The therapeutic effectiveness of all varieties of wormwood is directly dependent on the correctness of its annual harvesting. A healing perennial plant needs to be collected at a time when leaves, flowers, rhizomes have accumulated the maximum amount of biologically active substances. Otherwise, the treatment of any disease will not bring the desired result. Recipes of folk healers will help determine when to collect wormwood for making infusions, broths or sprouts. For each part of the medicinal plant, there are different periods of harvesting.
The best time to collect
The dried wormwood herb is sold in each pharmacy and is relatively inexpensive. By purchasing such plant raw materials, one can not doubt the correctness of its assembly, further drying and grinding. But often a considerable amount of wormwood is required for course treatment with interruptions. In addition, the plant with a beautiful silver tinge grows on any meadow, in every clearing. The brooms made of wormwood are very popular among fans of bathing procedures. After their application, metabolism is accelerated and blood circulation is normalized. So wormwood can be very much needed.
Healing leaves
Collection of wormwood is carried out when the first yellow flowers are blossomed on the plant. The best time for harvesting is the budding period. Its terms vary depending on the place of residence of the person. In southern regions, the plant lays buds as early as the beginning of May, and for the northern latitudes, much later flowering is characteristic.
Collect leaves follow without petioles. You can simply cut them off the stem, but pinching will speed up the work. Do not tear off leaves affected by putrefactive processes or spoiled by insects, for subsequent circumcision. Such plant raw materials will not show their maximum therapeutic activity.
Medicinal grass
Collection time of wormwood in the form of grass occurs during its flowering period. It is best to harvest the plant when all the buds or most of them open on the inflorescence. In the south of our country wormwood blooms in May or early June. And in northern regions buds of a plant can be opened only in the end of July or even in August.
When collecting medicinal herbs, use scissors, a pruner or a sharp crescent. Usually, the tip of the plant is cut off and part of the stem is about 20 cm long. To avoid sorting for a long time before drying, it is better to choose immediately undamaged parts of the grass when harvesting.
Warning: If you assemble wormwood grass not in the intended time for the preparation, then during the drying process they may become moldy. Such plants are scattered into small parts, which are difficult to use for making infusions or powders.
Roots, rhizomes
These folk healers recommend using these parts of a useful plant for decoctions, ointments, powders. Many people make the mistake of collecting young roots throughout the summer. The greatest therapeutic effectiveness is possessed by underground parts of wormwood, harvested in the middle of autumn. At this time, the plant accumulates the maximum concentration of nutrients and biologically active substances in the rhizomes. Such a reserve is necessary for wormwood for a long and harsh wintering.
. Secrets of the correct workpiece.
. When preparing for harvesting, it is necessary to represent what sorts and parts of the plant will be required for the preparation of a given dosage form. From when to collect sagebrush bitter for treatment, not only the therapeutic effectiveness of folk remedies depends, but also the expediency of their application. What else to remember when collecting wormwood:
- can not be harvested during or after the rain. It absorbed an excessive amount of moisture, which increases the likelihood of decay. This rule applies to picking up early in the morning, when there are a lot of dew on the flowers and leaves;
- during collection of grass or leaves can not pull the plant or damage it to other methods. Wormwood is a perennial culture that will rise on this site next spring;
- after harvesting, it is necessary to quickly sort out parts of the plant and decompose in a warm, well-ventilated place for drying. If you delay processing for at least a day, you can lose most of the medicinal raw materials due to the development of putrefactive processes.
Collection of wormwood is not carried out in the courtyards of high-rise buildings, along large roads or highways, near factories and plants. These plants have accumulated a huge amount of toxic substances and heavy metals. Using such medicinal raw materials, a person risks his own health.
It's interesting: Of all the varieties and parts of wormwood, only the seeds of the fungus should be harvested in the early morning or after the rain. At this time in small fruits the concentration of nutrients rises.