Donnik, or how to help your health with the help of medicine men's recipes

  1. General description of the plant
  2. How is the clover collected?
  3. Therapeutic properties of the plant and contraindications
  4. Contraindications and side effects from therapy

Our life is a series of ups, downs, happy or negative moments. More and more people spend more time at work, wanting to receive material benefits and to be no worse than others, but what we see as a result. In this haste, stress, people feel more unhappy than happy, their nervous state is on the verge of collapse, and health is shaken. Then they go for antidepressants, medicines, but is it worth using pills when there are natural gifts that can help. Thus, the grass of the clover is an ancient helper on the way to calming down, restoring vitality. It is about this herb and it will go further.

Medicinal clover

General description of the plant

Donnik is a two-year herb, its vegetable relatives are legumes. The height of the stem is small - up to a meter, it tends to skyward. The plant does not look sprawling, powerful. There are a few leaves on it, the branches are thin, the leaves are regular, they have the shape of denticles. Blossoms, as a rule, yellow and white flowers, after which it forms a fruit - a bean. The flowering period is all summer.

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Donnik has an unremarkable appearance, but it is very useful

Donnik Yellow is found everywhere. He loves sunny meadows, but can grow among shrubs, forests, ravines, steppes. In a word, the herb to the conditions is very unpretentious. The plant is a good fodder for livestock, helps to improve the structure of the soil. The white variety grows in large quantities in Siberia, and on its basis scientists from Canada have extracted two more varieties of this herb.

That's interesting! We are used to what our grandmothers knew about herbs. But they knew about the noblewoman in ancient times. There are reports that people used the grass long before the Slavs. And it's wonderful that after hundreds of years, we can also easily recruit raw materials and use it already in our modern age for therapy.

Donnik grows not only in our country, it is spread all over the world. Moreover, it is this plant is, for example, the main honeycomb in the US.Bees are very fond of sweet clover, and in areas where it grows, you can often see apiaries. Moreover, bees harvest nectar not only in the summer, but also in the autumn, when the grass can bloom on the second occasion. The yield is very high in terms of honey.

How to collect clover?

As the grass blooms from June to August, even the busiest person can prepare it, because this is done during the flowering period. The stem is cut with a sharp knife or scissors about 30 cm long. There must be branches and color on it. Immediately after collecting the grass, you need to dry it - it's best to do it on the open veranda under the gauze, under a canopy where there is a draft in the attic.

Grass is considered the best honeycomb

Tip! If you are a resident of the city, but have long dreamed of using herbs for therapy and for prevention, but you do not have a place where you could dry them, then it does not matter. Now in every store of home appliances are sold different models of dryers. They are not expensive, but you can make in them harvesting of herbs, mushrooms, dried fruits and much more.

It is important to remember that even the most useful plants can not be collected near the road by the side of the road, near the enterprises where there is a lot of dust, harmful emissions. And if you dry the raw materials in the street, it also can not be covered with dust, so choose a place and cover with several layers of gauze. When the grass begins to break, but do not pour in, the drying is over. If you use a dryer, set the temperature at 40 degrees. Dry grass smells of hay, its shelf life is two years. The medicinal herb is used for export.

Tip! Be sure to collect the fees only in dry weather, preferably in the first half of the day, as, in the opinion of many healers, after dinner, the plants prepare for bed, like people, and they benefit less. The Donnik must be dry and clean, otherwise it will turn black.

So, you now know that the clover is old, useful. It is good for animals, for humans, and for insects. It is easy to make blanks, you can buy a finished product in a pharmacy. Now you need to find out the most interesting - what is the power of the medicinal dribbler?

Therapeutic properties of the plant and contraindications

The use of sweet clover for the body

  • One of the most valuable components of the grass is coumarin, which gives the raw material a hay aroma. It acts favorably on the nervous system, can remove convulsions.
  • Promotes blood clotting.
  • Donnik helps people who have undergone chemotherapy, especially those who suffer from leukemia. It promotes the production of leukocytes.
  • Grass has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, it helps to remove cardiospasms.
  • For people who suffer from insomnia, a lot of nervous, is constantly in a state of stress, grass donnik - is a valuable assistant. Taking decoctions or infusions, you can remove all the symptoms and bring back a healthy sleep. Even in the era before the Slavs, the plant was used for hysteria, seizures, and attacks of melancholy.
  • The plant can be used during constipation and as a preventive measure of hemorrhoids.

  • During the cold, people have long used grass for expectoration, removal of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.
  • Donnik is a part of many emollients, plaster from abscesses and calluses.
  • The plant also helps women's health, as it normalizes the menstrual cycle, prevents mastitis, facilitates the condition during menopause.
  • Eliminates manifestations of intestinal disorders such as flatulence and all sorts of pain. Serves as a diuretic.
  • Donnik is also shown to those who suffer from furuncles, acne, purulent wounds and other skin problems.
  • Normalizes blood circulation, pressure stimulates the production of leukocytes.
  • In some countries, the clover is used for therapy of encephalitis.
Since ancient times the clover has been used for the treatment of ailments

The use of the medicinal drone is carried out not only in our country, for example, in Poland they are treated with nervous diseases, insomnia, in Germany and Austria cope with gastrointestinal problems and bronchitis. In Bulgaria, grass is used as a medicine for migraine, with respiratory diseases, hypertension. In France with gout, as an astringent. From the plant make ointments, decoctions, infusions, tinctures, homeopathic preparations, collect fees. Drugs for treatment can be done at home, you can buy ready-made in special stores or pharmacies.

That's interesting! Donnik got the name back in antiquity."Bottom" meant before illness, which affects the lower part of the body, and the plant could help to get on their feet. Also, the clover had the names of a sprinkler, a stone, a white burkun. Since ancient times, ointments based on herbs have been treated with colds, cuts, wounds, nervous breakdowns.

Any plant can be useful to us, but sometimes herbs can cause side effects, most often in those who suffer from allergies of all kinds. In order not to get negative experience from the treatment, you need to read the following information about the clover, and you already know all the useful properties.

Contraindications and side effects from therapy

It should be noted that the clover is unsafe, it must be taken in certain doses. You can not use the plant for treatment during pregnancy, and for those who have diseased kidneys. If you do not comply with the dosage, you can get oppression of the nervous system, which will manifest headaches, nausea, sleep disturbance.

There may also be a hemorrhage and liver damage from an overdose. It is very dangerous to use the herb for treatment if it was spoiled during drying. It is good to see in the example of animals that can begin to ache and even die if they overeat the bad clover. It also happens that the fetus perishes in cows or goats. Therefore, people should follow the recommendations and it is better to consult a doctor before applying white and yellow sweet clover. Be sure to consider your health status.

That's all you need to know. The plant is useful, used for centuries, but dosage should be strictly observed.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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