- Chemical composition and useful properties
- Procurement of medicinal raw materials
- Application and medicinal action
Gentle with fine citrus scent leaves of Chinese magnolia vine are used in official and folk medicine to strengthen the defenses of the human body. Regular use of fragrant tea with a tart taste will help to avoid respiratory diseases during the off-season, to prevent the development of intestinal infections in the warm season. Leaves of lemongrass are saturated with biologically active substances, which have a diverse positive influence on the functioning of all vital systems. But they can also become a source of health problems, therefore, before brewing fragrant tea, you should consult a doctor about the safety of its use.
Chemical composition and useful properties of
Virtually all medicinal properties of the leaves of Schizandra determine the presence in their chemical composition of lignans. These organic compounds exhibit antioxidant activity. They prevent the destruction of free radicals of body cells, prevent premature aging of tissues. Lignins also possess the properties of phytoestrogens.
The course reception of tea from the leaves of Schisandra gradually normalizes the hormonal background, restores the optimal functioning of the endocrine glands:
- of the pituitary gland;
- of the adrenal gland;
- of the ovaries;
- of the thyroid gland.
Gynecologists recommend the use of any form of perennial vine to eliminate the negative symptoms of natural menopause and premenstrual syndrome. What other biological active substances pass during brewing in tea from leaves of Chinese magnolia vine:
- vitamins of group B, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, retinol, tocopherol;
- microelements - nickel, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, potassium;
- bioflavonoids;
- phytoncides;
- tannins.
Leaves of magnolia vine contain many useful organic acids( malic, benzoic, citric, oxalic), which accelerate metabolic processes.
It's interesting: The qualitative and quantitative chemical compositions of magnolia vine and ginseng are quite similar. Alcohol tinctures and water infusions of these plants are recommended to take to enhance mental and motor activity.
Procurement of medicinal raw materials
Chinese lemongrass grows in northern latitudes - in eastern Siberia and the Far East. These regions are characterized by a harsh climate, a long winter and a short summer. To survive in such unfavorable conditions, Schizandra accumulates a huge amount of nutrient and biologically active compounds. They are necessary for comfortable wintering, spring flowering and abundant autumn fruiting.
Tip: During the preparation of leaves of magnolia vine, it is necessary to enrich the composition of plant raw materials with pieces of shoots, seeds and wilted fruits. This composition of tea has the maximum therapeutic effectiveness.
The region where the gardener lives will become a clue when collecting leaves of magnolia vine for tea. In southern latitudes the tree liana forms buds already in the middle of spring, and in northern regions the flowering period is postponed to the beginning of summer. It is at this time in the Schizandra that the greatest concentration of substances useful to humans accumulates. The collection should be started, as soon as the structure of the light-green leaves becomes a little fleshy, they will find a dim gloss. Vegetable raw material can be cut with a garden pruner, but it's best to just pick off the hands from the shoots that are intended for removal. This method will allow you to prepare a lot of leaves and at the same time not to weaken the vine.
To maximize all the notes of fragrant tea, fermentation of leaves of Schisandra is necessary. When it is carried out, disintegration of carbohydrates occurs, release of tarry substances and essential oils. This method of treatment will allow you to get a drink of saturated amber color and tart flavor when brewing. Before you ferment the leaves of Schizandra, it should be rinsed, dried and must wilt for a couple of hours. During this time the raw material is slightly wrinkled, will lose its elasticity. Now you can proceed with further processing:
- Each sheet is slightly rubbed between the palms and twisted into a tube to destroy the structure of the tissues, release moisture and essential oil.
- Prepare the prepared tubes in an enamel or glass container and crush until juice starts to separate.
- Cover the dishes with a linen cloth and leave in a warm dry place for 7-10 hours.
After the fermentation is completed, each twisted sheet must be cut with a knife or scissors into several parts, the thickness of which should not exceed half a centimeter. Now it is necessary to cover the pan with food foil and spread a thin layer of plant raw materials on it. How to dry the leaves of magnolia vine for tea:
- For one and a half hours, wither raw at 100 ° C, stirring constantly.
- Reduce the temperature to 50 ° C and keep the leaves in the oven until they start to break.
- Cool the raw material and pour it into a canvas bag for drying in the open air for 2-3 days.
Store fragrant tea leaves in a ceramic or dark glass container with a sealed lid. You can make tea immediately after drying, but the most flavorful and healthy drink comes from raw materials stored in a dark place for a month.
In folk medicine, leaves of magnolia vine are used to treat diseases in the form of fermented brewing, dry or fresh plant material. The main rule of use - medicinal drinks can not be taken in the afternoon, as the probability of problems with falling asleep is very high. But a cup of fragrant infusion or broth during breakfast or lunch will improve mental and physical performance. The recipe for tea from Schisandra is quite simple:
- In a ceramic kettle put 0.5 teaspoons of tea leaves( crushed dry leaves) or 2-3 large fresh leaves.
- Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour.
- Cool and drink 150-200 ml twice daily after meals.
Traditional healers recommend that before brewing lemongrass with boiling water, add a pinch of green or large-leaf black tea. This drink invigorates, improves appetite and digestion. To increase the therapeutic effectiveness, you can put in the tea a stick of cinnamon, a slice of lemon, flower honey, sliced fruit or berries. And the addition of a teaspoon grated fresh ginger root will avoid infection with viral and bacterial respiratory infections. To prepare a medicinal decoction follows this recipe:
- In a small saucepan add a tablespoon of dry raw materials or put 6-7 fresh leaves.
- Add 300 ml of hot water and simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.
Strain broth and store in the refrigerator. For the prevention and treatment of pathologies, you need to use 3 tablespoons of broth three times a day, regardless of the time of eating.
to the kettle. Application and medicinal action of
Bioactive compounds of the plant take a direct part in fat metabolism. The use of leaves of magnolia vine helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the veins, arteries and capillaries. At the same time, the level of triglycerides required for the active functioning of the cardiovascular system increases in the blood vessels. For the leaves of Schizandra, the following therapeutic properties are characteristic:
- acceleration of tissue regeneration;
- increased visual acuity, including at night;
- decrease in blood glucose level;
- improved digestion;
- antidiarrheal;
- toning;
- is antimicrobial;
- is immunostimulatory.
Recommendation: All parts of lignified ligne are used in folk medicine as an adaptogen. Regular use of fragrant tea increases the resistance of a person to the adverse effect of internal and external factors.
Arterial hypotension
Leaves of magnolia vine at high pressure are strictly prohibited. But the hypotonic use of fragrant tea will only benefit. Due to the toning effect of the drink in people with low blood pressure, blood circulation improves, the heart rate is normalized. The course of tea will reduce the severity of symptoms of hypotension: rapid fatigue, headaches, drowsiness and apathy.Purification of the stomach and intestines
Polysaccharides, in a significant amount contained in leaves of magnolia vine, clean the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins. They adsorb on their surface accumulated in the digestive organs, the products of the decomposition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and then evacuate them with caloric masses. This ability of medicinal raw materials is used by folk healers to eliminate the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the therapy of pathologies, which are accompanied by dyspeptic disorders - pancreatitis, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome.
Broth of leaves of magnolia vine is saturated with microelements, phytoncides and organic acids. This combination of bioactive compounds allows men to normalize urination when diagnosing the following pathologies:
- prostatitis;
- benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The diuretic property of the decoction helps to sanitize the cavity of the prostate, to remove from it pathogenic bacteria, to stop inflammation.
Warning: Tea and a decoction of leaves of Schizandra can not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. The medicinal plant is not used in the therapy of children, people with chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular and urinary system.