It is known that frequent coffee consumption does not bring our body benefits. It is for this reason that many coffee lovers prefer alternative options, which include chicory, diluted in milk. He as well as coffee energizes, gives vivacity and raises mood. But there is a theory that the benefits and harm of chicory with milk are rather closely bordered, so use this cocktail should be extremely cautious. Today we will try to understand this difficult issue.
Benefit for the body
When considering the question of whether it is possible to drink chicory with milk, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of chicory itself. It contains:
- triterpenes - the main active substances that are catalysts. They contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body, which, in turn, leads to a natural decrease in body weight;
- inulin - is also an active substance that is responsible for lowering blood glucose levels and takes no less active part in the cleansing of the body;
- pectins - thanks to them, a person quickly reaches a feeling of satiety and does not experience hunger for quite a long time.
At the same time, the calorie content of a drink made of chicory with milk is rather small and amounts to about 19 kcal per 100 g of product.
Important! But here it should also be added that it is because of the presence of pectins that a drink based on chicory is recommended to eat after eating, and not on an empty stomach.
But this does not stop the use of chicory with milk. This cocktail is often recommended for use by people with a weakened body. Let us consider several recipes for its preparation.
To increase hemoglobin
If you suffer from iron deficiency anemia, then we suggest that you consider the following remedy:
- take a dessert spoon of natural chicory;
- dilute it in 200 ml of warm milk;
- use the received drink three times a day;
- course duration - 2 months.
With pancreatitis
Coffee is strictly prohibited for use in pancreatitis, so many patients after consultation with a doctor replace it with chicory and milk.
Important! Chicory with milk can be included in the diet only during the remission of chronic pancreatitis, but in no case with its acute or chronic form during the period of exacerbation. The fact is that this product exhibits a slight choleretic effect, and when inflammation occurs in the pancreas, maximum rest is needed.
In pancreatitis, chicory with milk should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small doses. A brew the drink as a regular coffee.
General restorative drink
If you are not disturbed by the diseases described above, then we offer you a drink that will help the body to adjust its protective functions and strengthen the immune system:
- 200 ml of milk pour insauté pan and bring to a boil;
- add ¼ teaspoon of natural chicory, mix;
- remove from heat, put 2 teaspoons of liquid honey.
This drink will be useful for adults and children alike.
Possible harm
Chicory in combination with natural cow milk can sometimes bring harm, but here everything will depend solely on the characteristics of the body. And if you are not sure about the "stability" of your gastrointestinal tract, then start to introduce this drink into your diet gradually and always listen to your feelings. If there is a feeling of discomfort, it is recommended to replace natural milk with a packaged or some plant analogue.
In addition, cow's milk can impede the absorption of iron, so when anemia is also worth switching to a dry or herbal product.
And of course, it's worth talking about contraindications. This drink should not be used with:
- stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- varicose veins;
- hemorrhoids;
- diseases of the vascular system;
- allergies, especially on vitamin C;
- chronic cough;
- bronchitis;
- asthma.
When pregnant, chicory with milk can cause allergies and affect the health of the unborn child, so during this period, its use should always be agreed with your doctor.