Water cress is a medicinal plant for all of us

  1. Description of plant and place of growth
  2. Application of watercress in our life
  3. Medicinal herb and its useful properties and contraindications
  4. Recipes for all occasions

Nowadays people are very prejudiced against folk medicine, its advice, recipes, because wepeople are civilized, invented a lot of medicines, methods of treatment. Nature for us is only a place where you can spend time on weekends after hard everyday life, and the weeds at the cottage are terribly annoying, and everyone wants to get rid of them. Few people now think about the fact that the herbs can heal without causing harm, and they are available to all of us. Watercress - did you hear anything about him?

If not, then it's time for you to find out the very necessary information, because the plant has a range of possibilities, and yes, someone considers it a malignant weed, but there are countries where grass is grown for purely therapeutic purposes. Moreover, its possibilities were discovered many centuries ago. We advise you to get acquainted with the water-wheel and you, the photo you already see.
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Description of the plant and place of growth

First it should be noted that the beautiful name of the grass has more than one, perhaps you know the watercress under the name of brun-cress, zheruhi spring or medicinal, a steward, lettuce, water horseradish. The family is cabbage, and there are eight more species of other plants in it. Habitats are very diverse, but everywhere the zhiruha admires the territory where there is a lot of moisture and water. It grows as a wild grass, and as domesticated in summer residents. Most often you can find plantations in the mountains of the Caucasus and central Russia, Asia, several countries in Africa, in the US, South America and Europe, as well as on different islands.

For a long time, the zhiruha was not considered a useful plant.

To grow such a plant as a watercress at home, it is necessary to create certain conditions and water - the main one of them. More often than not, dig a ditch half a meter in depth, equip it with material so that water can be poured in, and it does not go away, and then the zheruha is settled here. You can create such a mini-garden, even on the windowsill. In some countries, the plant is grown on a large scale, where there are whole plantations for further processing, by the way, watercress is not only used as a medicine for folk medicine men, but also in recipes for cooking, for making spices, in cosmetology and so on.

If you describe a plant, it looks like this.

  • Grass for many years.
  • The stem grows to half a meter or slightly more, it is dense, but hollow.
  • There are shoots that hang down, which gives the weed what water cress undeservedly consider many, decorative appearance.
  • Blooms white flowers, collected in an umbrella, from May to the end of summer.
  • The leaves have a pleasant green color and a heart shape, their structure is dense.
  • Grass useful, at the same time suitable for those who suffer from excess weight.
  • An unpretentious plant that grows on different types of soil, in the shade, in the sun, grows quickly in the presence of water. If you plant a common soil cress, then the grass changes shape, its useful properties are lost.
  • Taste of herbs spicy, tart, there is bitterness. For our man, it's easiest to compare a medicinal zheruch with a radish or a traditional horseradish, so often the plant goes as a seasoning to different dishes.

That's interesting! Surprisingly, they have been indifferent to the zhiruks for centuries, although they were very appreciated in ancient Rome, also in medieval Europe, but they recognized culture only in the 19th century.

Application of watercress in our life

If to speak in general about a plant, it is useful from roots to leaves and seeds, all parts are used for one or another purpose. Fresh leaves of grass are put as a spicy additive in meat, fish, soup, sauces, salad, used for preserving and marinade, make a mixture of spices. You can prepare from the green mass juice, which will provide a number of useful actions on the body, about them a little later. Of course, raw materials can be dried to make infusions, decoctions.

Based on cress, there are many different recipes for

If you compare cress with a radish, then it is most like a young growth, which is widely used in cooking. Seeds can form the basis for a good oil that can be used instead of mustard oil, it has a positive health result. The root part of the plant is more the therapy of ailments, raw materials for folk medicine.

For information! The harvesting of the roots is carried out in autumn, after which they are cleaned, crushed and dried in an oven or dryer. With regard to the aboveground part, the maximum benefit from the plant when it is fresh, not processed or dried.

Useful whole herb

Medicinal herb and its useful properties and contraindications

About the benefits of

There are so many different possibilities for herbs, if we talk about ailments.

  • Since long time cress has been an excellent aid for diseases of the oral cavity, including with scurvy. Infusions were used to rinse during infectious diseases.
  • Very beneficially affect the folk remedies based on the zhiruha on our blood, clearing it.
  • Has a diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body.
  • A powerful tool for cleaning the skin from various kinds of rashes, acne, inflammations.
  • Helps with hypertension, reducing the risk of stroke.
  • Excellent tones, fill infusions and broths with strength, energy.
  • It is considered a dietary plant - cress is prescribed for those who struggle with excess weight, people who are on rehabilitation after the operation, and who need to follow a certain diet for faster recovery.
  • May cause laxative effect, prevent constipation and as a consequence of hemorrhoids.
  • Reduces the level of sugar in the blood, that is, those who suffer from diabetes, funds based on zhiruhi ordinary will come in handy.
  • Very well can help with various kinds of colds due to anti-inflammatory, disinfecting properties.
  • Plant seeds will become an assistant to all men that have lost power in the intimate terms.
  • Long since watercress was considered a powerful remedy for all parasites in the body, expelling worms, ascaris and other pathogenic environment.
  • The plant contains a lot of iodine, because for people with thyroid diseases, it will be useful.

That's interesting! In many countries they know and appreciate the zhiruha, in Foggy Albion it is sold in supermarkets, festivals are held, and even there is the capital of the cress in the country - the town of Alressford. The same plant was opened by a gardener in 1808, which planted a plantation, and since then the grass has spread. There is also a capitol capital in America.

Separately, we would like to tell you about the benefits of watercress juice:

  • cleans and normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • very well helps with hemorrhoids, up to the removal of nodes, which can save from pathological processes, oncology;
  • is indicated to all who suffer from anemia;
  • helps to get out of bed after serious illnesses, that is, during rehabilitation periods the juice will be a good addition to therapy;
  • for skin juice is like balm with a rejuvenating and cleansing effect. It can be drunk inside and used as a tonic for washing - acne passes, scars become less noticeable, burns heal;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys and liver, joints. The use of zhiruha can relieve of such diseases as pyelonephritis, jaundice, gout, rheumatism.

For information! The juice of the zhiruha can be mixed with the juices of other vegetables, so it will be even more salubrious and nutritious. For example, often make a cocktail of juice cress, carrots, potatoes, celery. The components can be used both together and making a prescription for themselves.

It turns out that the weeds that we can count as hard grass can be useful to us. Very often the witch doctors regret that we so unreasonably treat on our plots, cottages to plants, which we remove from the beds, throwing out both dandelions, horsetail, sporrows and other herbs, each of which is unique in its own way and can heal. Also, many folk healers believe that next to the person that grass grows, and the fruits and trees, which are necessary for him for treatment, in each region are their plants.

Tip! Do you want an excellent seasoning for meat and fish to surprise your guests? Then mix watercress with rosemary and mint, making with your own hands an unusual spicy spice.

About the dangers of

Like many medicinal plants, the medicinal zheruhu must be used for medicinal purposes only with the permission of the doctor and after the examination, since there is a risk of exacerbation of the diseases, and from an overabundance of the plant there may be stomach problems. It is impossible for all those who have individual intolerance to certain plants, which make up components in them. It is impossible and with reduced pressure, too, excessive use can have a negative impact on the kidneys. Do not take cress for therapy when you are carrying or feeding a baby.

Recipes for all occasions

Most often, medicinal herbs are used to make infusions, decoctions and tinctures. In the case of our waterchip, the recipes will be as follows:

Everyone can find their recipe for healing
  • to make the infusion, you need 1.5-2 tablespoons of fresh leaves to soak in boiling water with a liter volume. After that, the infusion costs 2 hours, it is filtered and taken per day of 500 grams, pouring them into halves into two doses. One liter is enough for two days;
  • decoction is done with a water bath, on which a 30-minute spoonful of leaves and color, combined with a glass of boiling water, are doused. The broth is taken after a meal by two spoons in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening;
  • alcohol tincture is prepared on the basis of the rhizome 1: 5.Insist two weeks in the dark and cool. After that, 30-40 drops are dripped into water with a volume of 50 grams, they are drunk at once.

Now you understand that weeds are useful plants for the most part, the zheruhu is perceived differently, but the essence is one - it helps health, and the appearance will be more attractive.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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