Do you know which side to apply the plantain to a sore spot?

Bruises, bruises, abrasions and burns - with such trouble faced by everyone, but for babies broken elbows and knees - this is generally a common thing. Coping with an unfortunate accident was often helped by plain grass, growing along the roadsides. I tore off the leaf, pressed it to the wound and everything is all right. And did anyone ever wonder which side to apply the plantain to the sore spot? And does it really help? Maybe it's all a myth? Let's understand.

What side of the plantain?

Healing properties and indications for use

Plantain is a valuable medicinal plant distributed throughout the globe. However, many consider it to be a common weed and do not believe that roadside grass is able to heal no worse than a patented medicine. What is the unique power of a plant?

A plantain leaf helps a lot with abrasions, bruises and small wounds

As a result of long-term phytochemical studies it is proved that the plantain has wound-healing, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. The juice of the plant is especially effective in this respect.

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Warning. Freshly squeezed juice has a pronounced hemostatic and antiseptic effect.

A leaf attached to a sore spot, perfectly disinfects affected tissues, anesthetizes, draws pus and accelerates healing. Due to such unique properties, plantain has found wide application in the treatment of the following injuries and damages:

  • bruises, bruises, abrasions and scratches;
  • purulent wounds and boils;
  • cuts;
  • burns;
  • corns.

If an accident happened and you fell, burned or injured, do not rush to the pharmacy. Look around and find the plantain bush.

Rules for using

So, how to apply the plant? Tearing off the juicy leaf, remove the stalk and rinse well. If this is not possible, just clean it of dust and debris. Do not put a dirty plantain on the wound.

Only the well-rinsed plant

is applied to the affected area. The leaf should be slightly wrinkled in the hands until the juice appears and, after attaching it to the affected area, it is well to press and secure with a bandage. For a better therapeutic effect, the plant is recommended to grind: pass through a meat grinder or finely chop.

Tip. Change the natural medicine should be as the leaf plate is drying and thinning. This means that the plantain gave all his strength to heal the wound.

On the first day of applying a fresh bandage it is desirable in 3-4 hours, in the second and subsequent - as necessary. During the treatment period, it is necessary to observe the condition of the skin in a sore spot. If there is redness, itching, swelling - plantain is better to remove.

How to apply?

We most often use the plant without even thinking whether it is right. Which side should the plantain apply to the sore spot?

Herbalists recommend applying a plantain to the wound with a sunny side
Folk healers advise using a sheet, pressing it with the top plane to the wound. Although, logically judging, it becomes clear that the party does not play any role. After all, the juice of the plant has a healing effect.

Recipes for application of

To treat wounds with plantain more effective, you should prepare medicinal herb for use. Practice two ways of using:

  1. One-piece sheet. Well washed and rumpled before the appearance of juice plantain in several layers are applied to the affected area and fixed with a bandage.
  2. Shredded plant. Fresh leaves are passed through a meat grinder, obtained gruel impregnate gauze and superimposed on the wound.

The second method is more effective and is used for extensive skin lesions.

Tip. If you rub your foot on the road and do not have a bactericidal plaster on hand, do not get discouraged. Tear off the leaf of plantain. The plant not only protects the skin from further damage, but also relieves pain.

Not everyone knows that the plantain can be used for burns. On the affected area is imposed as a solid leaf, and gruel. The plant helps to relieve pain and inflammation, quickly heals the skin without blistering. Use fresh leaves and with insect bites. It perfectly removes itching and pain.

The shredded sheet is applied to extensive wounds and burns.

To preserve the healing properties of plantain for the long winter months, you can make a tincture on alcohol. To do this, a 3-liter jar is tightly stuffed with fresh leaves and filled to the top with vodka. The mixture is removed to a dark place and used as needed.

Other ways of making the tincture can be learned from the video:

Apply for the treatment of wounds and dry leaves. They are previously steamed and put on a sore spot, fastened with a bandage.

Do not pass by the plantain. The plant is indispensable for the treatment of small wounds, cuts, bruises and insect bites. Not all medications can give such a result in such a short time. And the absence of contraindications and side effects from external use makes it the best medicine for children and pregnant women.

Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of a specialist is mandatory.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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