Primer: what is it, how to use it

  • What is the primer
  • Classification
  • Popular brands
  • Application technique

When performing the build-up, the primer for the nails is an indispensable tool. It is used to ensure a good connection of the material to the plate. Also it is often used in the strengthening of nail gel. However, not everyone understands what this tool is for and how to apply it.

What is a primer

It is a liquid or gel without color and odor. The primer is applied directly to the nails after treatment. It involves polishing, smoothing the edges and moving away the cuticles.

The composition has pronounced drying and disinfecting properties. At the same time, the process of dehydration of the nail plate is rather gentle, the tool affects only the top layer.

As a result of the application it is possible to avoid disturbance of water balance and dehydration of the nail.

In most cases, the product is sold in bottles made of dark glass. This helps make it more durable. In the tank there is a special brush for applying. That is why the composition in appearance resembles nail polish.

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Why do I need a primer for a gel of a varnish? This substance solves many important tasks:

  • this composition prevents the detachment of the gel layer;
  • improves the connection of an artificial compound with a fingernail;
  • excellent degreasing nails, has pronounced drying and disinfecting properties;
  • removes grease and dirt from nails;
  • prepares nails for gel or acrylic building.

Because professionals always use a primer before doing a manicure. Moreover, this liquid is excellent for gel and acrylic build-up.

Classification of

In cosmetology, there are a number of primers, in particular prep, acid-free, acidic. Each of these liquids has characteristic properties and performs various functions:

  1. Pre-primer. This agent is usually a supplement to the use of acidic or acid-free composition. Prep is applied at the very beginning, after which they pass to stronger substances. This product perfectly degreases the nails and helps to get rid of moisture from the outer layer. However, the water balance remains normal, which positively affects the condition of the nails. In the composition of such a substance there are no dyes and flavors completely, and therefore women who are allergic to it can use it. Sometimes the composition is used before the application of ordinary varnish in order to prolong the durability of the manicure.
  2. Acidless primer. This tool is actively used in the performance of gel build-up. It allows you to cope with the fat coating of nails. In addition, an acid-free primer easily removes pathogenic microorganisms and perfectly dries the nail plate, helping to get rid of excess moisture. It also has a positive effect on the nail structure. Due to the use of such a composition it is possible to avoid detachment and cracking of artificial nails. With proper application it is possible to achieve the same good results as with primers with acid. This means does not lead to a discoloration of the material and does not produce a negative effect on the skin.
    Nevertheless, experts advise avoiding the primer on the cuticle, because with increased sensitivity of the skin, irritation may appear.
  3. Acid primer. The agent contains methacrylic acid. This liquid is usually used in acrylic build-up. This type of primer has the same mechanism of action as other drugs. Due to the presence of special substances in it, the scales of the outer layer of the nail are raised, which improves their connection with the coating. Due to the increased acidity, this product perfectly dries the nails, because it is actively used for high fat plates. However, the remedy is contraindicated in cases of severe damage to the nails. In addition, it is important to consider that if it gets on the skin, it can provoke a strong irritation. After applying the substance to the nail the latter is covered with a special coating. This indicates that the drug has dried up well and can be upgraded. It is important to consider that hurry is not recommended. If the primer dries poorly, it can change the color of the material and even make it more fragile.

Popular brands

Currently, a wide range of primers is represented in specialized stores. Because any girl can be confused when choosing this tool. The most popular and popular products include:

  1. Primer Bluesky. This tool is considered, perhaps, the most common representative of this category. It is used in the treatment of gel, as it is well distributed over the surface. In addition, the Bluskai primer does not include harmful components - formaldehyde or toluene. This is why this product does not lead to burns or irritations. However, it must be applied in compliance with all recommendations.
  2. Acidless primer Le Vole Ultra Bond. This product is a safe primer that is used to coat nails with acrylic or gel. If this primer falls on soft tissue, you can not be afraid - it does not provoke the appearance of a burn or irritation. Due to the harmless composition, it does not break the structure of the nails and does not lead to a change in the pH balance.
  3. Primer Lady Victory. The product is used for subsequent treatment of nails with a special biogel. This substance has absolutely safe composition, and therefore it can be used for the treatment of nails and protection from the materials used.
Before you decide on a particular tool, you need to study the composition of the primer. Equally important is the technique of applying the product.

When choosing a primer, you should consider not only its cost. Be sure to buy funds of well-known brands. If you give preference to a little-known brand, you can seriously damage your nails.

Application technique

In order for the primer to produce shellac results, you need to master the technique of applying it. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to move the cuticles slightly.

Important is the treatment of nail plates with a saw - this procedure will help get rid of shine. Then the brush should clean the nails of dust, and you can go on applying the primer. For this it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Dial a small amount of the tool on the brush. Excess liquid to brush off the neck of the vial or get wet with a napkin.
  2. Starting to process the nail is needed from the middle. To do this, it is recommended to apply a brush and allow the medium to spread evenly over the surface. It is important to ensure that the substance does not get on the skin. If this happens, it should be wiped well with a damp cloth.
  3. Because the primer is applied very thinly, do not cover the nail too much. This can lead to the opposite effect.
  4. Then you should wait for the complete drying of the product and you can proceed to the application of the coating.

Many girls are wondering whether a primer is needed for gel-varnish and what can be replaced. In this situation, there are several solutions. For example, nails can be completely degreased with acetone or alcohol, this will improve their connection with the material. In addition, it is permissible to use a little vinegar.

However, in any case, it must be remembered that in this case there is a threat of detachment of the artificial nail.

This is due to the fact that the listed products can not lift the scales of the nail, as a primer. That's why professional masters still can not do without the use of this product.

Primer with confidence can be called an indispensable tool for building. It lifts the scales of the upper layer of the nail plate, which improves its connection with the artificial material. In order not to cause harm to one's health, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions for using the primer.


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Base for make-up. Primer
Svetlana Sokolova: is the primer acidic or acid-free?
  • Mar 08, 2018
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