- Description
- Effect on the body
Noni is an evergreen tropical plant, all parts of which have useful properties. Leaves, juice and flesh of its fruits are often used in immunodeficiency, liver, kidney and heart diseases, and oil and extract have gained immense popularity in the field of cosmetology.
Noni, or morinda citrus, is a small evergreen tree from the Morinda family of the Morenov family. Initially, this plant grew solely on the islands of French Polynesia, but over time its range has spread to other southern islands of the Pacific Ocean. For normal growth and development, it does not require any special conditions - this plant perfectly feels on the rocky shores, in volcanic soils, in open areas, and in shady forests.
The period of flowering and fruiting of the noni plant lasts all year round, and therefore on one tree it is possible to find fruits of varying degrees of ripeness.
That's interesting! The height of the tree is relatively small - no more than 7 m, but its root system is impressive - often more than 30 m!
As you can see in the photo, the noni fruit does not look like other tropical fruits. His appearance is more like a potato. Its surface is rough and bumpy, the shape is oval, the length of the fruit is about 8-10 cm. The immature fruit has a green color, which becomes yellow and then white as it ripens. Changing and the structure of the skin - in the final stage of ripeness, it becomes almost transparent.
Noni fruits are edible, but their taste and aroma are pleasant to describe: the flesh is somewhat bitter, and the smell is somewhat similar tosomewhat spoiled cheese. However, despite this in the local population, this fruit is very popular, and on some islands of the Pacific Ocean - this is the basis of the diet.
Influence on the body
In the field of health, folk medicine applies all parts of the noni plant: fruits from which juice is mainly made, as well as leaves, roots, seeds and bark. From this raw material, medicinal preparations are obtained, which can be used both externally and taken internally.
Ripe fruit noni contains in its composition the most valuable biologically active substances:
- irreplaceable minerals - potassium, iron, molybdenum, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium;
- vitamins of group B, and also А, С, Е, К1;
- acids - aspartic, linoleic, glutamic, tyrosine, proline, serine, alanine, threonine;
- alkaloids and bitter glycosides iridoidy;
- xeronine;
- scopoletin;
- enzymes;
- phospholipids.
With regular use of noni fruits, libido is increased. With their help, you can slow down the aging process, start the process of mental activity, increase efficiency and significantly improve overall health. These fruits can be used to normalize blood pressure, to improve the performance of the heart and kidneys.
Note! The use of fruits and noni juice can be shown to patients who undergo cancer treatment. A special composition and excellent digestibility of biologically active substances can significantly reduce the intensity of manifestation and the number of side effects in chemotherapy, and also accelerate recovery after surgery!
Certain non-ripe noni fruits have certain useful properties. They perfectly tone up the body and increase stamina. Plus, green fruit can be used as an external means;from their flesh they make a gruel and apply it to the damaged parts of the skin, for example, to wounds, including purulent, ulcers, infectious foci and burns. Such compresses accelerate the process of regeneration of the skin and eliminate inflammation.
From young leaves of noni wood, curative tea is prepared, which has soothing, healing, antiseptic and analgesic properties. They contain:
- bioflavonoids;
- antioxidants;
- plant sterols;
- ursolic acid;
- glycosides;
- anthraquinones;
- B-sitosterol.
Note! According to the content of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins E and K1, the leaves far exceed the fruits!
Noni tea activates the metabolic processes and improves the digestive system, and with its regular use it is possible to significantly improve the blood system, clean the vessels and thereby ensure the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. In addition, the reception of this drink provides an improvement in the endocrine system and helps the body to recover faster after the disease.
Noni leaf tea is a natural product without preservatives, which has high taste qualities and at the same time works exclusively for the benefit of our body. To eat it preferably in a hot form - a freshly brewed drink enhances the absorption of protein, enhances regenerative processes, improves blood circulation and helps intracellular building of proteins.
In this case, the leaves, just like the flesh of fruits, can be used externally. Compresses based on the present help to eliminate skin irritations, and if you attach several leaves to the forehead, you can remove the headache. In addition, young leaves are used for arthritis - they wrap the affected joint and leave it for several hours.Extract
Natural noni extract is often included in professional cosmetic products. It helps to moisturize the skin well and at the same time protects it from further drying. Plus, this substance can be used to update skin cells and increase its resistance to negative environmental factors.
Today noni extract can be found on sale in the form of a biologically active additive. Its goal is to improve metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. However, it should be taken only after consultation with a specialist.
Noni oil is also quite popular in the field of cosmetology. And it is used in its pure form, and as an additional ingredient. It has an insignificant viscosity, and therefore it is absorbed rather well into the skin, does not clog pores and does not create a sticky film on the surface.
In addition, noni oil can be used for massage. At the same time, it will not only make the skin healthy and elastic, but also help relieve pain in the back and waist, eliminate pain in joints and remove itching after insect bites.