Angelica is an ancient helper from many ailments

  1. Interesting facts about the plant
  2. Plant description
  3. Angelica officinalis. What is its power?
  4. Plant Angelica. Its benefits and contraindications

Modern man very much distanced himself from the nature and knowledge that our ancestors gave us. But from this he did not become healthier, and sometimes after many unsuccessful attempts to cure this or that disease, we turn to grasses, healers. To restore knowledge again, it is necessary to study plants and their properties. And today you can learn about one very useful grass called Angelica.

Angelica grows in many regions of our country

This plant has existed on our planet for thousands of years. And for as long as it was known for its useful qualities for a person. Angelica was used to treat many diseases, while the effect of treatment was good. The plant for such a long history of its existence has acquired many other names - angelica, meadow oaks, bordanka, sweet trunk, arctic.

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Did you know? According to ancient legends of some peoples of the world, Angelica was donated to people from heaven. It happened when people were struck by a plague, and there was not from a disease of salvation. At that moment, an angel descended from above descended from above, and in his hands was the root of a wonderful plant. Then people called angelica angelica( Latin).

Interesting facts about the plant

According to scientists, the grass has a homeland in the northern regions of Eurasia. In XIV Angelica was brought to Europe from Scandinavian regions. It was used by our Slavs ancestors for the treatment of various ailments. The plant gave health, strength, beauty. Moreover, it was Angelica that saved man from poison after a snake bite.

The plant was known even by our distant ancestors

Grass and now it grows on the territory of our country. At the same time, it is quite common throughout the territory, Angelica can also be harvested in the European part, and in the Urals, and in Siberia. It grows in the Caucasus and the Far East. Here the grass grows wild. Sometimes it can be specially cultivated in some regions. But in Europe, many countries grow angelica purposefully.

Description of the plant

For you to better understand what is at stake, look at the photo of Angelica. This herb has a high stem that exceeds the height of a person. She flowers with umbrellas with white or yellow flowers. Sheets are beautiful, because they have carved contours. The grass has a rather pronounced aroma, its roots grow over a long distance, holding firmly in the soil, but they do not grow into the depths. The angelica root also has its subtle aroma.

The angelica root is the most healing part of the

. The stem has many branches, the leaves on it are large, there is a silvery coating. The plant blooms in the second and third decade of summer. If I have year, I do not bloom, and the timing of its collection - September, October. If the grass is two years old or older, it will bloom and it is harvested in April and May.

For information! The powerful root of Angelica is very healing and smells nice. It is he who is the raw material for medicines from many diseases. To understand what is valued for the grass, read further its composition. Angelica officinalis. What is its power?

Of course, every curative plant helps a person because it contains various necessary components, vitamins. Angelica is considered a grass that can give health and strength. It contains a lot of essential oils, acids( apple, acetic, valerian, others).The composition is also rich in tannins, carotene, antioxidants, sugars, resins, bitter substances. This is not all.

Raw material can procure every

. The nature of the plant and proteins, vegetable fats, calcium, pectic components, ascorbic acid, phosphorus did not deprive the plant. Without these components, our body can not be healthy, and they can be so easily replenished using a plant in their daily life. It should be noted that angelica contains fiber, and it is needed by our digestive tract for digestion and purification of the body from all harmful and unnecessary substances.

For information! Essential oil is made from the rhizome of the plant, it is used for therapy. It has in the composition of all useful substances, while its aroma is thin and there is a note of musk. Also scientists believe that in oil there is one of the very important components - felandrene.

Plant Angelica. Its benefits and contraindications

The healing properties of

Next, you will see a long list of what can do angelica officinalis.

  • Used as a powerful agent for immunity.
  • The plant has always been valued for its ability to help our cardiovascular system, improve blood flow.
  • Displays bile, helps the kidneys. Good effect on the health of people who were or is, are dependent on alcohol.
  • Stimulates and gives tone to the nervous system.
  • Excellent assistant to those people who are suffering from various pains and diseases of the back. To do this, use infusions of alcohol as rubbing.
  • And during the cold Angelica grass, our assistant, as she can bring down the temperature, cope with the pathogenic environment of germs and bacteria, relieve the painful cough.
  • Grass normalizes pressure, improves motility.
  • Infusions based on angelica root are a help to our digestion. The body begins to receive a maximum of nutrients, and slags, toxins, carcinogens from it are excreted.
  • Drug components help to lower cholesterol.
Grass is of great benefit to our health
Agree how unique this herb is. So, why do not we know anything about it, and if we know where it grows, then we do not use it for therapy. After all, it's much easier to use natural gifts than to drink tablets with chemical composition.

Angelica medicinal for women

All the above qualities of grass are useful for everyone, but Angelica has certain properties that can help women's health. Namely, the plant gives a chance to become pregnant with women who suffer from anemia, problems with blood circulation, constantly feel tired. Against this background, conceiving a child is very difficult.

If you use angelica for therapy, you can find strength, because we remember how in ancient times called Angelica Slavs. The woman will regain health, her skin will not be pale, dry. Also helps the plant and those who have already given birth, to remove weakness, restore menstruation, relieve pain in the small pelvis. In a word, for woman's health, Angelica is needed for its medicinal properties and composition.

Contraindications. Who should not use the herb for therapy?

Always, using for treatment or prevention this or that plant or the means made on its basis, it is necessary to understand about individual intolerance of components. Someone can drink an infusion like tea, and someone can get the strongest allergy. After all, we all have different bodies.

Infinitely useful angelica does not have any special contraindications or side effects, it can not be two categories of people - women, when they are already carrying a child, notice that after the birth and for conception, the grass is useful, and people with diabetes. Well, as it was said earlier, plants can not be those who can have allergies to it.

Important! Even if you all know about your health, what diseases you have or do not have, then never do anything without consulting your doctor for treatment at home. Women need to be especially careful, because sometimes we can not immediately know about their pregnancy, in which you can not drink decoctions or infusions based on the angelica root.

The healing properties of the plant we must use for our health, immunity, prevention. After all, you can recruit raw materials, as well as make infusion, while you get an environmentally friendly medicine. Competently picked up grass, can lift on legs after the most serious disease, so, whether it is necessary to neglect such gifts.

We hope that the article was useful to you, and now your knowledge of folk medicine has become fuller. You can prepare the grass yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. But remember the timing of the collection.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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