Birch buds treat bronchitis, Flu, cold and laryngitis

Whatever the doctors say about modern folk medicine, if we return to the origins, everyone remembers that any preparations were originally made from natural ingredients. More precisely, the main treatment presupposed the use of herbs. It's nice that natural natural potions have reached our time. For example, the use of birch buds in cardiology and urology has simplified the task for doctors - the search for safe drugs for people with allergies to medicines.

Areas of application for some parts of the birch

It is customary to use birch sap as an excellent diuretic.

Activated birch charcoal is an excellent adsorbent for poisoning.
Birch tar, which is part of ointments used to treat wounds and certain skin diseases( psoriasis), is also of practical importance. Shampoos with birch extracts are prescribed by dermatologists in seborrhea.

If you want to know more about tar, its useful properties and application in folk medicine, we recommend you read the article: Birch tar helps us - from many diseases people get rid!

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All of the above means have a more modern form. But when are they treated with birch buds? Four main areas of use: in people with diseases of the digestive tract, with high blood pressure and heart problems, external use and with deficiencies in kidney function.

What is contained in birch buds

If in chemistry the properties of a substance cause its structure, then in nature it is the same. What is the magic contained in these small birch structures, thanks to which the kidneys help the person?

  1. Vitamins. Without them, nature is nowhere. Birch buds are rich in carotene, vitamin PP and C. They have antioxidant activity, protect vascular walls, relieve weakness, fatigue and irritability, normalize metabolism.
  2. Flavonoids - another natural natural antioxidant, protects the cells of our body from aging, rapid exhaustion, destroys carcinogens.
  3. Another application of the birch buds is the external one. Thanks to the content of tannic and astringent substances, decoctions and infusions protect the wounds from bacterial infection, remove irritation and inflammation.
  4. Essential oils are also an important component. They increase the body's ability to work, have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and mild antimicrobial activity( due to improved immunity performance).

Heart Diseases

Beach of our time - arterial hypertension, which already occurs even in young people 18-25 years.
Any person with persistent increase in pressure sooner or later can develop extremely unpleasant complications:

  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Stroke.
  • Vascular rupture.

That's why at the first signs doctors recommend taking antihypertensive drugs( reducing high blood pressure).Some patients with low blood pressure refuse to take medicine, even the safest. In this case, the use of tinctures from birch buds will save the situation.
It is prepared very simply:

It is necessary to take 10-20 g of kidneys, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, to insist for one hour.

Warning! Such a healing drink is better to take only as prescribed by doctors, since there are contraindications.

For lovers of self-procure all the natural components of future medicinal beverages it is important to remember that not any kidneys will fit. It is recommended that they be collected in the winter-autumn period( end of January, early April) until the moment of their dissolution. In case there is no such possibility, there is an optimal solution: everything can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

How does an infusion of birch buds protect the cardiovascular system?

  • Due to an easy diuretic effect it lowers blood pressure, helping the heart, reducing the load.
  • Vitamins and flavonoids, contained in tincture, protect the vascular walls and cells from destruction.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle, improves performance.

Influence of birch buds on the digestive and urinary systems of

In small doses and small courses it is good to use birch kidneys, inscribed on alcohol, the use of this drink will result in:

  1. Improve the body's resistance.
  2. A slight choleretic effect, which contributes to the normalization of digestion. So it is quite possible to do without cholagogue medicines.
  3. With hypoacid gastritis( stomach disease, which reduces the production of hydrochloric acid) stimulates the work of the cells of the stomach.
  4. Due to the diuretic effect it removes infections from the urinary system, relieving cystitis( inflammation of the bladder mucosa).
  5. Due to the content of flavonoids, tannins and essential oil has a disinfecting effect on the urinary system.

Secrets of using

Due to the pronounced antioxidant activity, due to the presence of vitamins and flavonoids, the burning of fats in the body increases, cholesterol is excreted from the vessels. Therefore, birch buds are used for weight loss. Unnecessary stocks of adipose tissue, and first of all it is deposits on the tummy and thighs, more quickly split.

Tip! To strengthen this effect, it is recommended to engage in additional sports, for example, swimming or athletics.

Fat does not go away only from the use of tincture, it only helps to strengthen the process of cleavage.

Work on yourself!

Wandering on the Internet pages you can find contentious information about the use of birch buds for hair growth. Is it so?
First, do not wait for the miraculous appearance of the hair on the spots of alopecia. The most common cause of baldness is hormonal disorders. Birch buds do not affect hormones.
Secondly, they really stimulate the growth and strengthening of hair, but with the constant, systematic use of broth. This is a long and serious work. It is better to rinse your hair after washing 2-3 times a week, and, if possible, more often. Do not expect miraculous changes in 2 weeks. Such prevention is best done during a month at least three courses per year.
Insisting on birch buds is one of the folk methods of treating chronic fatigue, spring avitaminosis.

A little bit about the sad

Unfortunately, and natural medicines have contraindications for use.
It is not recommended to use birch tincture in the following cases:

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers. Although the old sources can be found data on the appointment of such diuretics to pregnant women. Modern doctors are wary of such recommendations. It is better not to take chances.
  • Patients with chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency are forbidden to drink medicinal drinks from birch buds.
  • When there is an individual intolerance to one of the components, for example, an allergic reaction to pollen.
  • At the last stages of heart disease: with chronic heart failure, malformations.

Perhaps a more thorough study of this medicinal plant material in our day will help cope with other serious diseases. But it is already well known that the application of birch buds is primarily due to their high biological activity and all-round impact on the body. Even a rare use of tincture as a complex therapy will save from the progression of the disease.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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