Drinking salvia to stop lactation is a very effective way, because this herb is a very effective phytohormone. We can say that sage, it is a plant analogue of one of the basic female hormones - estrogen. Thanks to this quality, sage preparations help to overcome many common problems of women's health.
It is not for nothing that in Latin translation the nominal name of this plant sounds like "salvation".Because for the cessation of lactation this is the most important homeopathic remedy. Breastfeeding is wonderful, but there are situations when the process must be artificially terminated. And the period of feeding in each case is individual in itself. Some feed the baby until the milk itself runs out, while others decide to wean the child from the breast as it grows up.
Sage herb as a deterrent to lactation
What does the correct end of breastfeeding mean? This is the situation when the woman herself does without mastitis, and her child after weaning does not have any psychological trauma. To achieve this result, doctors often prescribe to women sage preparations, including them in the therapeutic regimen as an additional remedy. They contribute to a gradual decrease in the production of breast milk.
Homeopaths always insist on treatment in natural ways. Their recipes, for the most part, include extracts and infusions of herbs, berries, fruits and even mushrooms. Nature has endowed them with the ability to defeat a variety of ailments, and the benefits of sage have been known since the times of Rus. In Ancient Egypt this inconspicuous, fragrant herb was sacred.
To reduce the intake of breast milk and at the same time relieve the breastfeeding of fever and pain, mothers are advised to drink tea from sage. Short courses for two or three days to a number. Since sage is a phytohormone drug, then its effect positively affects the various processes of the female body. Decoction will be useful as for painful menstruation, climacteric tides and even infertility.
No less popular way to stop lactation can be called the use of essential oil based on fragrant herbs. It is this form of extraction that includes the greatest number of various useful substances. Applying essential oil, it is possible to significantly reduce the chance of developing negative phenomena with rapid and rapid excommunication from the chest.
Important: for lactating women, such effects are often expressed in the form of pain, burning, the appearance of seals in the mammary gland. This is the reason why it is necessary to stop breastfeeding gradually.
Ways of cooking sage: water and alcohol preparations
How to brew sage to stop lactation? For this purpose, prepare the infusion: take two full dessert spoons of crushed dry grass, and brew it 300 ml of steep boiling water. Allow the liquid to cool and drain through several gauze layers. Do not take three sips three times a day.
To strengthen the effectiveness of infusion, it is recommended to strengthen the effect of sage with compresses on the chest. In order to make them, you need to mix the essential oil of sage and eucalyptus, two drops each, add to the mixture three drops of geranium oil and the same mint. All this mix with a quarter cup of sunflower oil and soak in this mixture of bandage or gauze. The compress is applied to the breast for an hour and a half, once a day. Compresses can be used as the final stage of cessation of feeding, when, under the condition of all previously taken measures, the breast is still filling.
How to drink sage to stop lactation? If there is no desire to bother with brewing, then you can simply add a quarter teaspoon of chopped leaves to any freshly squeezed juice. The daily course of such prevention is three steps. This will help stop lactation. The cocktail thus prepared is consumed for three days. The effectiveness is achieved through the compounds that are part of the sage juice, and are characterized by properties that are similar to the effects of estrogen.
In pharmacies and homeopathic shops you can buy factory, packaged tea from sage. It is brewed very simply - put in a cup and boiled with boiling water. This tea is brewed for five minutes. Then you need to get the packet from the cup so that the drink does not become too saturated. Pharmacy can be drunk three to four times a day, and this will help stop the intensity of milk production.
If the sage was grown on its own backyard, then to brew the tea, take one tablespoon of a dry mixture of leaves and flowers and brew it with one glass of boiling water. Insists such tea for fifteen minutes, only after that you can drink it. Sage has a pronounced, slightly bitter taste, which means that you can add honey or a sweetener on the basis of stevia. Sugar can spoil the whole flavor of the drink.
Sage infusion on alcohol
Alcohol tincture is used according to the following principle: 50 drops of pharmacy tincture are taken and diluted in a small volume of cold water. Drink tincture is laid four times a day. In the same scheme for the cessation of lactation use and sage extract: milliliter of extract add a quarter cup of water and drink three times throughout the day.
Important: in any case, the extract and tincture will act much faster than compresses and tea, because they are quickly absorbed by the body. The extract is a stronger drug, so it is necessary to be cautious about this treatment.
Recommendations and cautions
If the process of breastfeeding has been discontinued very sharply, it can provoke stagnation and inflammation in the body of the mammary glands. And inflammation, as is known, often develops into mastitis. Before using sage, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician.
Basic chemical composition of sage juice:
- Tannins;
- Essential oil, such as alpha and beta-thujones, cineole and camphor;
- Flavones;
- Phenolic acid;
- Phenylpropanoids;
- Diterpenes.
For the preparation of pharmacy drugs, pharmacologists basically use Spanish sage: it contains the same components, but the content of thujones is minimal.