How to dry linden - useful advice with care for you

Lime tea health helper

Nature gives us a lot. It's no secret that our ancestors revered and appreciated everything that surrounded them, because the plant world is so diverse that it can feed a person and make him healthy. For example, a linden tree is a unique gift of nature that helps us with ailments, makes it possible to enjoy the taste and aroma of lime tea and honey. Only here it is necessary to have time to prepare the raw materials in time, and, most importantly, it must be preserved. And as you could understand, today we will tell you how to dry the lime tree.

Why is fake color popular?

In our time, few people gather grass, knows them, but the lime tree is known to everyone. It can grow in the city, in the forests, lime tea is sold in ready form, and there is also honey. Now it becomes fashionable to take care of yourself and have a healthy body, in which plants, herbs can help well, because people are drawn for knowledge. Lime is not only useful when brewing the same tea, but still tasty, but for modern people - this is the main criterion.

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Now people again began to study the natural gifts of

Few people know that our ancestors Slavs considered the tree sacred. He is considered a resting place of the Virgin. Lipu is not sawed, cut, planted in holy places. A lot of legends and legends are associated with the tree, many good songs and poems are composed. The tree for the ancestors was everything - and the source of food, and medicine, and talisman, and just a talisman. And we must learn this experience, and dried lime should be for all of us.

We prepare linden color

Collection of linden

Lipu is harvested from June to July. To understand that the trees have blossomed, everyone will be able, firstly, you will see yellow spots among the greenery, this is flowers, and secondly, the fragrance will stand incredible. But we want to answer the frequently asked and important question whether it is necessary to wash the linden before drying. Yes need.

In our time you will not find an area where there would be an ideal ecology, there was no dust, no exhaust. You will be able to understand that the lime color is not very clean, although at first glance it does not seem so, on your hands during the collection. They are most likely to be gray with dust. Also look at the greens on the tree, on it, too, everything is visible. Why risk, where better to be safe and get excellent raw materials.

Herbs can dry everyone even in the city

It's interesting! In ancient times, many peoples revered the lime tree. It was believed that if a tree grows in the center of the city or village, then this is the place of power. Here the events began, the procession was finished. The branches of the lime crowned the newlyweds.

Wash the linden simply - you can rinse the shower through the colander all at once, you can wash each flower or rinse it in a cup of water. After that, it is necessary to put everything on a towel and constantly turn it over so that all the water drains away, and there is no stagnation anywhere, since this place can become a refuge of a pathogenic environment. After that, dry it.

How to dry flowers for the winter

There are no complicated manipulations. Everything is quite simple, while dried flowers can be stored for a very long time and used for tea in winter cold with a spoon of honey and for the treatment of colds.

So, the algorithm will be as follows:

  • you eat in a forest or a park area, but only where there are no factories, highways;
  • collect fake color in a package by hands or with the help of a garden pruner. But do not close the package tightly, it is better to take a bag of natural cloth;
  • at home you disassemble color, remove possible insects, deformed flowers;
  • wash and dry on a towel;
  • should be dried naturally or with the help of household appliances.

The last item is the most important in the question, how to dry the linden for tea. If you live outside the city, you have a summer cottage, it is best to harvest vegetable raw materials without artificial drying, that is, without an oven or dryer. The process will take from 3 to 10 days. It is best to spread the flowers on a clean cloth under a canopy or in an attic, where there will be heat, but the air can circulate. If the weather is wet, then it is better to refuse street drying.

You need to turn the flowers periodically during drying. And so that they do not bother bothersome flies, it is better to cover a thin layer of gauze. After that, the lime color can be stored and brewed in the winter and autumn delicious tea.

But if you are a resident of the city, then you have an alternative - a balcony where you can also lay flowers on a table or floor and dry until they become brittle or use an oven. Dry the raw materials at minimum temperatures not more than 40 degrees, until the flowers completely become dry.

Important! Never dry the linden under direct sunlight, at high temperatures. Yes, you will save time, but the benefit will diminish at times.

You can also use special dryers - this is also household appliances, does not take up much space, will allow you to make blanks in the form of dried fruits, herbs, pastilles and other. A convenient thing for everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle, takes care of health. Depending on the manufacturer, the functions may be different, as well as the power, so how much to dry and how to dry the lime tree in such a device will be described in the instruction.

How to store lime flowers in winter

Flowers are very well kept, do not puff, although they are fragile. You can fold flowers in cans and close the lids, you can use paper bags. The room should not be damp, it's too cold. Useful properties will remain in the colors for a year, so brew your own tea and enjoy the taste, aroma and benefit health.

Tip! Lime tea will be ideal for taste and its properties if you add lime honey, lemon and mint to it.

As you can see, everything is very simple. The main thing is to observe some easy rules, and everyone can make reserves without effort and loss of a lot of time.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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