Hot tea with melissa herb medicinal: an undeniable therapeutic benefit

In the run-up to autumn, herbal teas become very important. Will not be an exception and tea with melissa. The beneficial properties of this tea were discovered by the famous ancient doctor - Avicenna, but in the modern world this drink received a "second life", and the ways of its preparation became more diverse.

The correct way to brew balm is a whole ritual, during which you need to be in a good mood and think about the pleasant moments of life.

Melissa is a widespread plant, and in our country can grow almost everywhere. Dry herbal raw materials are used both in recipes of traditional medicine, and in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. Herbal reference books give her original Latin name "Melissa officinalis", which in literal translation into Russian can be designated as - Melissa officinalis.

Usefulness of Melissa Tea

Herbalists distinguish several basic qualities that make such tea so popular. So, the basic properties of lemon balm in tea:

  • Is able to relieve chronic migraine;
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  • Cures neurotic conditions, is a natural sedative, relaxes;
  • Treats diseases of the upper parts of the respiratory system;
  • Helps improve and accelerate the metabolism process;
  • Reduces the pain of various etiologies that occur, for example, in women during menstruation.

Important: pregnant women who can not give up the habit of drinking a few cups of coffee a day - can successfully replace this drink with green tea with melissa. Such a drink can not have a negative effect on the development and formation of the fetus, but with this it reduces sensitivity to smells and tastes, stops headaches.

How to prepare herbal teas

Dry herbs of lemon balm are usually added to the ready-made, factory tea mixture, or brewed it in the form of mono-teas. Particular benefit can be obtained if you add lemon balm to green mixes. Such tea helps to defeat respiratory diseases, increases the level of body resistance, stimulates immune defense, rejuvenates and tones up the skin.
It is best to combine lemon balm with peppermint, and to insist the two plants together. Such tea is simply irreplaceable, if necessary, to relieve fatigue, especially for those who, by occupation, have to constantly and think a lot. Tea with melissa and mint will relieve from chronic lack of sleep and sleepless nights.

Methods of preparation of melissa tea

Somnologists are strongly advised to drink this tea with an increased level of nervous excitability, stress, disturbances in the rhythm of sleep. A stink from the stems and leaves of lemon balm ensures a complete cure for any type of nervous breakdown that is characterized by gastric colic and prolonged bouts of headache. And also speeds up blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. To prepare it it is necessary as follows: for one liter of boiled water add two dessert spoons of fresh, finely chopped herbal raw materials. They give the brew and use it inside after twenty minutes.

Important: Melissa can gently relieve the inflammation in the throat, but it increases sweating and spurs the excretory function of the kidneys. Helps with weakness of the gums, toothaches, abscesses in the oral cavity. In this case, tea is used as a regular rinse.

Useful properties of tea with melissa:

Melissa herb herbs - a bright and sunny medicine for a lot of misfortunes
  • Improves the quality of food digestion;
  • Normalizes the production of bile;
  • Tones the intestines, spurs peristalsis;
  • Heals chronic constipation and flatulence;
  • Reduces symptoms of gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Tea made from dry raw materials is prepared in the form of a decoction. To do this, take an enameled container and pour into it a liter of filtered water, then add two dessert spoons, with a slide, grass, put on medium heat and boil for twenty five minutes. Then insist for another half hour, tightly wrapping the container with a towel. You can use a couple of cups at a time, but such approaches can be done no more than four per day. The course can last from ten days to a month, but you can start it at any time of the year. Melissa herb is curative, it must be drunk with bronchial asthma, tachycardia, anemia.

Categorical contraindications

Tea with melissa, about the benefits and harms of which has been repeatedly told both on television and in specialized publications - can not be taken as a panacea for all ills. This is an auxiliary, which in no case can act as an independent medicine.

Dry raw baloney baloney can be purchased at any homeopathic pharmacy;you can ask for a certificate of quality to be sure of its naturalness

Those who have a very low blood pressure - this tea is not recommended to drink, as the active substances contained in melissa can dramatically decrease its performance. This is the only categorical contra-indication that such a tea has. However, before brewing a cup of tea, it is better to make sure beforehand that a person does not have individual intolerance of phytoncides, which are contained in a large amount of melissa.

It is necessary to collect and dry melissa grass during the summer, and then in the cold season you can enjoy freshly brewed tea. Drying should occur on a horizontal surface, with good ventilation, in a shaded location. But even in the event that there is nowhere to take green grass for drying - it can always be purchased at a pharmacy.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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