Can the heart ache from peppermint - cardiotonic properties of the plant

Peppermint is a perennial plant belonging to the family. Like all its representatives, it contains a large amount of essential oil, which shows cardiotonic activity. Sweet tea with mint helps reduce blood pressure, eliminate heart palpitations, increase the functional activity of the central nervous system. But it's not for nothing that doctors warn about the inadmissibility of dysregulation and the excess of the therapeutic course. Therefore, the question of patients about whether the heart can be sick from mint, answer in the affirmative. The likelihood of uncomfortable sensations in the cardiac region increases with non-compliance with medical recommendations.

Menthol, contained in scented mint, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Every year peppermint is sown on an industrial scale for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. Fresh leaves and stems serve as a source of valuable essential oil, which contains a high concentration of menthol. This organic compound is a secondary metabolite of many plants of the family. It is clear, but most of all it is in mint essential oil.

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It is interesting: On the basis of menthol, popular medicines Validol, Corvalol, Valocordin were synthesized. The drugs are included in the therapeutic regimens of patients who have functional cardialgias diagnosed.

The mechanism of action of menthol is based on its ability to irritate sensitive nerve endings. And cardiotonic activity begins to appear already in the oral cavity and continues after the absorption of the organic compound by the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a gradual reflex irritation of large and small blood vessels, including coronary vessels. As mint affects the heart:

  • strengthens and expands veins and arteries, normalizing blood circulation;
  • reduces arterial and renal pressure;
  • eliminates heart pain, triggered by neurosis or chronic disease;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, which leads to rapid healing of damaged tissues, including myocardium;
  • replenishes reserves in the body of nutrients and biologically active substances necessary for the optimal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Of great importance in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases is the ability of mint to saturate tissues with molecular oxygen. And due to elimination of the deficiency of microelements of magnesium and potassium necessary for the organism, vitamins of group B and ascorbic acid, the permeability of blood vessels is normalized, the content of elastin and collagen increases.

Peppermint has the ability to reduce the intensity of pain in the heart by expanding the coronary vessels

Peppermint in the therapy of angina

Angina is a special form of ischemic disease characterized by paroxysmal burning pains in the region of the heart. The cause of the pathological condition is acute circulatory failure in the myocardium. In the treatment of the disease, preparations based on menthol, obtained from mint oil, are actively used. Freshly brewed tea has no less therapeutic effectiveness. The effect of mint on the heart is not only in the expansion of coronary vessels, but also in pronounced antispasmodic and sedative properties. Pain in the heart with stenocardia often occur against the background:

  • excessive nervous excitability;
  • acute experience of any stressful situation.

The use of fragrant mint tea will allow a person to relax, calm down, eliminate anxiety and anxiety. This will help to quickly reduce the intensity of cardiac pain and the frequency of myocardial contractions.

Important: Regardless of whether a person uses fresh leaves or in the form of weakly boiled tea, a useful plant has a diverse cardiotonic effect.

Aromatic peppermint tea is an excellent preventive against cardiovascular diseases

Mint as a preventive remedy

Causes of pain in the heart can be excess weight and bad habits that cause violation of the coronary circulation. Arteries, veins and capillaries experience excessive loads due to accumulation in them:

  • slag;
  • toxins;
  • cholesterol blocks.

Ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages and the toxic tar of tobacco destroys blood vessels, leading to rapid wear. The tissues do not receive oxygen and useful substances, which significantly reduces their functional activity.

Cardiologists recommend regularly using mint tea to cleanse veins and arteries, preventing discomfort in the heart. A useful plant also helps to lose weight by accelerating metabolism, improving digestion and peristalsis.

Useful advices

There is no doubt that mint for heart is useful. But it is worth considering that a high concentration of menthol often causes the development of pronounced side effects. If the proportions of the ingredients are not observed when brewing tea, the result of its application can be proportional to the reciprocal expected therapeutic effect. How correctly to prepare a cardiotonic drink:

  • in a ceramic kettle to pour a teaspoon of dry vegetable raw materials or put 3-4 fresh leaves;
  • pour a glass of hot water( temperature 90-95 ° C);
  • after 30 minutes cool and filter.

In the absence of contraindications, the taste of the beverage can be improved by adding thick honey or lemon slices. To normalize the work of the heart and coronary vessels should take 0.3 cup of tea 3 times a day after meals.

Tip: If the pains in the cardiac region occur against the background of neurological disorders, then for their arresting it is necessary to drink 100 ml of flavored tea 3 times a day. To increase the therapeutic effectiveness, you can combine mint with marjoram, melissa, motherwort and St. John's wort with brewing.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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