- Useful properties of nettle to increase potency
- Popular nettle-based recipes to increase potency
According to medical statistics, about 30% of men now have sexual problems associated with decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. To treat such disorders, many pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements have been developed. However, it is not always necessary to resort to their use, given the high cost and the presence of side effects. Very often, the problem can be solved with the help of sports, healthy eating, rejection of bad habits, as well as folk medicine.
Since long ago, a plant such as nettle nettle has been used to treat sexual disorders in men. Various folk recipes, where roots, leaves and nettle seeds for potency are used not only help to solve certain problems in sexual life, but also have a therapeutic effect on prostatitis, prostate adenoma and other diseases of the male genitourinary system.
Useful properties of nettle to increase potency
Everyone knows that nettle refers to weeds and can meet anywhere. When it appears in suburban areas or near a house, people tend to strive to destroy it, perhaps not knowing that this plant has a number of valuable medicinal properties. Most often it is used in folk medicine as wound healing and hemostatic. However, the spectrum of its biological activity is much broader. Nettle is used in the treatment of various human diseases due to the fact that:
- promotes the regeneration of tissues;
- has a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect;
- reduces inflammation;
- improves metabolism;
- normalizes the blood composition;
- has anticonvulsant activity;
- facilitates sputum discharge for colds;
- has a restorative effect.
Seeds of nettle when applied as tinctures, decoctions, teas improve the work of the central nervous system, regulate blood circulation and normalize the functions of the genital organs. In this regard, extracts obtained from this plant are available in many preparations to increase potency. The substances contained in them contribute to the normalization of the sexual system, increase the sexual desire and, as a result, restore the erectile function. Nettle is still used to treat certain male pathologies( prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.), which can also lead to problems in bed.
Since ancient times, many folk recipes have been used where roots, leaves and nettle seeds are used to improve potency. They contain active substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the male genitourinary system. Nettle increases the concentration in the body of a male free testosterone - the main sex hormone, which regulates the activity of the organs of the reproductive system and is responsible for the formation of libido. It is suggested that the increase in potency and improvement of erectile function in men with the use of nettle occurs due to the following mechanisms:
- inhibition of the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone;
- release of free testosterone from its complexes with proteins;
- prevents the binding of testosterone with GSH( globulin binding sex hormones).
Important: Before using folk prescriptions based on nettle to increase potency, you should consult your doctor. This plant increases the coagulability of blood, and its use is contraindicated in certain pathologies of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
Folk recipes based on nettle to enhance potency
All parts of the nettle can be used to treat potency disorders: leaves, seeds, roots and rhizomes. They are used to prepare tinctures, make broths, make tea or simply eat, adding salads, soups and other dishes. Nettle can be used alone or as part of herbal preparations. The course of treatment is usually not less than 10 days, and in some cases can last for several months.
Folk recipes based on nettle seeds
For the preparation of nettle seeds in folk medicine, the faded tops of the plant are used. The harvest is made in late summer or early autumn, when the seeds are fully ripe. To increase the potency, the following folk recipes are most often used:
- Steam is boiled 1 teaspoon.nettle seeds and drink like tea 30 minutes before meals or an hour after;
- Seeds of nettles( 20 g) are filled with 500 ml of red grapes, covered with a lid and insist one week, and then filter. The received tincture is consumed 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.l.;
- Nettle seeds( 5 tablespoons) are poured into a saucepan with 500 ml of red wine, boiled for five minutes, then allowed to cool and filter. The resulting solution is taken at 1 tbsp.l.three times a day or ¼ cup at night;Prepare a mixture of fresh crushed seeds of nettle, honey and red wine in equal proportions. Take a mixture of 1 tbsp.l.30 minutes before meals;
- Triturate to a homogeneous state 1 tbsp.l.crushed nettle seed and one ripe banana. The resulting mixture is taken during the day.
These recipes help to increase libido, increase potency and male strength.
Folk recipes based on nettle leaves
The leaves of the nettle are harvested usually from mid-June to mid-August during the flowering period of the plant. They are separated from the stem, dried and stored in a dark dry place.
Freshly, nettle leaves can be added to some dishes and sauces. Regular use of nettle can significantly increase the production of testosterone, which leads to increased potency and libido. Nettle can also be added as greens to various salads. For example, a salad of nettles with onions and eggs increases the sex drive and increases spermatogenesis.
The following recipe is considered to be an effective folk remedy for rapid increase of potency. Dry leaves of nettle in the amount of 100 g are poured 200 ml of boiling water and insisted until completely cooled. To improve the taste, if desired, add a little honey. This broth is recommended for men with a violation of the potency immediately before the sexual intercourse, as it has an exciting and increasing erection effect.
Improve the overall work of the entire genitourinary system will help the infusion obtained from one tablespoon of nettle leaves and a glass of boiling water. After infusion for 15 minutes, it is filtered and consumed thrice a day half an hour before a meal of 70 ml.
Folk recipes based on the roots of the nettle
The preparation of the roots and rhizomes of the nettle is done in late autumn. They are cleaned and dried in air or in well-ventilated areas.
If you have sexual weakness in men, you can use the following recipe. Finely chopped nettle roots( 1 tablespoon) are poured into 500 ml of vodka and held for three weeks in a sealed container in the dark, shaking occasionally. Then the infusion is filtered and poured into a container of dark glass for storage. Take once a day for 20 drops.
Advice: Nettle is growing everywhere, but the collection of raw materials for medicinal purposes must be carried out exclusively in ecologically clean places: forests, parks, etc.