If you apply Adam's apple - Joint pain can be appeased

The fruits of the pastry in folk medicine are widely used: Adam's apple is used to treat many diseases.

Usually from the fruits of this plant are prepared alcohol tinctures, ointments and grindings.

Recipes for making tinctures of Adam's apple

Recipe №1

200 ml of juice from ripe fruits of the pastry mix with 40 ml of vodka. Cover the container with the lid and leave for a few days. When the liquid is divided into two layers, the milky must be drained, and the water-alcohol should be taken.

Recipe №2

Fruit of the Adam's apple should be cut into small pieces, fill up the jar with a bottle of vodka. It is necessary to insist about half a year, but you can take in 6-10 days. The longer the mixture is infused, the better the effect. Prepared tincture must be expressed. Store the product in top-filled containers, as oxygen destroys some useful compounds.
These two tinctures of Adam's apple are used in the following pathologies:

  • arthritis and joint pain,
  • sciatica,
  • instagram viewer
  • gout,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • disease with salt deposition,
  • heel spurs,

  • lymphadenopathy,
  • muscle inflammation,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • ENT diseases - sinusitis, adenoids,
  • skin diseases - eczema, lichen, dermatitis,
  • cancer of the stomach, intestines, cervix.

You can also use these tinctures to relieve fatigue, reduce intoxication, strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Not everyone knows how to properly tincture Adam's apple. The scheme of application is as follows: during the first week - three drops before meals once a day, in the second week - twice a day for three, in the third - already three times. With further treatment every week, one drop should be added to one of the doses( that is, only 1 drop per day).From thirty years the maximum daily dose is 30 drops( 10 drops 3 times).For younger people, the number of drops should be equal to the number of years.
Once the maximum dose is reached, each next week should be taken one drop from one dose( drop by drop per day).Thus, the dose should be reduced for the same time to 3 drops three times a day. Then take a break in a couple of weeks. To treat a tumor, you may need a second course of treatment with a tart apple as a tincture.

Important: before consuming the tincture of the onion, consult a doctor, especially if there are liver problems.

These same recipes can be used topically in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism and other diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus. Tincture in these cases is used in the form of compresses or rubbing.
In adenoid polyps or polyps in the paranasal sinuses, the use of Adam's apple is also useful. To a teaspoon of tincture( №1 or №2) add a teaspoon of vegetable oil( any).From cotton wool, make small turundas and moisten them in a mixture. Fill in the nasal passages for 30 minutes, repeat after 2 hours. Perform the procedure until the polyps are reduced or disappear.

Recipe No.3

Young branches of the macrolar along with the leaves must be finely cut and poured with alcohol( 70%).Leave for two weeks and drain. Tincture of twigs of Adam's apple on alcohol can be used to treat abrasions, wounds, scratches, but first it must be diluted with boiled water( 1: 1).

Recipe No.4

This is probably not a tincture, but an oil from an animal. It is prepared by analogy with the second recipe: sliced ​​fruits of Adam's apple fill the jar and fill it with oil( any vegetable).A week later filter. They use this remedy for local treatment of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis: they lubricate the areas twice a day, only in the evening.

Recipes ointments from Adam's apple

Traditional medicine suggests using Adam's apple in the form of ointment recipes.

Prescription number 1

For preparation of the ointment, it is necessary to overcut the interior fat of the pig and lay it in a jar in the form of a layer 1.5 cm thick. Place a layer of 1 cm of cut slices of the fruits of the clover. Alternating pork fat and slices of Adam's apple, it is necessary to fill the jar to the top, close the lid, cover with dough. Cook in a water bath or on low heat in the oven for about 20-24 hours.

The frozen ointment is stored in the refrigerator and heated before use. Rub into affected areas of the skin.

There are other ointments:

  1. When hemorrhoids, cracks, rectal cancer from a cooled ointment on the basis of the Adam's apple, rectal suppositories( 2 cm in length, 1 cm in thickness) are formed and inserted into them on a nightly basis.
  2. An ointment from an animal or apple apple finds application in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If you add a little fish oil to the prepared ointment, you will get an excellent remedy for treating osteochondrosis, arthritis, and intervertebral hernias, to prevent premature wear of the vertebrae.
  3. This same ointment is suitable for the treatment of mastopathy, including fibromastopathy. To this end, you need to take a cabbage leaf, slightly repel it and scald with boiling water. Then lubricate with ointment and attach to a sick chest for the whole night. In the same way, you can do compresses on swollen lymph nodes with lymphadenitis. In the absence of a cabbage leaf is replaced with a burdock.
  4. For sinusitis and other sinusitis, the ointment should be warmed up so that it becomes liquid. Warm the mixture into the nasal passages 3 drops twice a day. After instillation, mucopurulent discharge appears from the nose. This treatment should be continued for three weeks and then break for 1.5 weeks. Repeat if necessary. In adenoids in children, the course of treatment is shortened to 10 days.

Prescription number 2

Treatment with Adam's apple joints is possible and with the help of such an ointment: 125 ml of the tincture prepared according to the above described recipes mix with 250 g of internal pork fat( melted).
Store in refrigerator, before use, keep at room temperature until softened.
This prescription ointment is suitable for rubbing the joints, the spine with osteochondrosis, rubbing into the swollen lymph nodes. It can be used to treat sprains and muscles. Also, this ointment is applied in the form of applications on the spine and aching joints( previously applied to the tissue).

Important: remember that before using Adam's apple for treatment, you need to get a doctor's advice. After all, this remedy has some contraindications( diabetes mellitus - when ingested, allergies, etc.).

  • Mar 08, 2018
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