- What is the benefit of the sequence?
- How and when to apply?
- Alternation - other dosage forms
- Contraindications
In childhood, many loved to walk exactly where it was forbidden - ravines, bushes and other similar places attracted inexplicable force. And getting out of them, we frantically tried to clean the clothes from the small grains that had accumulated on it, which were sticking to it with their tenacious "teeth".
But very few people know that these "sticks", or as they were called "dogs", are the seeds of a rather useful plant - a string. The name "Bidens", which translates as "Two teeth", this herb has earned it thanks to its tenacious sprouts, located on the seeds. Today we will review the main medicinal properties and contraindications of the sequence and find out what benefits it can bring.
The sequence is a fairly common grass that grows almost everywhere. The most massive clusters of it can be found on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Central Asia and the USA.It has a thin stem, reaching 60 cm in height, with branched shoots. Leaves on short petioles, opposite. As can be seen in the photo below, the flowers of the sequence are colored yellow and are located singly on tops of stems and shoots.
In nature there are about 200 varieties of this plant, but the most valuable of all is considered to be a three-part sequence.
What is the benefit of the succession?
Useful properties of the string have been used since ancient times almost everywhere.
Note! There is evidence that in ancient Tibet and China, this herb was used to treat eczema, dysentery, gout, scrofula and joint lesions in severe forms.
This plant shows a diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic effect, greatly improves the blood formula and cleans it. Very often it is recommended for use by pediatricians, since this broth of this herb has a positive effect on the skin of newborns, eliminating eruptions of a different nature. In addition, added to the bath solution, calms the child's nervous system, after which he quickly falls asleep and sleeps for hours.
For colds and for restoring blood pressure, it is also recommended to use the alternate. It shows high effectiveness in bronchitis, cystitis, edema, being used in complex therapy, helps to significantly improve the condition of patients suffering from diabetes and oncological diseases. Decoctions and infusions of this herb improve appetite, normalize the liver and spleen.
Note! In the East, the root of the string is used when bitten by poisonous insects. It has an antitoxic effect and promotes early healing of wounds.
Here are the main properties of the sequence:
- bactericidal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, which are used in the treatment of skin diseases;
- stimulates metabolic processes in the body;
- positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- is an excellent preventive and curative remedy for colds and infectious diseases;
- enhances the body's ability to withstand the negative effects of the environment;
- improves the functioning of the glands and stimulates blood circulation;
- due to soothing property normalizes the central nervous system, relieves insomnia and irritability;
- possesses an expectorant property, facilitates and restores breathing.
How and when to apply?
The sequence is the most common grass used in folk medicine. Today, there are a huge number of recipes based on this plant, which can help in a variety of situations.
Important! Remember that it is not necessary to abuse the broths and infusions of this herb, as this can cause sleep disturbances and nervous excitability.
With the allergy of
The sequence is considered an excellent remedy for allergies. Possessing anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and drying properties, the decoction of this plant effectively copes with rashes on the skin of a different nature. In this regard, the tool is recommended for use not only by folk healers, but also by representatives of traditional medicine.
To prepare such a decoction, enough a glass of dry herbs to pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 10-12 hours. After that, the mixture is filtered and added to the bath. In this case, the turn takes care of the skin, and its fumes calm the nervous system.
For hair
Quite often a string is used to restore and strengthen hair. Its application in this case gives tremendous results - the hair becomes shiny, elastic and healthy. In addition, the decoction of this plant is very effective in combating dandruff. A properly prepared product normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, heals the wounds on the scalp, gives the locks freshness and strength.
To prepare a rinse aid from the string, you need to do the following:
- in a container, add 2 tablespoons of dry raw material;
- pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 2-3 hours;
- after the specified time the product is filtered and diluted in liter of warm boiled water.
The resulting solution should be rinsed after each hair wash.
For the face of
Use a facial for the face, and after the first application it will become your favorite skin care product. It is highly effective in combating problems such as:
- greasy shine;
- acne;
- inflammation;
- small wounds.
The healing decoction is prepared according to the same recipe as the hair conditioner, but it does not require subsequent dilution in water. The finished product is simply filtered and used as a tonic. In addition, from the present, it is possible to make ice cubes, which are recommended to wipe the skin every morning. Cosmetic ice not only excellently invigorates and refreshes, but also contributes to the preservation of youth, smoothing out fine wrinkles.
To get rid of acne, you need to use the above-described broth string in the form of compresses. To do this, it is enough to moisten the gauze and put on his face. After 15 minutes, remove the compress. A similar procedure is carried out 2 times a week, and when the skin becomes much clearer, the number of sessions is reduced to 1 time in 7 days.
Alternation - other dosage forms
Today in pharmacies you can find not only a dry collection of this plant. From the turn, oil is produced, as well as liquid extract. By their characteristics, these dosage forms are similar, but still each of them requires a separate detailed consideration.
Healing oil
Additional components of butter are fat-soluble vitamins, among them the vitamin of beauty and youth - E. It excellently affects the skin, restoring, healing them and eliminating rashes.
Turf oil is used for the care of hair, face and body. It is used:
- for massages, after which peeling is reduced, intensive nutrition, softening and moistening occur;
- for removing makeup. The beneficial substances contained in this agent improve metabolic processes, show an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect;
- for the elimination of juvenile and allergic rashes;
- for psoriasis;
- for the treatment of oily skin;
- for diathesis in infants;
- for seborrhea, dandruff and for strengthening hair.
Liquid Extract
Extract of the string can be used for allergic reactions on the skin in both adults and children.
Note! Many parents prefer to use this particular dosage form for bathing babies, since this method is distinguished by its simplicity and high efficiency.
Liquid extract can be indicated for use with long-term non-healing wounds, burns, eczema, dermatitis, dandruff, since it has the following properties:
- soothing;
- analgesic;
- is hypotensive;
- restorative;
- wound-healing;
- is anti-inflammatory.
- Excessive consumption of decoctions and infusions can lead to irritability, low blood pressure, general weakness and insomnia.
- If the recommended dose is exceeded, children may experience further intolerance to the drugs.
- During pregnancy and lactation it is necessary to refuse the reception of funds, based on this plant.
- Children under the age of 3 years are not recommended to give drugs.
But if you apply the sequence according to all the rules, then it does not cause absolutely no side reactions.