- Why should we treat helminthic invasions
- Anthelmintic properties of the medicinal plant
- What parasites destroy the medicinal herb
- The correct approach to the purification of the body from parasites
- Features of medicinal plant therapy
- Methods of application
Glaive infestations not only cause serious damage to human health, but cancause a fatal outcome. To get rid of worms-parasites help pharmacological drugs or medicinal plants that have anthelmintic effect. Such healing herbs include wormwood bitter, which many people take for a weed and ruthlessly uproot. The therapeutic properties of a perennial plant are diverse, but all are important in the purification of the body from pinworms, ascaris, lamblia. The doctor will tell you how to take wormwood from parasites. He will take into account the general health of the patient and the results of laboratory studies that help establish the species of helminths.
. Why to treat helminthic invasions.
Parasitism in the body of helminths threatens the normal functioning of all vital systems. Many people do not even suspect the presence of worms in the liver or intestines, taking a gradual deterioration of well-being for the symptoms of viral or bacterial infections, dyspeptic disorders. Helminths negatively affect a person in several directions:
- Worms "steal" the body, reducing the amount of absorbed vitamins and mineral compounds. Without these biologically active substances, the appearance of a person is significantly deteriorated: the skin becomes gray and dry, hair falls out, and nail plates are laminated. Deficiency of useful compounds disrupts the functioning of endocrine glands, and the child can be provoked by curvature of the spine and flat feet;
- In the process of growth and reproduction, helminths poison tissues and organs with toxic substances that drain the immune and nervous system. A person suffers from pain in joints, allergic reactions and respiratory diseases.
Many types of worms are very large. The mechanical effect of worm parasites on the liver or gastrointestinal tract often provokes intestinal obstruction, necrosis of intestinal walls, bleeding, the formation of tumors.
Warning: Parents should take into account that false positive results of Mantoux test in the overwhelming majority of cases are provoked by helminthic invasions.
Anthelmintic properties of the medicinal plant
Bitter wormwood is one of the most frequently used plants for cleansing the body of worms. Only tansy and pumpkin seeds have similar properties. In the Pharmacopoeia of our country, grass with a specific smell and bitter taste is included and as an antihelminthic astringent. The wormwood wormwood is characterized by the following medicinal properties from parasites:
- a significant content of natural bitterness( lactones and bitter glycosides) determine the anthelmintic effect of the plant;
- bitterness has the ability to stimulate the secretion of bile and digestive enzymes, normalizing the work of gastrointestinal juice, which the worms upset;
- high concentration in wormwood chamazulene causes anti-inflammatory and soft laxative therapeutic activity of bitter wormwood;
- chamazulenogen and prochamazulenogen strengthen the phagocytic functions of blood, which makes it possible to purify the human body of accumulated toxic products of vital activity of worms-parasites.
The bitter wormwood contains various biologically active substances - flavonoids, microelements, saponins, phytoncides, organic acids, vitamins. Thanks to this combination, the course of taking infusions or broths strengthens the human immunity, which decreases as a result of helminthic invasions.
What parasites destroy healing herbs
There are many varieties of worms and parasites, and in some cases application of sagebrush infusions, tinctures and decoctions will not bring a positive result. Therefore, before using any medicinal plant form, the doctor determines the belonging of worms to a certain class. Anthelminthic therapy will be successful if you take wormwood from parasites that provoke such diseases:
- Trematodosis. This type of helminthiosis develops after penetration into the human body of the worm-flukes: liver trematode, pulmonary fluke, cat's fluke;
- CESTODOSIS.Pathology develops after the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract by bandworms: a wide ribbon, a pork chain;
- Nematodeosis. The cause of the disease are round worms: pinworms, roundworms.
Liquid medicinal forms of bitter wormwood are used for excretion of lamblia from the body. These microscopic unicellular protozoa belong to the type of protozoa, a class of flagellates and parasitize in the intestine, duodenum, pancreas in adults and children.
Recommendation: In children with helminths, urination is often impaired. In the process of diagnosing enuresis, laboratory studies of biological samples are conducted to assess the overall health of the baby. Experienced urologist necessarily appoints and analysis of feces for the presence of worms-parasites.
The correct approach to purifying the body of parasites
When treating any type of helminthiosis, it should be borne in mind that biologically active substances of wormwood can destroy only adults. In relation to the larvae and eggs of worm-parasites, the plant does not exhibit anti-worm activity. Therefore, when composing a therapeutic regimen, it is necessary to include pharmacological preparations. This will provide a comprehensive impact on the worms that are at any stage of development.
Tip: In the presence of contraindications to taking anthelmintic drugs, the doctor will recommend the use of medicinal fees. In addition to wormwood, they contain tansy, cloves and other herbs. This combination will ensure a full purification of the digestive tract from lamblia and worms.
The intake of infusions and decoctions should be carried out in accordance with special rules to speed up recovery. What you need to consider before brewing wormwood from parasites:
- the most antihelminthic efficacy are the medicinal forms of bitter wormwood, prepared from dry plant material;
- during therapy it is impossible to exceed single and daily doses, and also duration of course treatment because of probability of development of the general intoxication of an organism;
- during the anthelmintic therapy should make adjustments to the diet - to limit the consumption of meat, milk, eggs, buns and puff pastries, sweets;
- during the cleansing of the body of parasites is strictly prohibited the use of any alcoholic beverages.
Since most types of helminthiosis can be transmitted by the contact-household way, it is necessary to conduct therapy for all members of the family. Pets should be examined by a veterinarian and treated with worms.
Features of medicinal plant therapy
Despite the high anthelmintic activity of the herb, cleansing wormwood from parasites is not always successful. The fact is that at certain stages of the destruction of worms-parasites the body needs help. The intake of pharmacological preparations will accelerate the excretion of not only the products of the vital activity of worms, but also poisonous compounds of wormwood. Without the use of medicines, cleansing will not cause harm to the body as much as helminth infestation. To improve the effectiveness of therapy, doctors recommend patients to act according to the following algorithm:
- at the stage of preparation for purification it is necessary to remove the accumulated slags and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract with the help of enterosorbents and eubiotic Polyphepan, Smekty, Lactobacterin;
- simultaneously with the infusion of sagebrush should take anthelmintic drugs that destroy eggs and larvae of parasitic worms - Dekaris, Nemazol, Pirantel;
- after excretion of worms or lamblia, it is necessary to cleanse the body of the products of their vital functions, taking antihistamines( Cetrin, Zirtek, Loratadin) and mild laxatives( Forlax, Dufalac, Poslabin).
During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to strengthen immunity, to repair damaged tissues and organs. To speed recovery will help the course reception of balanced vitamin complexes( Pikovit, Supradin, Complivit) and immunostimulants( tincture of Echinacea, Immunal).
Ways of using
When making any combination form of bitter wormwood, it is necessary to take into account its composition. If one of the plants can trigger an allergic reaction in a particular patient, then it can be excluded from the prescription. But increasing the number of other ingredients is strictly prohibited because of the high likelihood of poisoning. At home, you can prepare decoctions, powders, infusions and even alcohol tinctures.
This dosage form is very convenient for use and contains the highest concentration of biologically active substances. Powders are used not only for the destruction of worms-parasites, but also for the prevention of helminthiases. Prepare a cure for worms in this way:
- Using a mortar and pestle, grind dry wormwood until smooth.
- Dilute a tablespoon of powder( without a slide) in a glass of carrot juice and drink before going to bed.
To increase the therapeutic effectiveness of the doctors recommend to prepare powders from equal parts of flax seeds, bitter wormwood and cloves. Duration of treatment is from 8 to 14 days, depending on the type of worms and the diagnosed stage of helminthiosis.
It's interesting: In some patients, the bitter taste of any medicinal form of Artemisia provokes vomiting. Doctors recommend that in such cases the crushed leaves of the plant are placed in the middle of the bread crumb and swallowed.
Broth wormwood from parasites can be used as an internal or external means. Doctors of official medicine and traditional healers often recommend this dosage form for performing enema cleansing procedures. To get the decoction, you need to act according to the following algorithm:
- In an enamel saucepan pour 3 tbsp.spoons of dry vegetable raw materials and pour a liter of hot water.
- Put the container on a low heat, bring to a boil and simmer under the lid for 5-7 minutes.
- Slightly cool, drain and begin to manipulate.
The optimal time for the procedure is 1-2 hours before going to bed. Duration of treatment may vary depending on the number of worms and parasites in the body and their species, but therapy should not last more than a week. To not torment the decoctions every day, you should prepare all the necessary volume of solution immediately and store it in a cool place. Before the procedure, the liquid must be heated to 40 ° C.
Wormwood infusions are the easiest to prepare dosage form. It is effective in relation to all types of helminths, which can be destroyed by medicinal plants. Course intake of infusions from bitter wormwood allows you to quickly remove parasites from the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines. How to prepare a drink:
- In a thermos pour a teaspoon of cloves and 2 tablespoons.spoons of wormwood, cranberry leaf, flax seeds, marigolds and bark of the buckthorn.
- Pour a liter of steep boiling water and leave for 12 hours.
- Cool, drain and take half a cup of drink 3 times a day after meals.
To improve the taste, you can add to the warm infusion thick flower honey, Stevia extract or a lemon slice. The duration of the course treatment is 10-14 days.
Alcohol tincture
Tincture of wormwood from parasites should be prepared for a long time, which should be taken into account before starting treatment. This drug form of the plant can not be used by people who drive a car because of the content of a significant amount of ethyl alcohol. To prepare an effective anthelmintic remedy can be the following method:
- In a container of dark glass with a volume of not less than a liter to pour 200 g of bitter wormwood, 50 clove buds, 50 g of tansy.
- Rinse vegetable raw materials and pour 70% of ethanol in a liter.
- Insist in a warm dark place by periodically shaking the container.
To completely purify the body of parasites, you need to take a tablespoon of tincture before meals three times a day for 2-3 weeks. This method of treatment is not suitable for people who have pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
Wormwood, if used correctly, will quickly destroy parasites. But the medicinal plant is not used in the therapy of helminthiases during the period of gestation and breastfeeding because of the possibility of bleeding. Contraindication is also individual sensitivity to bitter wormwood.