the anus with soap and water;
- by introducing a suppository or by placing microclysters, you should lie on one side and stay in that position for 30 minutes;
The best recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids
There are a lot of recipes in the archives of traditional medicine that help to eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Consider the most effective and popular ones:
- Decoction of leaves of plantain, chamomile pharmacy, oak bark, St. John's wort and horsetail helps even with chronic hemorrhoids. All components are mixed in a proportion of 1 to 1, pour boiling water and insist in a thermos 8-10 hours. A ready-made drink is filtered and taken 50 ml before meals. From the same infusion, lotions and baths are made.
- In case of severe irritation of the rectum walls, herbalists recommend boil in the leaves of fresh or dried plants and insist. The obtained agent is used for microclysters and lotions.
- Another great recipe with plantain from hemorrhoids is the infusion of seeds. The remedy is used to improve gastrointestinal motility and eliminate constipation. The ready-made, jelly-like mass is consumed in a warm form 3 times a day.
- Pineapple leaves are poured with boiling water for 2 minutes, they are removed and laid out in several layers on the surface of the bandage. Warm lotion is placed on the hemorrhoids for 12-15 minutes. The treatment course is 10 days. After a break, the procedure can be repeated.
All recipes with a medicinal plant are recommended to be combined and used only as an additional measure to drug therapy. Before starting treatment, consult a specialist.
The use of psyllium against hemorrhoids is especially effective in the early stages of the disease. The plant will help to remove unpleasant symptoms and accelerate recovery, and will also be an excellent preventive tool. For the best result, it is desirable to supplement natural medicines with a balanced diet, exercise and refusal of bad habits.
Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation with a proctologist is necessary.