Lime tea is one of the best beverages that nature can give to us, taking care of our health. In Russia, the linden tree was always a favorite, she was even revered more than a birch - a native Russian tree. For centuries the ancestors revered the tree, enjoyed with gratitude his gifts, and now the use of the color of the linden did not become any less. Only now we do not notice modern people how much nature can give us around. But still now there is a good tendency to follow the knowledge of the origins, revive them, and again began to remember the herbs and fruits. Lime blossom should be in every house, because it has tremendous opportunities, the main thing is to collect it in time. But that you do not miss the deadline, we will tell today, when the lime blooms.
That's interesting! Lime has a wonderful soft bark, but in old times scammers have learned from it to make fake seals, for which the innocent tree suffered. We even now call a fake a linden.
Timing of flowering and collection of lime color.
method When the
tree blooms in different regions the climate is different, and therefore the dates will be different everywhere. Of course, in the south the trees bloom early, which can not be said about Siberia and the north. In the first case, this is the middle and end of June, in the second - this is the second half of July. And when the lime blooms in the middle lane, you ask? And we, of course, will answer. In the middle zone of our big country is the third decade of June and the first decade of July.
The period when a linden is pleased with its color is short-only 10-15 days. Once you gather flowers in your region, you will be well next year knowing when and where you need to come for collection. But avoid industrial areas, roads, cemeteries, places where there is wastewater. Try to find old temples, in each city they are either in the suburbs. There, with a high probability, you will be able to find lime trees, since our ancestors planted them in places of strength, such a lime tree will be as useful and even curative to you as possible.
But it is important to start making stocks not in the first days, when the linden blooms, but not at the end of this short period. The best time is when all the flowers or most of them bloom. If you see that the tree is already at the stage of flowering, wilting, it is better not to make reserves this year, since they will not be of use, the medicinal properties in this color are minimal.
collection method In fact, everything is simple:
- find the tree that will be in the most favorable place. During the flowering next will be a thin, sweet and very pleasant aroma soar in the air. It is better to do this in advance;
- if you find a linden before its flowering, you will be able to estimate the size, and whether it is possible to collect the color by hand or have to use attachments;
- if the tree is high, then buy a pruner, to which a handle or handle can be attached, there is also a rope;
- the period of flowering of lime trees you know, see to all the flowers opened up;
- cut neatly the flowers along with the leaves;
- inspect the house linden, remove the one that is affected by insects, wilted;
- rinse the color, let drain off the water;
- dry flowers in the attic, under a canopy or in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;
- can store flowers in glass jars.
Important! If you came to the forest at the time of flowering lindens, then do not break its branches, to tear off the house at home, do not cut it, it was considered by our ancestors to be a sin, and the tree was always identified with the Virgin.
This small article for you has revealed important information about when you can collect color, how many blossoms are blooming, so as not to miss the workpiece, and how to do it correctly. Health to you!