Application of mint stems - useful properties and therapeutic effect

During flowering, biologically active substances accumulate not only in the leaves of mint, but also in its hollow tetrahedral stems. The vegetable raw material collected and dried by all rules is used for the preparation of fragrant tea, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The use of stems of mint is topical for angina pectoris, cholelithiasis, hyperacid gastritis. A useful perennial plant has a pronounced soothing effect, helping to eliminate increased anxiety and nervous excitability. The stems of mint contain more tannic compounds and bitterness, which should be taken into account when brewing tea and preparing a decoction.

During the preparation of medicinal raw materials, the leaves should not be cut off from the mint leaves, as this will decrease the therapeutic effectiveness of the tea.

Harvesting of plant raw materials

In all parts of the medicinal plant, a large amount of essential oil accumulates at the beginning of the budding period. It easily decomposes with high humidity and direct sunlight, therefore, during the collection of mint stems, you should follow certain rules:

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  • harvest plant in dry weather;
  • cut tender stems only at noon time after evaporation from the leaves of drops of dew.

It is better to prepare for harvesting after the plant has formed a lot of light purple buds on the spicate inflorescence. It is at this time in the young stems concentrated a large number of flavonoids, phytoncides, mucous substances, vitamins and trace elements.

Recommendation: Mint leaves can be collected almost throughout the summer, but it is not desirable to harvest stems after flowering. They coarsen, thicken, which adversely affects the therapeutic effectiveness, causes difficulties in processing and brewing plant material.


After harvesting, you need to quickly start drying, otherwise putrefactive processes will arise in the plant mass. Stems can not be washed and cut off from them leaves, as in the future when brewing tea is best to use all parts of mint. Plants need to be spread in a layer of 5 cm in a dry shaded place - under a canopy or in an attic. Medicinal raw materials should be well blown by the wind for rapid evaporation of moisture. Is it possible to dry mint stems in the oven:

  • such a treatment option is acceptable if the temperature regime is maintained within 35-40 ° C;
  • in a very heated oven, there will be partial destruction and evaporation of the essential oil.

During drying it is necessary to stir up medicinal raw materials, and also in due time to remove from it the decayed parts. Stems of mint are ready for brewing tea after 5-7 days.

Drying and storing mint stems can be in the form of suspended whipstocks in a dry, well-ventilated room.


Warning: You should not collect plants near large roads, industrial complexes, incineration plants. In such stems, there are many toxic chemical compounds.

Vegetable raw materials must be stored at a temperature of 22-25 ° C in a place protected from direct sunlight. Stems of mint can be spread out in cardboard boxes, tightly closed with lids. But the most optimal variant of storage of medicinal raw materials is linen bags with strings. If the stems of mint are prepared for use in a sauna or a sauna, it is better to immediately form small brooms and hang them on the wall.

Useful properties and application of

On the question of patients about whether it is possible to use stems of mint in therapy of pathologies, doctors give a positive answer. They contain no less useful compounds than in leaves and flowers. Due to the presence of mint in the stems of high concentration of menthol, all the beverages prepared from them have a vasodilating effect. This useful property is used to rapidly reduce blood pressure and slow heart rate in arrhythmias. Tea and decoction effectively reduce the severity of pain localized in various parts of the human body:

  • dental;
  • head;
  • of the stomach.

The structure of stems includes bioflavonoids - biologically active substances, which can normalize blood circulation and improve microcirculation. This is especially true in the treatment of allergies, sprains, bruises, burns.

Tip: An infusion used in the form of lotions or compresses helps to improve the blood supply of damaged tissues with nutrient compounds and molecular oxygen necessary for accelerated tissue regeneration.

For fresh and dried mint stems, the following therapeutic properties are also characteristic:

  • removal of sand from the gall bladder, dissolution of large and small concrements;
  • cupping of inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of psychoemotional instability;
  • improved sleep and improved sleep quality;
  • decrease in severity and prevention of dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation.

Phytoestrogens contained in stems of mint help women during the natural menopause to cope with tides, neuroses, dizziness. Normalization of the hormonal background after the use of mint tea is used to relieve pain during menstruation.

Young tender mint stems are used to treat respiratory and intestinal infections, heart diseases and urinary organs

Methods of application

For the treatment of gynecological, gastric, cardiovascular pathologies, a decoction or tea from young mint stems is used. You can prepare them by the following recipes:

  • Tea. In the tea, put two crushed fresh stems or a teaspoon with a slide of dry grass and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. After half an hour, extract the infusion, if desired add honey and lemon;
  • Decoction. In an enamel saucepan pour a tablespoon of dry or fresh shredded stems, pour a glass of boiling water. Soak a few minutes over low heat and strain.

If fresh raw materials are used for the preparation of drinks, they will contain more essential oil, and when brewing dry plants a strong infusion will be obtained, saturated with tannic substances and bitterness. Daily use of 2 times a day after eating 100 ml of decoction or 200 ml of tea from stems of mint will help to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Warning: Mint drinks can not be used to treat hypoacid gastritis, venous expansion of veins, individual sensitivity to plant essential oil.

  • Mar 08, 2018
  • 84
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