The use of Tibetan lofant in medicine and cosmetology

The genus of Lophanthus plants has several varieties, but the most valuable of these is the Tibetan lofant. He is an excellent honey-bearer, and from the nectar extracted from his inflorescence, a very fragrant and delicious honey is obtained. Also this plant is capable of carrying a decorative function, being the main ornament of the landscape.

Lofant Tibetan will not only decorate your garden, but it will also bring great benefits to the body

But most often Tibetan lofant is grown for medical and cosmetic purposes, as it has unique properties, which will be discussed in this article.

Characteristics of the plant

Thanks to the essential oils of the plants, it exudes an intense aroma of

Lofant Tibetan, it is also a multicolour wrinkled - this is a plant of the Yarotkov family. It is widely distributed in the countries of East Asia, where it is used for medicinal and decorative purposes.

In height, the plant can reach one meter. Characterized by spicate inflorescences and leaves, reminiscent of the shape of the leaves of the nettle. Flowers lofant Tibetan, as seen in the photo below, painted in white or lilac tone.

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In the field of medicine and cosmetology, leaves, flowers, roots and stems are used, which are harvested and harvested twice a year - in the second half of spring and early autumn. The resulting raw material becomes the basis for the production of decoctions, tinctures and skin care products and hair.

What are the useful properties?

Lofant has the following useful properties:

  • thoroughly strengthens the immune system;
  • actively replenishes the defenses of the human body;
  • promotes the removal of toxins, slags and heavy metals;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system;
  • is highly effective in combating viruses and pathogens;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • increases potency.

Important! Remember that lofan preparations show high activity, it is necessary to have a long course of treatment. This is due to the peculiar composition of the plant, but long-term use pays off due to prolonged action.

Lofant Tibetan is the strongest immunostimulant, which helps the body to withstand external factors and quickly replenish the lost forces. Thanks to essential oils, natural acids, tannins and alkaloids, the preparations of this plant are used as disinfectants, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agents.

Application of

As noted above, Lofant Tibetan has found application in the field of medicine and cosmetology. To prepare infusions and decoctions, its leaves, stems, and sometimes roots are used. In the mixture for compresses and lotions that are applied externally, inflorescences and dried stems enter.

Important! Remember, if you have purchased or manufactured yourself a concentrated solution of the Tibetan lofant, then before use it must be diluted, since in pure form the body perceives such means poorly.

In medicine

Grass lofant is used to strengthen immunity, in order to get rid of nervous exhaustion, stress, physical fatigue and loss of strength. It helps to significantly increase efficiency and raise vitality. Lofant preparations are used to slow the aging process and normalize metabolism. They are able to improve the formula of blood and clean it from harmful substances.

The decoction of the Tibetan lofant shows great effectiveness in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. This remedy is used for inhalations and helps to overcome tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

The use of products based on this plant has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, urogenital, central nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also contributes to the normalization of liver and thyroid function.

Decoction of the loofah stimulates digestion and prevents the occurrence of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach

This plant is able to relieve insomnia and headaches, and is also recommended for use in vegetovascular dystonia, congestion in the gallbladder and bile ducts.

For the preparation of medicinal broth it is necessary: ​​

  • fresh or dry leaves of the plant to grind;
  • a tablespoon of prepared raw materials placed in a thermos bottle;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water and close tightly;
  • leave for 2 hours;
  • after the specified time, the product is filtered.

Ready-mixed broth is taken orally 125 ml three times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

In cosmetology

For external use it is necessary to prepare a more concentrated product that can be used to treat fungal and other skin diseases.

Baths with lofant are very useful for skin health - they tonify, heal wounds and remove irritations.

In addition, cosmetic products, which contain parts of this plant, can stimulate hair growth and significantly strengthen the follicles. To make a home-made preparation, squeeze the juice from the stems and leaves of the lofant and rub it into the scalp before each wash. The product is held for about 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with a normal shampoo.

There are cosmetic preparations of the lofant skin care products. They perfectly tone, smooth wrinkles and help in the treatment of problem skin. If the decoction of the plant, prepared according to the above recipe, is combined with cosmetic clay, then it is possible to obtain a natural preparation that will relieve acne and black spots. A thick mask should be applied to the face and washed off after completely drying it.

Today you have discovered the unique properties of the Tibetan lofant - an incredibly useful plant that helps restore health, beauty and youth. Use its drugs correctly and stay healthy!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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