- Uses and indications for use
- How to use?
- Preparing a useful tool
- When tea can not drink
Looking for a universal tool that will help cope with many diseases? You found it - it's plantain. Affordable and well-known, he is an inseparable participant in folk recipes. Let's look at the benefits and harm of tea from plantain and when it can be used, and when it is better to replace it with another remedy.
Benefits and indications for use
Plantain has the richest composition and all the useful substances contained in it are difficult to enumerate. Let's look at the main components and determine what their benefits are.
- Antibacterial substances providing antiseptic activity of plantain. Thanks to this tool is used in the treatment of purulent wounds and boils, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.
- Mucus and tannic substances tighten wounds, relieve inflammation, accelerate the healing of scratches and ulcerative defects, alleviate the condition with trophic ulcers.
- Active components of plantain stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, so help to cope with the hypoacid gastritis. With normal acidity, plantain tea is also allowed for use, and for high acidity it is forbidden.
- The components of psyllium leaves have positive effects on cholesterol metabolism, which means that they prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. However, if you already have any cardiac disease or you are not sure of its absence, consult a doctor before using tea from plantain.
- Vitamins contained in psyllium, improve blood clotting, so the product can be used for increased bleeding, but only after consulting a specialist.
- By improving the secretion of gastric juice, as well as stimulating the intestine, the plant improves metabolism and can be used for weight loss.
- It is noted that tea plantain affects the human endocrine system, so it can be used in the therapy of thyroid, adrenal and ovarian diseases. As a consequence, tea from plantain is useful in female infertility.
- Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects of plants are useful in inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
- Thanks to vitamin K, which improves blood clotting, tea from plantain can be used in uterine bleeding.
Recommendation: To improve the taste of tea and get more healthy substances from the drink, add a little bit of natural honey to it.
How to use?
Tea from plantain is used for colds, stomach and intestinal problems, excess weight, infertility, endocrine gland diseases, potency disorders, diseases of the urinary system.
- To treat intestinal diseases( gastritis, colitis), drink a tablespoon of tea 5-6 times a day before meals. In general, almost all recommendations for taking tea from plantain are reduced to such a dosage. Sometimes it takes 3-4 tablespoons a day. This dosage is sufficient for the necessary amount of nutrients to enter the body.
- With heartburn, drink on the tablespoon of the remedy every hour until the complaint passes. Closely monitor your condition: if you become worse, do not continue to use the medication, perhaps you have contraindications. Heartburn is the only indication for a short-term intake of tea from plantain. If the product suits you, then for prevention, you can continue taking it in a standard dosage for 2-3 weeks.
- Healers recommend the use of plantain in tumors as an immunomodulating agent. To do this, you should drink tea 4 times a day for a quarter of a glass on an empty stomach. Such a large dosage in a short time allows you to saturate the body with useful substances, because the speed of the effect is extremely important in oncology. However, do not self-medicate until you consult a doctor. It is likely that the funds that you take as directed by the oncologist are not combined with tea from plantain and other folk recipes.
Important: If during the use of plantain you notice a negative change in bowel function, the appearance of a rash on the skin or other unpleasant symptoms, cancel the use of the remedy. If unpleasant symptoms persist for several days, consult a doctor.
For slimming
Tea from plantain helps to lose weight better than advertised dietary supplements and patented teas. Because of its active effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the plant improves metabolism and expels slag, so the result will not take long to wait. However, if you do not change your way of life and adjust your diet at the same time as using weight loss products, the result will be either short-term or completely invisible.
To make tea take a tablespoon of dry psyllium seeds( you can cook yourself or buy it in a pharmacy) and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour, strain and get a received amount of tea during the day.
Recommendation: Drink tea from plantain for 10 days before meals, dividing the daily dose into 3 divided doses. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course. If unpleasant symptoms appear( weakness, skin rashes, constipation, etc.), discontinue use and consult a specialist.
Cooking a useful tool
Tea from plantain can be prepared using roots, seeds or leaves. For example, during the active growth of plantain you can use fresh leaves, and in winter and late autumn - dried roots and seeds. You can also dry the leaves of plantain, from this their properties do not change much. However, before use such leaves should be soaked in warm water.
How to brew plantain? Try the following methods:
- Cut the leaves of plantain and slightly dry. Take a tablespoon of raw materials for a glass of boiling water, pour in, brew for 20 minutes.
- To get concentrated tea, take 2 tablespoons of dried psyllium leaves on a glass of boiled water and insist the remedy for two hours in a warm place. However, you can not drink this tea for more than a week.
- Use psyllium roots in the same amount as leaves, but they will be brewed longer. Therefore, after you pour the raw material with boiling water, wrap the half of the towel and leave it in a warm place for several hours. It is convenient to brew tea from the roots in the evening, then in the morning you will get a ready and cooled drink.
- Seeds of plantain are brewed in a special way. Before use, they should be prepared. For this, pour the seeds with warm water, wait until they swell and drain the water. When the seeds dry, use them in the amount of 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water. The duration of brewing is 30-40 minutes.
Recommended: Every day, brew a new portion of tea. Keep the preparation in the refrigerator.
You can use other herbs( chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort) to enhance the beneficial effect along with plantain.
When tea can not be drunk
Not all folk remedies have 100% utility, so it is better to discuss their possibilities with a doctor. What effects of this folk remedy can do harm?
- Increased acidity of gastric juice, which can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer;
- Blood thickening, which increases the risk of thrombosis;
- Reduction of blood pressure and impaired blood supply to internal organs;
- Rich composition, and hence the possibility of causing allergic reactions
Let's highlight the contraindications to the use of tea from plantain:
- Hyperacid gastritis;
- Tendency to thrombosis;
- Atrial fibrillation( atrial fibrillation);
- Varicose veins;
- Low pressure;
- Allergy to a plantain in an anamnesis;
- Pollinosis, especially during an exacerbation.
Harm of tea from plantain is the appearance of such symptoms:
- The appearance of pain in the stomach, increased heartburn, nausea - signs of exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer;
- Deterioration of varicose veins: an increase in the knots, a change in the color of the skin of the affected limb, pain along the vessel, indicating the development of thrombophlebitis;
- Dizziness, weakness, pallor as a manifestation of persistent pressure decrease on the background of the plantain;
- Periodic appearance of a rash on the skin, accompanied by redness and itching - symptoms of an allergic reaction. Urticaria is the most frequent variant of an allergic reaction. Eruptions can take place completely, and after 10-12 hours appear again.
So, tea of plantain leaves can become your indispensable assistant in the treatment of the whole family, but remember that only informed and controlled use of traditional medicine will help. Plantain is not a panacea for all diseases, so it is better to consult a doctor first, and then to folk medicine.