Goose Goatee is a medicinal plant and is actively used in modern herbal medicine. All its parts possess useful properties. Lapchatki preparations have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent and hemostatic effect that allows using them in various branches of medicine.
Plant characteristic
Goose goose, or yellow, is a wild perennial belonging to the genus "Fingerback" from the family of Rosaceae. Its properties were known in the Middle Ages, and it gained the greatest popularity in Western Europe. The doctors of that time actively used the anticonvulsant and hemostatic effect of this plant.
Goose's goose, as seen in the photo, has oblong non-panicleous leaves, the radical leaves are covered with hairs. The flowers are formed in the leaf sinuses, they are of average size, five petals, are painted yellow. At the end of the flowering period, fruits - a cluster of achenes are formed.
Useful properties and application
Goose goose has the following medicinal properties:
- stimulates the separation of gastric juice, bile and urine;
- prevents the occurrence of constipation;
- eliminates stomach spasms and intestinal colic;
- helps with kidney stones and cholelithiasis;
- stops internal bleeding;
- helps with migraines;
- promotes cure for bronchitis;
- is effective in angina pectoris;
- has a positive effect on dysentery;
- relieves pain in menstruation and uterine pain.
Recommendation! To the preparations of this plant showed the most pronounced effect, they must be taken regularly and for a long time.
Application of the rhizome
The rhizomes of the cauliflower are used for the preparation of decoction, which is used as an external agent and helps in the following situations:
- abrasions;
- bruising;
- injuries;
- wound;
- neurodermatitis;
- is a dense eczema;
- hemorrhoids.
In addition, decoctions of the rhizomes of the cotton can be used for douching in diseases of female genital organs of an inflammatory nature. Internal reception of means on the basis of roots of this plant becomes actual at a stomach ulcer and a duodenum, an enterocolitis, a colitis, a hepatitis and a hypoacid gastritis.
Application of grass
A herb is prepared from the herb of tin, which is used as a diuretic for cystitis and inflammation of the oral mucosa, as well as pharyngitis and sore throat.
Lotions on the basis of infusion are highly effective in skin diseases, especially accompanied by purulent lesions. This tool can be used internally, the indications in this case are:
- urolithiasis;
- uterine and pulmonary hemorrhages;
- muscle cramps;
- pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
- digestive disorders.
Tip! If you are worried about severe cramps in the calf muscles, then the grass of the cottonwood should be brewed together with the rhizome and drunk throughout the day like tea. But the podstlastitel in this case is not recommended.
In addition, the herb tincture of yellow tin is used for gum lesions in both inflammatory and dystrophic lesions. In this case, the agent must be lubricated or irrigated affected areas.
Recipes of
Let's figure out how to prepare the preparations of cottonwood.
Infusion of herbs
- 3 tablespoons of dry raw materials put in a thermos bottle.
- Add a glass of boiling water.
- Close the lid and leave for 20 minutes.
Take 60 ml three times daily before meals.
Decoction of rhizomes
- A tablespoon of raw material should be put in a saucepan.
- Pour in 250 m of water.
- Put the mixture in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes.
- To filter, press.
- Resume the initial volume.
Take four times a day for 2 tablespoons.
Important! Before use, the broth should be shaken thoroughly!
Decoction of seeds
Use this product for rinses, washings and as lotions.
- 2 tablespoons of seeds folded into a saucepan.
- Pour in 300 ml of water.
- Blend the mixture to boiling and cook for 5 minutes.
- Leave for 4 hours.
- To profile.
In addition to the medicinal properties of Goose's goatee, there are contraindications:
- blood thickening;
- hypertensive crisis;
- excretion of stones from the kidneys;
- susceptibility to the formation of blood clots.
In addition, preparations of Goose's gooseberry can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa.