How to brew a plantain from a cough

  1. The magic power of the plantain
  2. The healing composition of the plantain
  3. Indications for use
  4. Effective cough remedies
  5. Therapy with health benefits

This nondescript bush at first sight occurs almost at every step. It is difficult to imagine, but a number of unique properties make the plant irreplaceable in the fight against all kinds of ailments. Especially often use a plantain of cough. Medicinal preparations and folk drugs made on its basis are actively used in non-traditional and classical medicine. So what is the power of the plant and how to properly take it for a better effect? About this and talk below.

Plantain large meets near roads and on wastelands

Magic power of plantain

For many of us plantain is a plant from childhood. Everyone knows his healing and antiseptic properties. Even the youngest knew that a large and juicy leaf of this plant should be attached to a broken knee or a scratched hand. But does plantain also help with coughing?

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This is interesting. Perennial phytochemical studies have confirmed the biological activity of the plant against pathogenic microorganisms that cause respiratory diseases.

Plantain is able to eliminate cough even with the most neglected form of pathology. The main thing is to choose the right way of treatment and follow the doctor's recommendations. Under these conditions, the medicinal plant has a complex effect on the body:

  • expectorant;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • is regenerating;
  • is antispasmodic;
  • is antimicrobial;
  • is immunostimulatory.

The main effect of treatment with plantain is the dilution of sputum and its removal from the respiratory tract.

You can learn about other useful qualities of the plantain from the video:

Therapeutic composition of the plantain

The plantain is due to its healing power due to the substances included in its composition. In the vegetative part of the plant there are many valuable elements:

  • flavonoids;
  • bitterness;
  • organic acids;
  • fatty oils;
  • vitamins;
  • tanning agents;
  • polysaccharides and other components.

The greatest therapeutic effect with cough is achieved due to the mucus contained in the leaves( 12%) and seeds( 45%) of the plant. Mucous component envelops the inflamed throat, soothes irritated tissues and prevents the further development of the disease.

Indications for use

Plantain is used to combat wet cough

In non-traditional medicine, the healing properties of the plantain from a cough are not subject to doubt, because the drugs based on it have an excellent expectorant, anti-inflammatory and healing effect. In addition, pure juice from the plant suppresses the growth and development of staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Warning. Psyllium is most effective in wet cough, because under its influence, sputum is better excreted from the respiratory tract, thereby speeding up the healing process.

Representatives of traditional medicine are also very familiar with the medicinal plant and often prescribe it to their patients in addition to basic therapy. Use for treatment can be both fresh and dry raw materials.

Plantain helps to get rid of a cough quickly both with a common cold and with a more serious diagnosis:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough.
With a wet cough - which means that the patient has already entered the stage of recovery, - plantain accelerates this process and reduces the risk of complications. With dry non-productive cough, the medicinal plant softens the symptoms and improves the patient's condition.

Below we will look at some simple and effective recipes and learn how to brew a plantain from cough. It can be used by adults and kids from three years after consulting a pediatrician. In children of an earlier age the plant can provoke an allergy, so its reception is undesirable.

Effective cough remedies

You can use both dry and fresh leaves to make potions from plantain.

There are many recipes of psyllium against cough. It can be medicinal broths, syrups and mixtures of several herbs, vodka and water infusions. Means dilute sputum and improve expectoration, so are effective both with wet, and with a dry cough. Everyone can choose for himself the most suitable method of treatment from a variety of options.

Caution. Before you start therapy with medicinal herbs, you need to consult a doctor.

Water infusion of plantain

This is the fastest and easiest way to prepare cough medicine. It is enough to brew dry raw materials with boiling water, insist 5-6 minutes, drain and the medicinal drink is ready. Take it should be several times a day between meals.

Infusion of plantain from cough can be used in pure form or in combination with other antitussive herbs:

  • chamomile( relieves pain and inflammation);
  • mother-and-stepmother( increases liquefaction and excretion of sputum);
  • eucalyptus( reduces reflex spasm);
  • sage( eliminates mucosal irritation and improves expectoration).

Herbal infusion is recommended to be used warmly several times a day and with another coughing attack.

Healing decoction of

Before serving decoction decoction and use warm

For preparation of this remedy it is better to take dry raw material. It can be collected independently in ecologically clean areas or purchased at a pharmacy. Prepare such a medicine better in a thermos, fill the leaves with a liter of boiling water and leave for the night.

Use an expectorant decoction of plantain with a cough should be warm, 100 ml per reception. If the taste seems unpleasant, honey or sugar and lemon can be added to the drink. This combination will make the medicine more effective.

Antitussive collection - plantain and coltsfoot

Plantain and coltsfoot are a perfect combination of cough. Dry herbs in a ratio of 1 to 1 pour liquid and bring to a boil over low heat. A ready-made drink is filtered and taken warm.

Tip. For greater efficiency in the herbal collection can add kidney pine. Such a composition perfectly helps with moist cough and effectively removes sputum.

In a warm broth it is recommended to add honey and lemon. This will enhance the healing effect of the collection and saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements. Take tea is recommended in between meals.

Plantain with honey for coughing

This combination is equally effective for dry and moist cough, but use honey mixture with caution. In people with high acidity of the stomach may appear side reactions: heartburn, pain in the digestive tract, acidic eructation. Contraindication is also an allergy to bee products.

Plantain with honey from cough is made from freshly squeezed juice. The components are thoroughly mixed and left at room temperature until the honey dissolves completely. The prepared mixture is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days and is taken on a teaspoon every 4 hours.

Classical medicine often practices bronchitis treatment with psyllium and honey. The remedy for several days eliminates the symptoms of the disease, displays phlegm and facilitates breathing. Take this mixture with pertussis.

Sweet syrup

Plantain is a part of a variety of medicines that are available without a prescription. But why go to the pharmacy, when the curative composition can be quickly prepared at home and used for cough and cold? For example, adults and children will be happy to take sweet syrup.

Syrup is prepared from fresh, well-washed leaves of

. The well washed juicy leaves of the plantain are finely chopped and densely packed in a glass container, layerwise pouring sugar. The can is kept in a dark place until the juice appears.

Tip. To speed up the process, you can lightly heat the mixture. But do not overdo it. The heat can deprive the drug of a fair share of vitamins.

It is recommended to take a sweet medicine 3 times a day in between meals and before going to bed. The syrup has antitussive effect and will help to spend a quiet night.

As you can see, in the preparation of potions from plantain there is nothing difficult, so we should not forget about the medicinal plants that nature itself gives us.

Toddler for Toddlers

Pediatricians often warn about age restrictions for the use of folk remedies for children - cough remedies based on plantain prescribe to children over 3 years old. From the age of one year it is allowed to give medicinal syrups. On the shelves you can find a lot of medicines, in which the main ingredient is plantain. The most popular ones are:

  • Herbion - for dry non-productive cough;
  • Mucoplant - to help with moist cough;
  • Natur product - has an expectorant effect and removes phlegm from the bronchi.
For a child over 6 years of age, the syrup is given in the same dosage as the adult

. In addition to syrups, pharmacies have a wide selection of herbal preparations including plantain. You can buy a medicinal plant in its pure form, put up in separate boxes and brew houses or collect raw materials yourself. Prepare a plantain of cough for children in the same way as for adults. From it make broths and tinctures, mix with honey or sugar, squeeze out the juice.

How and when to take

Syrup, infused into the home, the babies are given with ½ teaspoons at the onset of coughing and in between meals, but not more than 4 times a day. After 6 years, if there is no allergy, one-time intake can be increased. From the age of 12 the child is recommended the same dosage as the adult.

Warning. Children who have a history of diabetes, syrup is contraindicated. Instead, it is better to take infusions or teas.

A decoction of plantain is allowed to give to the kids several times a day. At an early age - 40-50 ml per reception and 100 ml at a time after 6 years. In addition to the expectorant effect, the drug has immunostimulating activity and will be useful in severe and prolonged illness.

To reduce the bitter taste of the drink, sugar or honey is added to the tea of ​​plantain. It is not bad to put there a slice of lemon, fresh berries of raspberries or black currant.

Therapy with health benefits

Taking medications on the basis of plantain, you should remember about the contraindications of

To get from cough treatment with psyllium only benefit, it is necessary to remember about contraindications and side effects. The medicinal plant is undesirable to use in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Propensity to form blood clots.
  2. Individual intolerance of the components.
  3. Gastritis with high acidity.
  4. Early age under 3 years.

If you take long-term potions based on plantain, unwanted reactions are possible. In this case, treatment should be stopped until the symptoms disappear completely.

The effectiveness of plantain as an antitussive and expectorant has been confirmed and scientifically proven. The plant is recommended to be used in addition to the main therapy, but only if the doctor has not revealed any contraindications.

Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of a specialist is necessary.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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