Black nut is an amazing plant, the most common plant in North America. Its appearance is very similar to walnut, but it differs greatly from the latter in composition and action. Its fruits and leaves are quite actively used in medicine, and the substances that make up them help to fight against various diseases.
Black walnut is a plant belonging to the genus Walnut Nut family. The height of such a tree can reach 40 m. Its bark is very dark, almost black, all in deep cracks.
Black walnut leaves are regular, from 25 to 50 cm in length with several oblong leaves, painted in a light green color. The length of each leaf does not exceed 10 cm, width - no more than 3 cm. Their base has a rounded shape and a finely toothed edge, the leaf tapers towards the apex.
The flowering period of this plant coincides with the period of leaf blooming. The flowers are collected in earrings, length from 6 to 15 cm. After the flowering period, the process of fruit formation begins. As you can see in the photo, the black walnut fruit has a globular or pear-shaped form. In diameter it can be from 3,5 to 5 cm. Its color is green, covered with fetal villi. The nut itself is round or ovoid, with a pointed apex and a very dense dark wrinkled shell.
Composition of
Black nut, according to many experts, has very few analogs in nature for its useful properties and complex action,give a positive result in the therapy of many diseases. By the value of its composition, this plant at times exceeds its closest relatives and has a multifaceted effect on the body.
Among the biologically active components in the black nut are:
- vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, E, K, PP;
- macronutrients - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus;
- microelements - iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium;
- flavonoids and bioflavonoids;
- unsaturated fatty acids;
- monosaccharides and disaccharides;
- tanning agents;
- southlon.
Thanks to this set, the black walnut, used according to the prescriptions, helps to restore damaged mucous membranes and skin, helps well against intestinal parasites, shows antitumor activity, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
Healing power of
oil Black walnut oil is extracted from the fruits of this plant by extraction. Apply the finished product not only in cooking, but also in medicine, cosmetology and dermatology. You can buy it in pharmacies.
With well-designed therapy, black walnut oil can help in the treatment of intestinal dyspepsia, colitis in chronic form, with dysbiosis and will help strengthen the immune system.
Deodorized oil can also be used to prevent viral infections and acute respiratory infections. In this case it is used for rinses and steam inhalations. To prepare the medicine in a glass of water, it is necessary to dilute 2 teaspoons of preheated oil.
In addition, American black walnut oil can be used to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus. It is recommended for use in the inflammatory processes of the genital organs and in the violation of the reproductive system. This product is able to help in the treatment of urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.
With external application, black nut oil assists in the treatment of skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis, warts, allergic dermatitis, shingles, acne. Plus, it can be shown with conjunctivitis and hemorrhoids.
Important! Useful properties of black walnut oil are very versatile, but there are contraindications, which include taking during pregnancy and lactation, as well as an increased level of iodine in the body!
Useful properties of
leaves The black walnut leaf has powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. They help to remove irritations and contribute to the early healing of wounds. For this reason, drugs created on their basis, very successfully cope with the treatment of rashes of various etiologies, external tumors and fungal diseases. In folk medicine, this plant is used to eliminate acne, eczema, ringworm.
In modern medicine, black walnut leaves are used in the complex therapy of skin tuberculosis, pustular skin lesions and atopic dermatitis. In addition, they can be used to treat tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. Means based on this raw material help with acute respiratory diseases, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and eliminate the manifestations of influenza. They will also be very useful for tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pharyngolaringitis.
The application of black walnut leaves fully justifies itself when the digestive system is disturbed. Such drugs help to normalize the condition of microflora and help in the treatment of gastroenterocolitis.
Some dental problems can be solved with the help of leaves, for example, to strengthen the teeth and remove inflammation of the gums. In addition, this plant has the ability to stop bleeding and shows antihelminthic activity.
Scope of extract
Black nut extract is a tincture that can be purchased at the pharmacy or manufactured independently. As for the finished product, it is usually made from the skin of fruits and vegetable glycerin, diluted in water. At home, such a product can be prepared from both leaves and fruits of the plant.
Black nut tincture has found the greatest use in helminthiases. Moreover, this agent shows high activity not only against mature individuals, but also with respect to intermediate forms of parasite development. In parallel, the extract has bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, which makes its use quite justified in the treatment of intestinal disorders, to strengthen immunity and with complex programs for purifying the body.
Leaf tincture
The recipe for the water tincture from the black walnut leaf from the parasites is as follows:
- grind the dry leaves and separate the tablespoon;
- fill the raw material with a glass of steep boiling water;
- we cover with a lid and leave for about an hour;
- filter through gauze.
Tip! In order to improve the taste of the finished product, you can add a little honey to it!
To take the finished product must be fasted in small sips in a diluted form:
- day 1 - 1 drop infused with half a cup of water;
- day 2 - 2 drops of infusion over half a cup of water;
- day 3 - 3 drops of infusion over half a cup of water;
- day 4 - 4 drops of infusion over half a cup of water;
- day 5 - 5 drops infused with half a cup of water;
- day 6 - 2 teaspoons of a glass of water.
Important! If your weight is more than 68 kg, then on the sixth day for a glass of water you need to add 2, 5 teaspoons of infusion, if over 90 kg - 3 teaspoons!
Vodka tincture
For the preparation of this tincture, it is necessary to use not the leaves, but the fruits of the black nut. They should be collected in September, a little immature. Whole nuts are very tightly laid in a jar and poured with quality vodka - the alcoholic component must reach the very edge of the neck, so that after the pot is closed with a lid, there is no air left in it. We treat our future tincture in a dark place and leave it for two weeks. After the specified time, the product must be filtered.
Now it is necessary to find out how to properly take this tincture of black walnut. Drink the remedy three times a day before meals, and the portion will depend on the disease:
- for increased immunity, with thyroid dysfunction and for the chronic diseases described above, the tincture begins with 5 drops. During the first 6 days of administration, the amount of the drug is increased daily by 5 drops. Starting from day 6 until the end of the course, the dose will be fixed - 30 drops. The duration of therapy can be from 6 months to a year, with every 30 days of admission you need to take a week-long break;
- from parasites, this tincture of black walnut is taken according to another scheme: on the first day a quarter of a teaspoon of the drug is drunk, on the second, third and fourth day the dose is gradually increased to a full tea spoon.
Harm and contraindications
Despite the enormous benefit that a black nut can bring to our body, in some cases it can cause harm. Abuse of this product is very dangerous for human health, especially for children - a child should not eat more than 10 cores per day, otherwise inflammation of the tonsils and spasm of the cerebral vessels may occur.
A black nut can be harmful to people with allergies. Negative reaction of the organism in this case will manifest itself in the form of frequent sneezing, skin rashes and even pulmonary edema are likely.
With regard to direct contraindications, these include individual intolerance, thrombophlebitis, liver cirrhosis, ulcerous diseases and gastritis.