- What is the feature of Gotu kola? A bit about the legends
- What does the centellet give us? Advantages and disadvantages of the grass
- How is centel used?
Our world is full of many different things. They help us. Of course, the medicine that improves and creates new drugs that help our recovery is not standing still. People are used to the fact that every pain has its own pill or other drug that can be bought at a pharmacy. But is it worth hurrying, because there are other knowledge that belongs to our ancestors as well - they are about the healing properties of plants. Herbs can be raised to the feet and serve as an excellent preventive maintenance of diseases, so why have we forgotten them unnecessarily? We suggest you get acquainted with the ancient Gotu kola plant, perhaps your worldview will change radically.
What is the feature of Gotu kola? A bit about the legends
Agree, the name of the plant is quite interesting, we did not exactly hear about it in our latitudes. It seems that this is something from the modern world, but no, there is no kinship with the popular drink here. This plant was known in Asian countries, with a deep and meaningful culture, even in the past millennia. It is a useful herb that could give both youth, and beauty, and health - something like an invaluable elixir of longevity. In our age, we too can learn about Gotu kola for our home therapy.
Attention! Any healer knows that there is a blade of grass from each swine, but you should not do self-medication without a preliminary examination of your body. Even the most useful herbs sometimes give side effects.
So, let's talk a little about botany or how the plant looks, where it grows. Centella Asiatic or Gothu Cola may have other names. It was known for three thousand years before our era, at the time of Ayurveda - the teaching that answers many questions, it still excites the minds of even the most advanced scientists on how to make your body healthy and perfect. This is an alternative ancient approach to yourself and to medicine.
With regard to the grass itself, it's easy to find out. It grows in Asian countries, and also occurs in Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. The plant most often settles in swampy terrain, in ravines where it spreads on the ground, not towering more than five centimeters above the surface. The grass seems to be unremarkable, it has a kidney-shaped leaf, small flowers of yellow or red hue, but it should not be underestimated.
is revered. There are different opinions and legends about how people discovered the Gotu kola plant and what it can give to our body. Even in ancient times, people watched the animals. Many of them turned to centel for healing. So, after the fights, the tigers, who received strong wounds, found places where the grass was spreading, and rolled around sore places along it. After the wound was prolonged and did not fester. Maybe that's why one of the names of Gotu kola is the tiger grass.
There has always been a revered plant in India and China. People saw that elephants eat cetellus, and they are famous long-livers, because the people of India believed that if you eat grass, you can be strong and hardy, like these big and noble animals. In China, there is a legend that there lived a man who was neither more nor less than 250 years old, and his longevity was found thanks to Gotu kola. Throughout the world, you can meet different legends, but one thing is certain - if the grass would be useless, then no one would have used it for centuries and millennia. You will be surprised how many different useful properties there are in the plant, they will be discussed further on.
What does Centella give us? Pros and Cons of Grass
Gothu Cola Useful Properties
Of course, the healing properties of this plant are in its composition, and it is very rich. The herb contains macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. Especially a lot of vitamins of the B group are in the center. There is also A, E, K, a rich herb for magnesium and phosphorus. Like every plant, Gotu Kola consists of essential oils, there are also bioflavonoids, steroids, saponins in it - they contribute to the fact that wounds on the body of a person or an animal begin to heal faster. Substances stimulate the immune system, also serve as antioxidants. About what the information about the Gotu stake in Ayurveda says.
What else can the plant give to our organism?
- The herb is famous for its ability to stimulate mental activity. Nowadays, various biologically active supplements are made, which have a beneficial effect on the brain, memory, attention, concentration.
- Restores tissues after trauma, heals wounds due to blood flow to the lesion focus. The skin strengthens, the person becomes lighter. Grass Gotha cola is prescribed for those who undergo surgery, the sutures are tightened more quickly, and the scars are formed less pronounced.
- Beneficial effect on blood vessels. Scientists have proved that the plant helps those who suffer from varicose veins.
- An excellent remedy for those who are often nervous, in a state of depression or stress. Helps cope with panic attacks.
- Promotes normalization of the cardiovascular system and reduces blood pressure.
- Helps with various skin diseases. Representatives of the fair sex should know that Gotu kola extract, tea or tincture helps to produce collagen, which helps us to be young.
- Many people use the plant to treat and restore hair.
- Helps in the early stages of psoriasis.
- Even those who want to lose weight and get rid of the "orange peel", Gotu kola and its application will help fulfill the cherished desire.
- Herbal herbal preparations revitalize the body, helping to fight against epilepsy, fever, peptic ulcer.
- There are reports that scientists began to apply Gotu kola and to combat cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Gotu kola contraindications
Occasionally, during application of agents based on this plant, adverse reactions may occur. It can be a rash, nausea, fatigue. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. There are some tips about who should not use the herb for treatment or do it only after consulting a doctor.
So, all those women who want to become mothers, are already carrying a baby or are breastfeeding, should refrain from taking the grass. Also, do not use the plant and those people who are prone to allergies. They must first check whether there will be a reaction. Diabetics and cancer patients also need to be careful with Gotu cola, it has the property of increasing sugar. Also, the grass can cause a breakdown, if it is taken with some other drugs.
How is centel used?
There are many different variations. Grass is sold in ready form as a dietary supplements, it is a part of various drugs from various ailments. You can make tinctures, oils, extract Gotu Cola extract, powder, which then add as a seasoning for food. There are many different methods of using this plant. Also includes centella and many cosmetic products that help the skin, hair, nails and so on.
The plant is added to the food in the form of a powder, mixing with other seasonings. It excellently invigorates, tones up the body. Powder has a slight laxative effect and serves as an antiseptic. From the leaves of Gotu Cola, tea is made, into which ginseng is also placed. Such tea will help your nervous system, memory, mental activity. Also for sedation, milk broths are made with grass. Gotu Cola mixed with oils, then applied to the scalp, you can still rub in the problem areas, where there is cellulite.
All products based on Gotu kola can help to clean the blood well, especially when there has been intoxication with alcohol, nicotine, and narcotic drugs. Therefore, the plant is simply shown to people with bad habits. They can drink Gotu kola, like tea, alternating with the intake of other herbs, which will help drive out toxins and help the body to start working correctly. You can use a dietary supplements for cleansing, take tinctures.
Important! Whatever you decide to treat with this wonderful plant, inform the doctor about it and go for a checkup on the presence of concomitant diseases, which can be a contraindication.
Our health is an invaluable gift. The world around is replete with vegetation, there is also knowledge that can explain to a modern person what and how to apply. So, why do not we use natural gifts, because often they are not expensive, and the effect from them is not worse than than from the newfangled medicines and cosmetics.