Trainer T4A - soft solution of complex problems with bite

Many people have bite problems, at present there are several methods of their correction. One of these methods is wearing a trainer. Such a device helps to restore the dentition and correct the occlusion.

Soft Trainer T4A is a product that is made of elastic material in the form of a single structure, performing a variety of functions. This design does not affect the tissues of the mouth and enamel. Outwardly, it is similar to boxer kaps.

The main task of using this device is to promote the proper positioning of the teeth and decrease the tone of the muscles in the oral cavity.

Regular wearing of the device promotes active work of muscles, which eventually become more effective. And also the trainers form the necessary position of the tongue, change the process of swallowing and breathing, thereby improving the diction.


  • Specificity of the device
  • Soft and rigid constructions
  • Indications and contraindications to the
  • installation Therapeutic effect
  • instagram viewer
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • General recommendations for the use of the
  • How to wear
  • Care features
  • What do they say in the runes of Runet?
  • Price

Specificity of the device

If you compare the trainers with other designs used in orthodontics, then we can say that they work in a different way and have a specific design. The product has the form of a double-jawed mouthguard. It contains the appropriate departments for the dentition.

The material from which the device is made is silicone or polyurethane.

In addition to the recess for the teeth, the T4A has the following elements:

  • jaw arc, which is responsible for fixing the device;
  • labial arches that act on the front teeth;
  • language limiter, which is provided for improving nose breathing;
  • lip bumper is designed to reduce the strain of the jaw muscles and hold the structure in the process of sleep.

The size of the arches is designed taking into account the incomplete overlap of the gums for comfortable application of the correcting device. Correction of the dentition takes place at a regular pressure of the labial arches. The groove for the teeth also exerts a certain pressure on their lingual surface.

The jaw gradually expands by means of the crushing force created. There is a decrease in muscle tone, and as a result, the bite is corrected.

Soft and rigid constructions

The application of the trainer T4A for leveling the dentition is based on two stages of wearing. First, it is supposed to use a less rigid design, and then - more solid. In this regard, there is a division into these types:

  1. The soft is made with the use of elastic silicone material, which has a small squeezing force on the dentition. This device helps in the adaptation of muscles to regular pressure effects and a purposeful change in the mechanism of their work. Thus, the device helps to expand the jawbone. A soft trainer can be blue, blue or green.
  2. The rigid is made of polyurethane, which tightly acts to preserve the shape. This kappa is used in the second stage of treatment to create a strong pressure on the dentition in order to establish the correct location of the teeth. It is possible to manufacture in red and pink.

To create the necessary crushing force it is necessary to use red harder after wearing the soft trainer T4A.In this case, the intensity of the alignment increases. In this case, they should be changed systematically, to begin to wear the device during the day, and then to the night.

Indications and contraindications to the

installation The use of the T4A system makes sense with such indications:

  • correcting the wrong position of the crowns in the anterior part of the jaw;
  • enlarged jaw arches;
  • contributing to the therapeutic effect when using bracket systems;
  • fixing effect after the application of braces;
  • twisted form of the lower dentition;
  • exception of return of problems after application of classical orthodontic methods of therapy;
  • abnormal or strongly pronounced bite of anterior part;
  • cross-bite with impossibility of jaw closure;
  • elimination of bad habits( irregular swallowing, breathing, tongue position);
  • class 2 disluxes with a slight overlapping of incisors;
  • increased muscle tone on the face or jaw.

The main contraindications for the use of orthodontic kappas are:

  • mental and neurological diseases;
  • lack of breathing through the nose;
  • cross bite of the lateral sections of the dentition.

Practice shows that the use of trainers at the age of 10-15 years contributes to the correction of problems associated with the arrangement of the dentition. Also, this device has an effective therapeutic effect when correcting "soft" dentitions in adults.

Therapeutic effect

The use of the corrector T4A corrects twisting of the teeth, eliminates their rotation along the central axis and protrusion relative to the overall location of the dentition. Correction takes place under the influence of the force of the labial arches and grooves, which are created specially for the position of the crowns.

The lower part of the device is similar to orthodontic systems, which affect the bite in predefined steps. Positive results are observed when treating the first and second class of distal, deep and open bite. In the case of complicated anomalies, a combination of a trainer and other orthodontic means is required.

With the help of the corrector, the muscles of the jaw acquire a normal state. The design ensures that the language adapts to the natural location and eliminates the habit of biting the tongue in a dream.

Thus, during the period of occlusion, wearing the T4A kappa helps to correct the myofunctional habits of the child.

Of course, the decision to wear a trainer should be made by the attending physician. After the examination and diagnosis, the dentist appoints either wearing a mouthguard, or installing a bracket system or orthodontic equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The presence of a number of positive moments makes wearing the trainer T4A an excellent method for correcting the dentition. Main advantages:

  • does not require an individual selection due to the absence of direct action on the crown;
  • standard size for a specific age category;
  • reasonable price;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions is minimal;
  • oral mucosa is not injured;
  • comfort of use due to wearing at night;
  • easy installation and maintenance;
  • rapid adaptation to the structure of the jaws;
  • possibility of correction during daytime wearing.

Similar designs also have some negative aspects:

  • requires regular use to achieve the desired result;
  • lack of communication during the use of the device;
  • in the case of complicated forms of dentoalveolar anomalies, the desired effect is not achieved.

General recommendations for the use of

The main principle of wearing the T4A trailer is to follow the consistent use of soft and hard type. The period of application of the soft proof-reader( blue) lasts about 2-6 months, depending on the anomaly. Hard kapps are worn for 2-4 months.

So, the duration of the total treatment is 2-3 quarters. If you experience discomfort when switching to a hard trainer type, you can use a soft type at night, gradually moving to a hard kappa. If you want to reduce the duration of treatment, you can increase the period of daily use.

How to wear

The trainer assumes its independent location in the oral cavity. With the correct installation, the result will not take long to wait. Stages of installation:

  • place the product in the mouth with a "tongue" on top, arcs should lie on the jaw perfectly;
  • check the tongue position "tongue" to avoid discomfort;
  • to close jaws without exerting strong pressure, as a result, there should appear a feeling of easy operation of the arcs;
  • close your mouth and breathe only with your nose, thus there should be no interference;
  • while wearing off talk and chewing movements.

Features of care

In order to achieve a curative effect and maintain the integrity of the structure, the following rules for the care of the product should be observed:

  • after removal of the device, clean the teeth and mouth with a toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • After cleaning, rinse the device under running water;
  • not to treat with boiling water or aggressive compounds;
  • during storage, use a special container that closes;
  • for cracks or other defects, consult a physician for the correct decision;
  • in order to carry out antibacterial cleaning use only special formulations.

What do they say in the vastness of Runet?

Many patients in their reviews evaluate the trainer positively, for example, a user from Kemerovo characterizes T4A as an effective tool for correcting bite in case of multiple-use day wear. As a disadvantage notes falling out in a dream.

Another patient writes about the effectiveness of this device for a beautiful smile. The disadvantage is the cost of this design.

The cost of

In different regions the cost of such a device fluctuates at the level of 3000-6000 rubles. And also the price is influenced by the manufacturer of the trainer. High cost is observed in European manufacturers.

The red type of trainer is estimated in the region of 3000 rubles, and the blue T4A can be bought at 20% cheaper.

In sum, all treatment is much more profitable compared to braces.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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