Hops cones: useful properties and therapeutic effect

  1. Characteristic features of the aspiration
  2. Application of medicinal raw material

Hop cones are complex inflorescences of female flowers, widely used in official medicine. Folk healers prepare infusions and decoctions of aromatic copulations with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. And cosmetologists recommend using drugs on the basis of hop cones to patients for hair growth and skin color improvement. Inflorescence includes substances that can accumulate in the body and exhibit toxic properties. Therefore, before using pharmacological drugs and folk remedies with hops should consult with your doctor.

Characteristic features of

hip-hops Hops are a dioecious herb plant that grows throughout the country, excluding the northern regions. A long curly stalk and beautiful, controversial, delanoid leaves of medicinal culture are often used to enrich homestead plots. In the middle of summer begins the collection of female inflorescences of hops, which have medicinal properties. Peresrevshie cones are not suitable for the treatment of diseases. In the process of growth, the concentration of useful ingredients in them has significantly decreased. Here are some useful cones of hops on the photo:

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Young hop cones contain the largest amount of biologically active substances

It's interesting: Decoctions from hop seeds are able to soothe the nervous system and make it easier to fall asleep. This explains the relaxing effect of light, and especially dark beer, which gives characteristic bitterness essential oils of cones.

Healing properties of vitamins and microelements

Useful properties of copulation are explained by the presence in the composition of a huge number of biologically active substances and trace elements:

  • ascorbic acid, which has powerful antioxidant properties, regulating redox processes in the body;
  • nicotinic acid, normalizing the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, reducing swelling of tissues, improving the state of tissue nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • vitamins of group B, increasing the resistance of a person to viral and bacterial infections, restoring the active functioning of the musculoskeletal system;

  • tocopherol acetate, a compound with the properties of an antioxidant having a rejuvenating effect, improving the appearance of a person and the condition of his internal organs;
  • beta-carotene, which slows the aging of tissues, has a positive effect on visual functions, increases immunity, improves the cardiovascular system;
  • choline, which depends on the optimal performance of the central and autonomic nervous system, liver cells, kidneys, bladder and urethra.

The use of hop cones is diverse, because they contain almost all the microelements necessary for the active functioning of human vital systems. Especially a lot of them selenium - a key link in many chains of metabolism. The presence of this trace element determines the psychological state of a person, the ability to remember.

Useful action of organic biologically active substances

Hop fruit walls are equipped with special glands that produce lupulin. This yellowish organic substance, pollen, contains:

  • resinous substances;
  • bitterness;
  • essential oils.

The therapeutic activity of copulation is directly dependent on the quality and quantity of lupulin. It contains choline, a natural compound stimulating bile secretion.

Recommendation: Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise patients to use infusions of hop cones to eliminate dandruff and accelerate hair growth. Such properties are based on the presence of natural waxes and organic acids in the composition. Even after a single rinse of hair, their elasticity increases, shine returns.

After collection of cones in industrial quantities, a lupulin is harvested from them using conventional sieving. A thermal treatment is carried out for the decomposition of tar, ash residue and nitrogenous compounds to humulin and lupulone. A mixture of these ingredients has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

Essential oils contained in hop cones are widely used by pharmaceutical factories for the production of biologically active additives and medicines. They are part of such well-known drugs:

  • drops Valocordin;
  • tablets and syrup Novo-Passit.

These pharmacological preparations are prescribed by doctors to patients to increase stress resistance, reduce unnecessary nervous excitability, reduce cardiovascular system stresses. The extract of hop cones is contained in capsules and drops of the vegetative medicinal product Urolesan. The drug with a combined composition shows antiseptic, choleretic, diuretic, spasmolytic activity. Urologists prescribe Urolesan to patients who are diagnosed with chronic and acute cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.

Infusions of hop cones can be mixed with tea or decoctions of other useful plants.

Application of medicinal raw material

Official medicine includes hop cones in medicinal collections intended for the treatment of urinary organs, gastrointestinal tract, central and peripheral nervous system. Such a wide range of applications is based on the beneficial effects of infusions and decoctions. What are the cones of hops medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • is an analgesic;
  • is a sedative;
  • antioxidant;
  • is antispasmodic;
  • antihistaminic;
  • venotonic.

The undoubted advantages of active ingredients from hop cones include the ability to accelerate metabolism. Regeneration effect allows using ointments and infusions from hop cones to eliminate symptoms of allergic reactions and restore damage to all layers of the epidermis.

Warning: Hops contain organic substances that are part of the group of phytoestrogens. Despite their insignificant concentration, with prolonged use of infusions, the hormonal background of a person can change. For example, at collectors hatching after a while the menstrual cycle is broken.

Gastrointestinal pathology

Bitterness and essential oils, which are part of hop cones, have the ability to increase appetite. This property is especially important for people who have recently undergone:

  • acute or chronic poisoning with poisons of animal or vegetable origin, caustic acids and alkalis, heavy metals, spoiled food products;
  • Intestinal infections of viral or bacterial etiology.

Infusions of hop cones are prescribed to patients undergoing rehabilitation after treatment of various pathologies. Vegetable raw materials are contained in the collections used as maintenance therapy:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • ulcerative lesions;
  • liver disease.

After the course of the use of the infusion from this medicinal raw material, digestion is improved substantially, the peristalsis is normalized. A spasmolytic properties of hop cones are used to reduce the severity of the pain syndrome in the epigastric region. Correct digestion of food contributes to choleretic activity of infusions. Thanks to her, the fertilization is used for gallbladder diseases.

Hop cones are a part of various biologically active additives used to eliminate the symptoms of menopause

Hormonal background disorder

Aromatic fruit is used by folk and official medicine because of the biologically active substances contained in them - phytoestrogens. These organic compounds are used to relieve the condition of women during menopause. Course intake of infusions from cones of hops eliminates the negative symptoms of menopause:

  • hot flushes;
  • increased sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • emotional instability.

Usually gynecologists insist on conducting substitution therapy with oral contraceptives or other products containing estrogen. But many women are frightened by only one word "hormones" and they refuse further treatment.

Tip: Many girls and women use infusions and decoctions of hop cones to accelerate breast growth. Doctors warn the representatives of the fair sex about the ineffectiveness of this method of increasing the volume of the bust. But the probability of developing chronic intoxication is very high because of the accumulation of harmful compounds in the tissues.

To improve the well-being of a woman, estrogen administration helps. And phytoestrogens of cones of hops show similar properties after their metabolism in the body. Moreover, these biological active substances are able to prevent the development of breast cancer. Therefore, cones of hops with climax are used not only for relief of tides and increased nervous excitability, but also for the prevention of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Diseases of the urinary system

Urologists recommend using infusions of cones of hops during the rehabilitation period after the main treatment:

  • urolithiasis;
  • of cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  • of urethritis and glomerulonephritis.

Hop cones have connections that can stop the spread of the inflammatory process. And antimicrobial, antiseptic and antibacterial properties of infusions are used for the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms - pathogens of urological infections. Immunostimulating effect of copulation in the recovery period is of no small importance.

Skin Diseases

Traditional medicine practices the use of cones of hops, as one of the ingredients of ointments and infusions for application to the skin. For the preparation of ointments, dried and ground coots are mixed in various proportions with such organic compounds:

  • vaseline;
  • with lanolin;
  • with cocoa butter;
  • with vaseline oil;
  • glycerol.

Essential oils, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins A and E, other biologically active substances can be added to the base for the ointment. External means have wound-healing, disinfecting and antimicrobial action. Course use of ointments with cones of hops reduces the severity of pain in gout, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

This vegetable raw material is not used in the therapy of children, pregnant and lactating women. Drugs based on hop cones should be taken with caution to people with acute and chronic kidney failure. Treatment of any pathology should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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