Every medic knows exactly, The healing properties of birch buds

Birch buds have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic effects. The healing properties of birch buds are used to combat diseases of the urinary system, the organs of hematopoiesis and metabolism. Compresses with birch decoction heal the wounds well, restore the functions of the diseased joints and treat sores and burns.

Birch buds are an environmentally friendly and effective folk remedy available to most people.

Composition and useful properties of

Ingredients of

Kidneys contain quite a lot of essential oils that have a wonderful smell and are used to treat helminthic infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. Birch broth is a part of the complex therapy of malignant neoplasms.
Useful properties of birch buds are due to the content in them of biologically active substances - vitamin PP, flavonoids, tannins, phytoncides. They make the birch a natural first-aid kit, which grows in abundance in the nearest grove.

It is noted that people living in settlements with a large number of birches are less susceptible to viral diseases.

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The high content of ascorbic acid, fructose, bitter and other biologically active substances causes the use of birch.

Useful properties of

The benefits and harm of birch buds have been scientifically proven. They are used both for the treatment of a number of diseases, and for the prevention of some of them. Birch broth has a general strengthening effect and is widely used in cosmetology.
Birch buds have the following healing properties:

  • strengthens bile output,
  • has a diuretic effect,
  • reduces symptoms of inflammation in the human body,
  • cleanses the digestive tract,
  • stimulates intestinal motility,
  • disinfects digestive organs,
  • accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow.

Birch broth is useful in the following pathologies:

  1. digestive system diseases,
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis,
  3. acute respiratory viral infections and influenza,
  4. dermatological diseases.

Birch buds are used as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hemostatic, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, antispasmodic and sedative. You can find out more about their effect on the respiratory, cardiovascular and other body systems by reading the article: Birch buds treat bronchitis, flu, cold and laryngitis.

Prevention of alopecia, stimulation of growth and improvement of hair structure includes the use of birch broth. In addition, the Tibetan recipe for youth has long been known, which is an herbal collection of birch buds, chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort and honey.
Spring is a time of year when people often suffer from avitaminosis, experiencing drowsiness, weakness and apathy. Birch broth is a storehouse of vitamins. He replenishes in the human body all the missing trace elements.

When to collect birch buds?

Birch buds are sold in the pharmacy chain. They can also be collected independently from January to April, with only swollen buds with undisclosed scales.

If they have already blossomed, then they can not be used for medicinal purposes.

In winter and spring they contain a maximum of useful substances. Branches with kidneys are cut off, dried, protected from direct sunlight, and then threshed. The correct collection of birch buds and drying ensure that within two years they will retain their healing properties. Store them in pouches of material or paper or in glass containers.

Immediately after the beginning of sucking, the buds of the birch are swollen, they are carefully cut and dried, and then used to prepare healing broths and infusions.

. Essential dosage forms of

There are various dosage forms and ways of getting the medicinal product into the human body.

  • Birch broth restores the body after colds and gives the necessary vitamins in the spring, eliminating the vitamin deficiency. Rinse throat with this decoction is effective in angina, stomatitis, periodontitis. Birch broth also reduces swelling due to pronounced diuretic and choleretic action.
  • Alcohol tincture is used as an external agent for wound healing, eczema, pressure sores and abrasions.

    Inside taking the tincture is strictly prohibited, since the harm from alcohol is greater than the benefit of its therapeutic effect.

  • Oily tincture is used externally in dermatology, as well as in proctology for the treatment of hemorrhoids: put twice a day of microclysters.
  • Ointment is rubbed into diseased joints with rheumatism or eczema.
  • Birch buds are used in cosmetology for making masks that strengthen hair.

Contraindications to

Contraindications to the use of birch buds are the following:

  • pregnancy and lactation period,
  • acute diseases of the urinary system,
  • renal failure.

Birch buds are prescribed for pregnancy in special cases as a diuretic. These herbs help restore the disturbed work of the heart or kidneys, and also get rid of edema. Use herbs-diuretics during child-bearing is possible only after consultation with a specialist.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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