Wormwood from bedbugs - we expel parasites by a proven method

  1. Tough grass from our childhood
  2. Unpleasant, but the fact is bedbugs in the house. What is the reason for the appearance?
  3. Why are bedbugs looking for people?
  4. How to find bedbugs in your home?
  5. We struggle with bedbugs by the folk method

Thermal time of the year is always different emotions, unfortunately, not all of them are positive. Impressions from the summer can spoil the insects, and if to mosquitoes we have long been accustomed to, they can buy funds at every step and for adults and children, then the bugs are not familiar to everyone. Agree, very few people think about these parasites until they collide, and the world has become so urbanized that now in modern houses and apartments there are few different parasites. But still the fact remains, bugs can be, and we traditionally disassemble popular methods of struggle, and today it is wormwood from bedbugs.


Tough grass from our childhood

Modern people have become far from nature, and from the world of plants even more so. Not everyone knows how chicory, calendula flowers blossom, and there's nothing to say, the legendary spicy wormwood is also not remembered by everyone. Whether it was in childhood - we all went to summer or lived in the countryside, where were our beloved grandmothers, grandfathers.

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That's where there was a bank of experience, knowledge, culinary delights in the form of pies, pancakes. And, of course, all our ancestors knew a lot of folk methods, which both from the sickness will save, and from parasites, and simply feed in difficult times.

Artemisia is used for centuries to fight insects

What's time to fix the situation, with wormwood, then get acquainted again. After all, it is useful not only for its health properties, of course, with proper use, but also from a number of delicate problems in the form of bedbugs, fleas and other insects, wormwood can save. You see the traditional grass in the photo, we think, everyone now remembered who forgot how the legendary plant looks. So, to deal with the problem, you need to find out why it arose.

For information! There are a lot of types of bedbugs, not all of them are harmful for us, and there are even useful ones. How? In nature, there is a kind that destroys its fellow humans, thereby saving crops from death and spoilage.

Unpleasant, but the fact is bedbugs in the house. What is the reason for the appearance?

You are in shock because of the unpleasant insects at home, because you always watch for its hygiene, and the reasons for the appearance simply, in your opinion, could not be. If this is so, then do not worry, you might not even know where the threat could come from. So, why there are bugs in the house:

  • from the parasites modern apartments are not insured, since insects can develop colonies in the basement, in unscrupulous neighbors, they are very small and can freely enter through small cracks;
  • you bought antiques, an old collection of books, brought a grandmother's chest of drawers from the dacha and so on;
  • you could grab parasites from vacation - on the train, after buying some things, from a number of passing people;
  • animals. One of the most common causes of falling bugs in the house and not only them;
  • guests, rented accommodation, going to the hospital;Rodents and birds.
Bugs are a threat to the health and peace of mind

Are you amazed? Already think, but will wormwood help with bedbugs in the apartment or have to look for pest control? It will help if to act competently and on time. But more on this later, first you need to identify the parasites and understand that they caused your nervous shocks and physical discomfort.

Why do bugs search for people?

Well, everything is simple here - they are bloodsuckers. Their life depends on the presence of blood, and the smell of it they feel very well even through our skin. Therefore, most often bugs settle right next to us, attack more often at night, and best of all they live under the bed and in it. These places should be carefully examined first if someone bites you. After all, it may just be banal mosquitoes. Unpleasant insects drink blood

Good to know! Not only wormwood from bedbugs helps, but also from other insects both in the house and in the garden plot. It is useful for novice truck farmers to know that infusion on wormwood can drive away aphids, midges, caterpillars and even serve as fertilizer.

And as you understand, bedbugs do not just live side by side like cockroaches, spoil the mood and frighten their kind, they just eat, if I may say so, you. And in this there is a danger, because through the blood can be infected by so many, while dangerous, diseases. Yes, and just put the infection, combing the bite, it's very simple, after which the suppuration begins. It is not even worth talking about children, everyone understands that bedbugs in the neighborhood are a threat to health.

At the same time they are very prolific, and if you do not take action on time, then it will be difficult for you to manage alone, you will have to spend material resources for the purchase of a new mattress, carpets and other household items. Also, you will have to call the disinfection services, go through the examination in the hospital to check if the insects have caused harm to your health and your children. So, wormwood against bedbugs can help you, but that will give you parasites, and where to put it.

How to find bedbugs in your home?

You can understand that you became a victim of parasites by the following obvious signs:

  • bites, but they are very typical for bedbugs, because they look like punctures in the form of a path, all because there are many foci, because parasites can bite repeatedly due toan anesthetic that is in their saliva;
  • in the apartment there is an unpleasant and typical smell. It is often said that cheap cognac smells like bugs. At the same time, you can recognize this smell, once felt, everywhere afterwards;
  • after "dinner" at night the individuals become very large and can be seen easily with the naked eye;
  • here and there you meet black dots like poppies - the products of life;
  • in the seams, openings, under the bed, you can see the dead insects, as well as their peel, which they often discard as they molt;
  • Well, the last thing is to see first hand, and what the bugs look like, you can see not the photo above. We have already said that first of all, examine the place of your sleep, parasites are always selected as close as possible.

Tip! If your bed was heavily infested with bedbugs, then after removing the parasites you better get rid of the mattress, since the eggs in it will still be preserved. The bed itself should be thoroughly treated with disinfectants.

So, as you could understand by now, bedbugs can live even in a clean apartment on the high floors of modern houses, they are always near people, their bites are not sick, but itch in the morning, and parasites can cause infection. What's time to move on to action and lay out wormwood from bedbugs. How to do it right to get rid of once and for all?

A simple bunch of grass should be in the house of every

We fight with bedbugs folk method

Kills wormwood or chases away?

At once you can be a little disappointed - the grass, although very effective, but it does not kill the colony of insects. They just do not tolerate spicy aroma and try to avoid the source. But if you just lay out a bunch of wormwood in one place, then again parasites will appear again soon. First, if they are hungry, then they will overcome their dislike of the grass, and secondly, wormwood does not kill and can not drive away the laid eggs, it is obvious. Therefore, if you just put one bundle, and think that all the parasites are gone forever, then this is not true.

Integrated measures

So before you spread the grass, you will not have one beam, find the foci and treat them with disinfectants, throw out or give dry-cleaning mattresses, carpets, all the fabric details in a baby cot, and wash your bed at hightemperatures and thoroughly iron with steam. Next, you need to under all the cabinets, beds, tables to conduct a good cleaning with special disinfectants, which are in the arsenal of each landlady.

Remember, we talked about the reasons. Eliminate them, if possible, find out more information about neighbors, since if there is a reason in them, then there is a great risk that bedbugs can return from time to time. And even one female can breed a huge colony. Throw out or process things that could become a source. Yes, you have to work hard, and we will not tell you that wormwood from bedbugs is a wonderful panacea that will instantly save you from insects.

We spread the grass

The most fragrant wormwood is the one that blooms in the beginning of summer, that is, the young one. Always store a couple of bunches of grass just in case, it's so simple. When you have done everything we recommended to you, it's time to lay out the fragrant grass. You must put it under the bed, under the cupboards, under the mattress, under the tables. You can also put sagebrush in a bag and in a wardrobe with clothes that will drive away even the moth. Spicy herbs clean the air, fill it with a special aroma, which at first will be very tart, but later becomes less tangible. But believe me, insects have an excellent sense of smell, and they will still feel it.

Important! For prevention and greater efficiency, change the bunches to fresh ones more often during the warm period, and also every new season, of course, by conducting wet cleaning. It will also save you from allergies to dust.

So, we hope, we answered the question whether wormwood helps bugs. Yes, if everything is done correctly and quickly. In this case your house will be clean, fresh, and no insects are terrible to him.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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