Birch tar is widely used - from many diseases it helps!

Table of contents:

  1. Bronchopulmonary pathology
  2. Cardiovascular pathology
  3. Parasitic diseases
  4. Female diseases
  5. For hair and problem skin
  6. Psoriasis and eczema
  7. Hemorrhoids

Birch tar is obtained from the birch bark of recently cut young trees by distillation. To do this, at the end of June they collect birch bark, lay them in a vessel with a tube for the outflow of liquid. Under the tank, a weak fire is bred. When heated from the birch bark, tar emanates, which flows down the tube into the cup. Currently he is on sale in a pharmacy.
Application of birch tar is indicated for dandruff, psoriasis, urolithiasis, ear inflammation, squamous lice, bedsores and many others. The spectrum of use of tar from birch bark is very wide: from skin pathologies to diseases of internal organs.
Birch tar is a natural natural remedy, which is a dark oily liquid with a characteristic odor. It contains the most important components: phenol, benzene, xylene, toluene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.

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In addition to medicine, birch tar is often used in cosmetology, veterinary medicine and industry.

Application of birch tar

The wide application of birch tar in folk medicine is explained by the multitude of its medicinal properties.
Among them:

  • improvement of blood circulation,
  • stimulation of skin regeneration,
  • neutralization of consequences of chemotherapy,

  • optimization of cardiovascular, digestive and other systems,
  • powerful local irritating, antiseptic, antiparasitic and antibacterial actions.
Birch tar is also successfully used to purify the body of toxins and other end products of metabolism.

Broncho-pulmonary pathology

Water, prepared from birch tar, is used to treat the pathology of the respiratory system. Prepare it this way: pour half a liter of pure tar into a three-liter jar, and the rest in the jar is filled with hot water, cover with a lid.
After nine days, the active tar substances will pass into the water and it will be ready for use. Apply it on one tablespoon, without washing down with water. With a severe course of the disease, the dose of water is increased to three times a day.
A suffocating cough with pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma occurs after a course of treatment with tar water. Diluted in boiled water bought in a pharmacy drug. To do this, one part of the tar is taken with eight parts of water, gently mixed with a wooden spoon and insisted for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the water and carefully pour it into another container. The resulting medicinal product is stored in the refrigerator.
Patients before a dream drink one tablespoon of tar water, and then wrap their throat with a woolen scarf. In some cases, the dose is increased to three tablespoons. Already after the first procedure, the frequency of coughing attacks decreases markedly.

Cardiovascular pathology

Tar oil is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, improve the digestive system, cleanse the body and as a diuretic. Children are given it once a day after eating two teaspoons, and adults - once a day, two tablespoons. The treatment is carried out for ten days, then a ten-day break is made and the course is repeated.
Atherosclerosis is treated by applying birch tar inside, which is dissolved in a glass of warm milk. For forty-five days an hour before meals three times a day the patient drinks a glass of such milk, and then they take a break for a month. During the year, patients undergo three to four courses of treatment.

Parasitic diseases

Clean birch tar treat scabies and some parasitic diseases in children. This dangerous pathology children can easily pick up when they come into contact with street animals. Ischia is itchy between the fingers, which in the future can cover the entire body of the child. Birch tar is an excellent tool for treating this pathology. They smear the affected areas of the body, and after a few hours, rinse with a soft sponge soaked in water.
Birch tar helps to get rid of lamblia. To combat parasites mix a drop of pure tar with a teaspoon of melted honey and take it inside before going to bed. Instead of honey, you can use warm milk or carrot juice. The number of drops of tar is increased daily by one to eight drops per reception. The course of treatment is twenty-four days. In a year, one or two courses are conducted depending on the condition of the patient.
There are many recipes of folk medicine for treating opisthorchiasis with birch tar.
Here are the main ones:

  • Rub an apple or carrot on a grater, mix a teaspoon of puree with a drop of tar and eat before going to bed, washing down with water. This procedure is repeated every evening for two weeks.
  • 6 drops of tar are added to the glass of milk and taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. Duration of treatment - ten days.

Female diseases

Birch tar is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of female diseases, as well as mastopathy. There is a special scheme for treating gynecological pathologies: take fifty milliliters of milk and add to it in the first three days - three drops of tar, from the fourth day to the sixth - five drops, from the seventh day to the ninth - seven drops. Drink the remedy three times a day every five hours, then make a ten-day break and continue the treatment, adding drops of tar to the milk in the reverse order: from seven to three. After about sixty days, the course of treatment is repeated.

For hair and problem skin

Birch tar helps to get rid of acne, and also improves the condition of oily and problem skin of the face. For this, the drug is applied to the affected skin with a cotton swab.
Currently, the effectiveness of using birch tar for hair is proven. A mask is made from it, which makes it possible to get rid of dandruff.
To do this, mix ten grams of tar, thirty grams of burdock oil and one hundred milliliters of vodka. The resulting composition is treated with scalp and left on hair for two hours, and then washed off with shampoo.
To improve the appearance and structure of the hair, use tar tar water, which the head is washed. Birch tar is very useful for hair, it makes them shiny and thick.

Psoriasis and eczema

Birch tar is used to treat psoriasis and eczema and gives tremendous results. Begin the treatment with the application of the drug on a limited area of ​​the affected skin and leave for twenty minutes. If there are no complications and allergic reactions, then lubricate the area of ​​a larger area and increase the exposure time. Apply pure tar with a wooden stick with cotton wool, and then pour the treated area with an indifferent powder or leave it open.

It is recommended to use a gauze bandage during applications and, in case of limb treatment, use a stocking or a glove.

Acute inflammation of the skin and the presence of erosion on it can cause itching and burning immediately after applying a clean tar. These unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own in about ten minutes. After twenty to thirty minutes, the tar is removed with a gauze pad moistened in vegetable oil, fish oil or petroleum jelly. A site of hyperemia and edema may form on the site of application. After removing the tar, the affected area is left open all day and all night. Repeatedly apply the agent after three days, and in between the procedures use indifferent therapy.

A similar treatment for psoriasis and eczema gives a quick and good effect even in the acute stage of the disease. Gradually, the symptoms go away: edema and hyperemia decrease, erosion disappears, and on the skin there is only an infiltrate. Further treatment is to lightly rub the tar with a wooden stick and cotton wool into the foci of lesion for twenty seconds.
Under demodicosis, birch tar is very effective due to its keratolytic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tanning and drying effect. It is used in the form of masks alone or in the form of ointments and solutions in combination with other drugs.

Tar soap is the most well known remedy for the treatment of cutaneous pathologies.


The use of birch tar for the treatment of hemorrhoids is very relevant at the present time. This folk remedy helps to get rid of both the external and internal form of the ailment. To eliminate external hemorrhoids use lotions with this natural medicine. They are also lubricated with undiluted tar.
Internal hemorrhoids are treated with tar and manganese baths. The patient should be in a bath with hot rose water until it completely cools. Then wipe or gauze swab lubricate the anus with clean tar, inject it into the anus and leave for the whole night. Use such a folk remedy until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

The use of pure tar can cause burning of the mucous membrane. This is a normal reaction, as the remedy destroys the microbes existing in the anus. Thus, itching and burning is not a side effect and no reason to stop treatment.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids with birch tar is carried out by inserting candles into the anus, made independently from a tampon and Vishnevsky ointment. This method quickly eliminates swelling and pain, and also softens the nodes. This therapeutic effect is associated with the healing properties of birch tar, which is part of the ointment.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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