The family of clovers is numerous, and the creeping clover occupies one of the places of honor in it. This plant is highly valued for medicinal properties and for medical purposes use all its parts. Today, we propose to find out what its benefits are and in what cases from the use of clover creeping drugs should be discarded.
Clover creeping is a perennial with complex triple leaves and a well-rooted root. This plant in height can reach 30 cm, has flower heads of white color in the form of balls collected in panicles. The flowering period begins in the first month of summer and lasts until September.
Clover white is found in the European part of Russia. Prefers slightly moist soils, grows near shrubs, on lawns, meadows, fields and along roads. The grass and flowers of the plant are harvested during the flowering period and dried outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. The shelf life of harvested raw materials should not exceed one year.
Use and application of
White clover is capable of exhibiting the following medicinal properties:
- laxative;
- is a diuretic;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- is an emollient;
- is an analgesic;
- wound healing;
- is antitoxic;
- toning.
Water infusion
Water infusion of herbs shows high efficiency in angina, fever, chill, chest frog and helps to remove aches all over the body. Also in folk medicine this remedy is used for pain in bones and hernia. It helps to cure cough and improves the general condition of pulmonary tuberculosis.
In addition, the infusion of white clover can be used in the following cases:
- asphyxiation;
- as a diuretic;
- as a diaphoretic for colds;
- hydrocephalus;
- of jaundice;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- is an epidemic parotitis.
And prepare the infusion in the following way:
- 10 g of raw material put in a thermos bottle;
- pour 200 ml of boiling water;
- tightly close and leave for 5 hours;
- to filter.
Take the infusion 4 times a day on a tablespoon.
Alcohol tincture
Tincture can be used both for treatment and for the prevention of oral diseases and inflammation of adenoids. It is also used for pulmonary tuberculosis and for preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and the flavonoids that make up the plant help lower cholesterol levels.
This preparation can be prepared by the following recipe:
- in a glass container, add 30 g of raw material;
- pour in 300 ml of vodka;
Recommendation! For medicinal tinctures choose only quality vodka, without impurities and flavorings. Replace vodka with alcohol diluted to 40-degrees.
- leave the product in a shaded place for 2 weeks;
- ready to filter.
Healing decoction
Decoction of white clover is an excellent remedy that helps to cure the effects of poisoning. It alleviates the condition with asphyxiation and helps to reduce, and with the correct dosage, completely eliminate the pain syndrome in rheumatism and gout.
In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the broth is added to the baths and makes on its basis lotions, and in the field of gynecology with its help eliminate pain in menstruation and inflammation of the ovaries. Brewing the inflorescence of the plant can normalize the appetite and improve digestion.
To prepare this product you need:
- in a pan to lay down 20 g of raw material;
- pour 250 ml of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes;
- remove from the plate and leave for half an hour;
- broth to filter.
External application
Applying fresh clover externally it is possible to remove inflammatory processes. With hemorrhoids and bleeding wounds, it is advisable to use gruel from fresh leaves. In addition, such a compress will stop bleeding, cure abscesses, panaritium and tumors.
Note! A fresh juice of a plant is considered an excellent wound-healing agent. It helps with cuts and burns, and also contributes to the attenuation of inflammatory processes in the ears.
The technology of preparation for external use is as follows:
- a colander to cover with gauze;
- on her lay out 3 tablespoons of fresh herbs;
- to supply raw materials with boiling water;
- steamed herb wrapped in gauze.
The resulting compress is applied to sore spots and inflamed skin areas.
Despite a large list of useful properties, the white clover also has contraindications:
- strokes;
- infarcts;
- thrombophlebitis;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.
It is absolutely forbidden to use any clover creeping preparations during pregnancy!