Make a useful broom from the linden for a bath and stay healthy

In the steam room, the main thing is a broom

A bath for a Russian person is a place that is visited for centuries, it is a tradition that will never go out of fashion, no matter what service in our time the service industry offers. Native bath can not be compared to any new-fashioned saunas, swimming pools, this is a special atmosphere. Here, not only the body is cleansed, but also the soul. Bath has an excellent therapeutic effect on the body, invigorates, fills the forces, it is known that one can even lose weight if bathed regularly. And what is the main attribute in the steam room? Of course, a broom, which is best harvested with his own hands from healing trees. And today you will learn how to prepare a broom from a linden for a bath.

Lipa - native tree of Russia

Our country is famous for its rich vegetation. Our native trees are birch and linden trees, they both can give us much benefit. A lime broom was appreciated by our ancestors, they knew that this bathing attribute was an assistant to health. Lime tree is a unique tree, with many beautiful legends connected with it. She can grow up to 400 years, pleasing people with her gifts. Lime tree is considered a tree of the Virgin, it can be seen in holy places, where trees were planted by ancestors in past centuries.

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Lipa grows hundreds of years

Nowadays people have become far from nature, with most of them only one association - picnics with friends at the weekend. For a long time everyone has got used to use that created by a modern science, industry. But natural gifts are priceless, they can both feed and heal. But the brooms can always be made only from the branches of trees, and many think that for this purpose only birch is suitable, but that's not true. And you should prepare a broom from a linden for a bath, after all it really will help to become more healthy.

That's interesting! Lime is not only a color for tea. From it, bees make honey, people kvass, mead, herbal preparations. It is part of the medicines that help our lungs. With the linden you can do inhalation.

The use of a linden broom

It's a special process to steam in a bath, there are even secrets and attributes for the bathers. But no steam room can not be without a broom. Otherwise, you just will not get the effect you expected.

A broom from a linden is different from others, it is useful and can give your body the following:

  • unique smell of linden tree has a beneficial effect on our psycho-emotional state;
  • recedes stress, depression, nervous tension is removed, the aroma of linden has a sedative effect, insomnia passes;
  • broom from a linden helps to struggle with diseases of respiratory ways;
  • causes increased sweating, expels all toxins;
  • the skin is cleansed, it becomes smooth, elastic, silky;
  • pass colds;
  • improves the cardiovascular system;
  • body is filled with energy, blood flow is improving;
  • can pass a headache and migraine;
  • relieves muscle tension;
  • heal faster injuries on the skin, abrasions, cuts;
  • improves the condition in vegetovascular dystonia;
  • stimulates weight loss.

Here is a therapeutic effect you can get, using a broom from a linden in a steam room. You can also combine it with other components. So, a broom can be diluted with birch branches, willow and even nettles. Well, we turn to the main thing - this is the process of harvesting.

Collecting a lime for sauna brooms

Timing of the workpiece

The optimal time is the flowering of the tree. During this period, its branches are filled with juice, they have the most strength. In different regions the flowering period is different, it lasts about two weeks. But if the summer turned out very hot, then these terms are reduced, so you need to be in time. Most often, the preparation is carried out from the end of July to the second decade of August.

A lime broom will have a positive effect on your health

For information! In the old days, our ancestors strictly followed the dates. Lime billets were harvested after the feast of the Holy Trinity and until Ilin day.

How to make a linden broom

The technology is simple, but there are some nuances. If you do not take them into account, then the quality of the broom will be worse, and the benefit from it will be less. By the way, store brooms are easier to buy, but they rarely come across good and properly harvested. So, you should consider the following points and perform such actions:

  • it is better to make a blank on a cool day so that the flowers are well preserved after;
  • for a broom better to take young branches, they are well cut and full of juice;
  • approximately the length of branches for a broom half a meter;
  • a linden tree that is thicker, is put inside the broom. Thin branches frame it;
  • it is cut off linden, where there are signs of disease;
  • do not harvest a broom from branches of trees that grow near roads and in ecologically polluted regions;
  • drying is carried out in a well-ventilated place, but not in the sun, otherwise the color will fall off, and the broom will be brittle, which can often be seen in store copies;
  • if the broom is not dried in a suspended state, it is better to put it on the straw, which takes away all the excess moisture;
  • during drying, very carefully treated with a broom, turn it constantly.

Important! Never break branches, do not cut to cut them off after them. In the old days it was considered a great sin.

Steaming in front of sauna

Brooms always steal, so they last longer, and this applies not only to the bath. To do this procedure, you must first wash the broom with cool water, turning very very carefully, otherwise the leaves and color may fall off. After that, for 15 minutes, it is put in water 80 degrees, but not boiling water and no more in time, otherwise the whole use and structure of the broom will be destroyed. That's all, it's time to go to the steam room.

You learned and when to harvest brooms from lime trees, and how to do it competently. In the bath with you grab a lime tea with honey.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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