Therapeutic properties and application in folk medicine of funds on the basis of Adonis spring

  1. Botanical Description
  2. Chemical Composition
  3. Therapeutic Properties
  4. Procurement of raw materials
  5. Methods of application
  6. Precautions

The perennial herb of the genus Adonis belonging to the family Lyutik, Adonis spring has long been used in folk medicine for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver,dropsy and nervous disorders. As a result of a detailed scientific study of its medicinal properties, medicinal preparations have been created on its basis, which have been successfully applied at the present time. In nature, spring adonis occurs in western Russia, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, Eastern and Western Siberia, Ukraine, Southern and Central Europe. It is also grown as an ornamental plant. Due to its appearance, it has received quite interesting national names such as Gorisvet, Montenegro, Mohnatik, Husky, Hare Grass, Starodubka, Hare Poppy, Yellow Tail.

Botanical description

Adonis spring grows on the outskirts and outskirts of deciduous forests, groves, meadows, open glades, hills, mountain slopes and pastures. Propagated by seeds and rhizomes. Rhizomes are planted in moist soil in autumn or early spring. Freshly picked mature seeds are sown in the summer( June-July), immersing them 1.5 - 2 cm deep into the soil.

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Rhizome rhizomes of spring dark brown color, vertical, short, thick( up to 4 cm in diameter), with a large number of cord-like roots.

The stems of the plant are erect, round in shape. At the base they are naked, covered with rare lower leaves in the form of scaly scales of brown color. At the beginning of flowering adonis, the height of all the stems does not exceed 20 cm, then gradually the central stem lengthens and branches, with branches exceeding the central stem along the length. During the fruiting period, the plant reaches a maximum height of 40 to 50 cm.

The leaves located below the stem have petioles, and near the top are sessile. The leaf blade is broadly ovoid in shape, palmate-divided into narrow-lined, entire-pointed, pointed at the apex of a length of 1 to 2 cm and a width of not more than 1 mm.

Adonis spring( photo of flower)

Adonis blooms in April, May. Flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, rich in yellow, solitary, located one at the top of the stem and branches. Calyx 5 - 8-leaf, green, pubescent with short hairs. Sepals have a wide-ovoid shape 1 - 2 cm long, blunt at the top. The corolla consists of 12 - 20 free petals oblong obovate, the length of the petal averages 3 cm. Each flower contains a large number of stamens and pistils arranged spirally on a cone-shaped flower-root.

Fruit of adonis or hornflower of spring

Fruits - polyhedron long 2 cm, width 1.2 cm. Ripen in June-July, consist of 30 - 40 achenes of gray-green color with short hook-shaped spout.

Interesting: There are several opinions about the origin of the name Adonis. According to one of them, the flower received such a name on behalf of the beautiful Greek boy Adonis, in whom Aphrodite was in love. According to another version, the plant was named so in honor of the young Phoenician god Adon, personifying the annual dying and revitalization of nature.

Chemical Composition

The herb, seeds and roots of the Goricol contain over 20 different cardiac glycosides, in its pure form, from which were isolated zymarin and adonitoxin, similar in structure to the glycosides of the staphant seeds. It is these compounds that are the active substances of the flower of the old-bug, causing the medicinal properties of the plant. The greatest amounts of cardiac glycosides were found in the green fruits and leaves of the plant.

The herb also contains saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, organic acids, phytosterols, minerals( Cr, Mo, Mn) and alcohol adonite.

Therapeutic properties of

Means from the grass of Adonis have a calming, diuretic, analgesic, anticonvulsant action, regulate cardiac activity, dilate the vessels of the heart, improve its contractile function. In doing so, they reduce the excitability of the heart muscle and slow the heart rate.

They are effective at the following indications:

  • heart neurosis;
  • heart failure;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • kidney disease with symptoms of cardiovascular failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • dyspnea due to impaired cardiac function;
  • of jaundice;
  • feverish conditions;
  • swelling of the feet, dropsy;
  • insomnia.

The painful properties of the Gorisveta allow using it in joint diseases( arthritis and arthrosis), muscles, rheumatism, headache. Also, the products from the plant have a general strengthening effect, increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Adonis spring is often used in official medicine. On the basis of its extract, the galenic drug Adonidis is produced, which is prescribed for vegetative-vascular neuroses, the initial stages of circulatory insufficiency and cardiac activity. Infusion of herb grass is one of the components of Bekhterev's medicine, and her extract is a part of the drugs Cardiolanum, Adonis-bromine, Kordiazid. Also, the dried Adonis grass is included in ready-made pharmacy renal and cardiac collections.

Adonis-bromine preparation

Important: The funds from adonis help to reduce seizures that occur against the background of an overdose of narcotic drugs( cocaine), and in case of timely intake can save a person's life.

Procurement of raw materials

As a medicinal raw material, the grass of the spring of spring is harvested. It is cut off with a sickle slightly above the basal scaly leaves at a distance of about 10 cm from the soil level, trying not to harm the root system. Collection is carried out from the end of flowering to the beginning of the shedding of fruits. Given that the gorichvet from the seed grows very slowly and it takes years to get the full-aged plants suitable for harvesting, it can be collected at the same places at intervals of 4 to 5 years.

The drying of the collected spring Adonis grass is carried out in dryers at a temperature of about 50 ° C or in the shade under a canopy in the air, since the presence of raw materials under direct sunlight can lead to a decrease in its biological activity. Raw materials are considered completely dried, when thick stems of a plant easily break.

Store the dried grass for up to 3 years in a well-ventilated dry room in small pouches or cardboard boxes in a dark place, separate from other herbs.

Adonis spring( medicinal raw materials)

Warning: When harvesting raw materials, it is necessary to leave a part of the plants untouched, it is strictly forbidden to tear them from the root. As a result of improper collection, the plant is on the verge of extinction. On the territory of Russia adonis spring is listed in the Red Book.

Ways of using

In folk medicine from goritsvet prepare decoctions, infusions and spirit tinctures for internal use. For medicinal purposes, the harvesting of Adonis spring grass according to the description given above, can be done alone or buy ready-made raw materials in the pharmacy.

Adonis grass of spring( medicine)

Alcohol tincture for cardiac disorders

In a half-liter jar, finely chopped Adonis grass is topped up, filled with alcohol with an ethanol concentration of 56% and covered with a lid. The resulting mixture is insisted in a warm dark place for 12 days, mixing daily. Eat 8 drops an hour before meals three times a day. The product is suitable for long-term use.

Broth with broken heartbeat

Pour 250 ml of water into a small saucepan and set it on a weak fire. At the time of boiling, pour 4 g of Adonis grass and boil for no more than three minutes, then cover the pan with a lid and take it to a warm place for 20 minutes for infusion. Then filter and take 15 ml three times a day for several days.

Infusion for pneumonia and tuberculosis

The dried ground grass of Adonis in the amount of 1 to 2 teaspoons is placed in a glass and poured over with boiling water. Insist, until it cools down to room temperature, filtered and take 1 tbsp.l.three times a day.

Infusion for muscular and joint pain

Dry herb adonis in the amount of 1 tbsp.l.pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist an hour. Then filter and use the resulting solution on a tablespoon three times in knocking.

Vodka tincture for insomnia

Grinded grass( 2 tbsp.) Is poured with 300 g of vodka, insist in a dark place for 10 to 15 days. Apply as a sedative on 20 drops three times a day.

Means for neuroses

An herbal collection is prepared from 1 part of Adonis grass, 3 parts of nettle, 2 parts of valerian, 4 parts of lemon balm. To 5 g of the obtained mixture, add a glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes, strain and take ¼ cup twice a day.


Means from adonis spring contraindicated in the case:

  • lactation and pregnancy( can trigger a miscarriage);
  • gastritis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer;
  • intracardiac blockade;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • of ventricular arrhythmia;
  • susceptibility to thrombosis;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

In case of accidental overdose of medicines based on coronet, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, drowsiness, disturbances of heart rhythm occur. The appearance of such symptoms requires the provision of medical care. When poisoning with drugs adonis perform gastric lavage, take enterosorbents and laxatives, observe bed rest.

Important: Goriksvet spring refers to poisonous and potent medicinal plants, therefore folk remedies and medications from it should be taken only at the doctor's prescription.

Video - Growth Features and Adonis Spring Properties:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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