Parsley from edemas - ways of treatment and useful recipes


  1. Features of edemas treatment with medicinal plant
  2. Decongesting properties of the plant
  3. Treatment of edema on the legs and under the eyes

Many diseases are accompanied by the formation of edema as a result of the accumulation of excess fluid in cells and tissues. They can be visualized on the ankles, feet, face or formed against the background of the inflammatory process in the internal organs. In acute forms of pathology, drugs with diuretic activity characterized by serious side effects can not be avoided. And for chronic diseases it is better to use herbs with a diuretic effect. Parsley from edema is used due to its mild, but effective effects on the human body. Regular use of infusions and decoctions contributes to the elimination of not only excessive liquid, but harmful compounds.

For the preparation of external and internal decongestants of their parsley, all parts of a useful plant are useful.

Features of edemas treatment with curative plant

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Often the fluid is retained in the body as a result of consuming fatty, fried, salted or spicy dishes. In this case, it is enough for a person to adjust their diet so that the weight in the legs and "bags" under the eyes disappear.

But most often, swelling signals about developing pathology, are symptoms of various diseases. Typically, fluid retention in soft tissues occurs for the following reasons:

  • decreased functional activity of the endocrine glands - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
  • pregnancy, especially its 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • circulatory disorders in various parts of the body;
  • thrombophlebitis.

It should be noted that during the gestation of a child without the appointment of a doctor, you can use parsley from edema under the eyes only in the form of lotions. The medicinal plant has an antispasmodic effect on the tone of the uterus, which can lead to extremely undesirable consequences. Infusions and decoctions for internal use during pregnancy are used only on the recommendation of a gynecologist or urologist. In the treatment of edema on the legs, hands, neck and face, all parts of parsley are practiced:

  • seeds( fruits);
  • fresh and dried herbs;
  • root crops.

It is not necessary to eliminate swelling with infusions or decoctions. You can season the prepared dishes with aromatic seeds, add grated root and finely chopped greens in vegetable salads. This will not only be an excellent prophylaxis for the formation of edema, but will also improve the overall health of a person.

Warning: The doctor should be consulted about the advisability of treating seeds, roots, leaves of parsley edema, provoked by chronic diseases. Usually doctors do not object to such phytotherapy, provided that the patient does not exceed daily and single doses.

Freshly squeezed parsley juice can be used for decongestants and wraps.

. Deciduous properties of the

plant. Many of the biologically active substances are part of the roots, leaves and roots of parsley. Their complex effect on the human body is diverse, can be used in the therapy of almost all diseases. But the ability of plants to reduce the expression of edema, prevent their formation is based on the content of such ingredients:

  • Potassium. The microelement activates enzymes that normalize the metabolism, and also regulates the water-salt balance. With a deficiency of potassium, the functioning of the conduction system of the heart is disrupted, blood pressure rises;
  • Magnesium. The state of the water-electrolyte balance, the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, depends on the content of this microelement in the tissues. The lack of magnesium leads to destabilization of membrane cells and fluid retention in the body.

Also in infusion and decoction of parsley from edemas from seeds, herbs and root crops, flavonoids show antioxidant activity preventing the negative impact of free radicals. This allows you to maintain the tone of cells and tissues, preventing the accumulation of excessive fluid in them. And essential oils of a spicy plant have a diuretic effect, urination increases, inflammation processes stop - a frequent reason for the formation of pronounced edema on the face and ankles.

Decoction of seeds, roots and parsley leaves is used for both treatment and prevention of edema under the eyes and on the feet

Treatment of edema on the legs and under the eyes

Parsley from swelling of the legs and "bags under" eyes can be used as infusions or decoctions. Regular use of any plant dosage form allows you to remove excess fluid from the body together with accumulated salts. Due to the mild diuretic effect of useful drinks, the work of the kidney structures, responsible for the processes of urine concentration and its excretion, improves. Unlike most diuretic drugs, infusion and decoction of parsley does not remove the necessary potassium and magnesium from the body.

Infusion and decoction of fruits, roots and leaves

For the treatment of edema on the legs and under the eyes, freshly prepared infusion of fruits, shredded herbs or grated root crops should be used. On the second day of storage of the drink, its therapeutic value is greatly reduced due to the destruction of biologically active substances. Prepare the healing infusion parsley from edema as follows:

  1. In a ceramic, clay, glass container, pour 100 g of fresh herbs( 5 teaspoons of seed or 30 g of roots) and pour a liter of hot water at a temperature of about 90-95 ° C.
  2. Leave for 7 hours, drain.
  3. Take infusion of 0.3 cup 3 times a day during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The taste of the drink is rather peculiar and not everyone likes. To improve it, you can add floral honey, lemon juice. How to prepare a medicinal broth:

  1. Pour 200 g of fresh herbs( 5 tablespoons of fruit or 50 g of ground root vegetable) into an enameled container, pour in a liter of hot water.
  2. To simmer on a water bath about half an hour, filter.
  3. Drink the broth only after eating 100 ml 2 times a day.
Dosage forms of parsley are undesirable to combine with herbs that exhibit diuretic activity because of the risk of a strong reduction in blood pressure.

External remedies for edema

From edemas under the eyes and on the ankles not only the infused or boiled parts of the plant help. Significantly more useful substances are found in fresh greens. Here's how you can prepare anti-edema compresses:

  1. Grind a large bunch of grass with a pestle and mortar.
  2. Squeeze the juice, pour into a container of dark glass and store in the refrigerator.

To reduce the severity of swelling, moisten a sterile napkin or bandage in dark green juice and apply to the swollen areas of the skin. Keep the compress should be 20-30 minutes.

It is possible to increase the effectiveness of such an external agent by freezing it. Freshly squeezed juice should be poured into the cells of a special shape and put it in the freezer. And, as necessary, take out an ice cube and wipe the area of ​​edema.

It's interesting: Folk healers recommend using decoctions and infusions of parsley for wraps. To do this, moisten dense tissue in a cool liquid and apply on the places of edema. Keep the compress until completely dry.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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