How to brew inflorescences of linden?

Lime has long been used in folk medicine as an effective diaphoretic. Tea from its flowers and leaves helps fight cold and cold symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, sore throat inflammation, and can be used for preventive purposes to prevent infection during seasonal epidemics of ARVI.In addition, that lime tea contains many compounds useful to the human body, including vitamins and minerals, it has a wonderful taste and aroma. To maximize the benefits of this medicinal plant, it is important to know how to brew lipoma correctly and how to drink the resulting drink for various diseases.

The healing properties of linden

The widest application in folk and traditional medicine has found the inflorescences of linden. They contain vitamin C, tannins, carotene, essential oil, polysaccharides, flavonoids, glycosides. From the lime color prepare decoctions, infusions or teas, which are used for both external use and ingestion.

Before brewing a lime tree, you need to find out in which cases it can help. Lime flowers have the following curative properties:

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  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • rapidly reduce fever temperature due to increased sweating;
  • promote sputum liquefaction with dry cough;
  • help to remove mucus from the bronchi during coughing;
  • helps to remove toxins from the body;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • increases the secretion of gastric juice, bile and alleviates bile secretion;
  • show an analgesic and spasmolytic effect;
  • relieve nervous tension and have a sedative effect on the central nervous system;
  • have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
Lime tea blends well with lemon and honey

Linden tea improves metabolism and has a warming effect, therefore it is very effective for ARVI and hypothermia. Decoction of lime flowers is used for rinses with angina and inflammation in the mouth and throat. Poultices with it accelerate the healing of burns and ulcers, relieve inflammation with hemorrhoids and joint pain.

Interesting: Lime color can be added to regular tea, as well as other herbal infusions to give them a pleasant aroma, softening bitterness and improving taste.

Lip brewing rules

The linden's medicinal raw material is the inflorescence, together with the bract of the leaf, called flying. Usually, for medicinal purposes, dried raw materials are used, which can be procured at home or purchased at any pharmacy. With self-preparation, the inflorescences are harvested in June, when almost all the buds have completely blossomed. After collection, they are dried in a ventilated and darkened room and stored in tissue bags or paper bags throughout the year.

Can I brew fresh linden? When brewing hot water with fresh flowers, a lot of mucus is formed. Such a decoction is used for inflammation in the urethra and the presence of sand in the urine. Fresh lime flowers are often used to prepare relaxing baths for diseases of the nervous system.

Prescription of linden tea

Inflorescences of linden( 4 - 5 pieces) are placed on the bottom of the teapot from faience, add 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave for 20 minutes for infusion. Use in a warm form, if desired, adding honey or sugar.

Tip: Lime flowers, always remaining after brewing tea, preparing broths or infusions, can be frozen with the remnants of healing solution in ice molds, and then used for rubbing the face, décolleté and neck. Such a tool will help reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin, making it more smooth and velvety.

Recipe for linden tea for cold

Dried linden flowers( 10 g or 3 tablespoons) are placed in an enameled pot or mug and filled with a glass of hot freshly boiled water. The container with the prepared mixture is covered with a lid and put on a water bath with boiling water, it is held there for 15 minutes.

Then, for 45 minutes, allow to cool to room temperature, filter, the residue is squeezed out and boiled water is brought to the volume of the resulting solution to the original. Take 200 ml 2 or 3 times per day after meals. The resulting drink should have a golden color, have a light astringent and sweet taste and a rich aroma, something reminiscent of honey.

The prepared infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. If necessary, it is used externally for rinsing of the throat and oral cavity.

Lime flowers in shredded form are produced in brew-friendly tea filter packs

Recipe for tea making from filter packs

Two bought in a pharmacy filter package containing 1.5 g of crushed linden blossoms are placed in enamel or glassware, add a glass of boiling water, cover and insist 15 minutes. In this case, periodically it is necessary to slightly press the bags with a spoon. At the end of the bags, squeeze well and bring the volume to the source with boiled water. Take 1 - 2 cups 2 or 3 times a day.


Before consuming medicines based on lime color, you need to know not only how to brew lipoma properly, but also what contraindications to it are. Lime tea, despite all its useful properties, is not recommended to drink daily for a long time( more than three weeks).This is primarily due to the fact that it activates the work of the heart, which can adversely affect the health of people with chronic cardiac pathologies. The main contraindication for the use of linden for medicinal purposes is allergy to the plant.

Some people have insomnia, irritability, increased blood pressure when taking linden tea.
On the medicinal properties and methods of using linden:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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