- What is psillium
- Useful properties
- What can I replace?
- Contraindications
- Rules for admission
- Recipes with psillium
Every day, new names appear on the market of natural products. Sometimes these are quite familiar things, sometimes - completely unfamiliar, exotic names. One such product is the psyllium.
plantain seeds. What is psillium
This product has quite a few names. In addition to the most common - psyllium, it can be found as a spaniel, Isfagula. As a matter of fact it is a bran of a plantain of a flea, which in Latin is called a psyllium. This plantain is a medicinal plant, it is distributed in Transcaucasia, India, in the same place, by the way, in the state of Gujarat, concentrated industrial production of flour and bran psyllium.
You can meet psyllium in the form of bran, flour, as well as capsules and chewing cakes. It does not have its own distinct taste or aroma.
Useful properties of
A distinctive feature of psyllium flour is that it is almost completely( 80-85%) composed of cellulose( about 70% of which is soluble), which when converted to water turns into a soft gel. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, this gel envelopes its walls, protecting them from damage, inhibits the absorption of fats, and also captures and removes from the body accumulated slag, toxins and other substances that are unnecessary to the body. This creates favorable conditions for the development of useful intestinal microflora. Only 1 gram of ground bran is able to absorb up to 45 ml of water.
Thus in a flour of psyllium practically there are no digestible carbohydrates. This fact is a significant advantage of psyllium in front of oat bran, in which such carbohydrates are more than 60%.And fiber is much less - only 10-15%, of which only 5% is soluble.
Useful properties of psyllium include the following:
- laxative effect. In combination with other products or in pure form psyllium is able to normalize the stool, eliminate the problem of constipation. It is often prescribed for hemorrhoids, anal fissures, irritable bowel syndrome, and also after operations to regulate and soften the stool. An important condition is sufficient water intake - not less than 1 liter per day in winter and up to 1.5-2 liters in summer;
- fastening effect. No less effective can he cope with the reverse situation. This is due to the fact that cellulose has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder, which in turn indirectly helps to improve the digestion of food. In addition, the psyllium absorbs a large amount of water and if it is drunk with a small portion of the liquid( up to 0.5 liters per serving), it will absorb the excess that it will find in the body, thereby improving the situation with diarrhea;
- decrease in cholesterol in the blood. It was proved that with regular use of 6 g psyllium per day, the level of total cholesterol decreased by 3-14%, and the so-called "bad" cholesterol - by 5-10% for two months of admission;
- decrease in sugar level. This effect is still being studied, but there are already recommendations to adjust the dosage of drugs in diabetes mellitus if they are combined with psyllium;
- normalization of the digestive tract. With regular admission psyllium can relieve bloating, flatulence, discomfort, pain in the abdomen.
According to the accepted classification in the world, psyllium refers to completely natural products that can be used by any person as an additional source of the necessary plant fibers.
Psyllium with weight loss
Due to its ability to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as slowing the absorption of fat, psyllium is effectively used for weight loss and overall weight normalization. In addition, absorbing moisture, it fills the stomach, creating a lasting sense of satiety, thereby reducing portions and reducing the number of incoming calories. It is used in the form of capsules, and adding to baking. The psyllium flour is often found in recipes of various diets.
Absorbing moisture and turning into a gel-like mass, psyllium binds the dough not worse than ordinary wheat flour. Flax from the bran of psyllium is able to replace gluten, which is contained in ordinary flour, than it compares favorably with other types of low-carbohydrate flour( coconut, sesame or almond flour), the baking is dry and brittle. In addition, psyllium serves as a baking powder for the dough, giving the bake an air structure and porosity.
What can I replace?
Plantain seed bran is a rather unfamiliar product that you will not find in the first grocery store you find. Therefore, in view of the inaccessibility of psyllium, the question often arises as to how to replace it in baking. Some suggest that other bran, such as oatmeal, may be an alternative to flour from the husk of the plantain seed. However, they have quite different composition and characteristics, therefore they can not serve a full-length analogue as a psyllium. In particular, oat bran is more than 60% composed of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are practically absent in Isfagul.
People who eat Ducant recommend to replace if necessary, flour from Isfagula to ground flaxseed, which has similar properties and gives baking a more whole and pleasant structure, protecting the readyproduct from spillage and crumbling.
In case of non-compliance with the rules of taking psyllium can bring not only and not so much good, but also harm to the body. Therefore, before you include it in your diet, you must necessarily study possible contraindications and consult with your doctor for personal indications for use.
People who fall into the following categories are not recommended for psyllium:
- women in the period of gestation and feeding;
- people suffering from severe mental disorders;
- people of advanced age and young children;
- in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases or cerebrovascular disorders.
Rules for taking
Before you start taking psyllium for weight loss or improving general condition, you should carefully study the instructions that were attached to the drug. In different manufacturers, the concentration of the active substance, psyllium, may differ, and the dosage will also depend on this.
On sale you can find both powder and capsules. One of the most common producers is Solgar, which offers psyllium in capsules as a biologically active food additive.
Typically, the optimal dosage for the powder is from 1 teaspoon to 3 tablespoons three times a day. Capsules recommend taking 1-2 pcs.twice a day. However, in the first place, you should be guided by the instructions of the instructions attached to the drug.
An important condition for the use of psyllium in any form is a sufficient volume of liquid - up to 5-8 glasses per day, otherwise there is a possibility that bran will cause strong constipation. To rule out the likelihood of an allergic reaction, take Isfagul starting with small doses, carefully examining the body's reaction and gradually increasing the dose.
Recipes with psillium
Very popular recipes with psyllium among those who lose weight by Dyukan. This diet implies the rejection of any sugars and carbohydrates, which are replaced by protein foods and fruits. The plantain bran completely satisfies the requirements of this system and is allowed to be consumed at all its stages.
The most popular ways to use baking with psyllium is Ducan. In these recipes bran perform several functions at once - replace gluten, loosen and bind the dough. Adding them to the dough, you need to give them 5-10 minutes for "acquaintance".Psyllium absorbs the necessary moisture and then it will be possible to assess the density of the dough, adding water if necessary. You can pre-pour the psyllium with water, allow it to swell, and then add to the dough.
Although baking is the most popular area of application of plantain bran, they are used for cooking other dishes.
Courgettes with meat
For cooking you need:
- zucchini - 2 pieces of medium size;
- minced meat - about 300 g;
- bulb;
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
- a tablespoon of almond or sesame flour;
- ½ teaspoon psyllium;
- hard cheese - about 100 g;
- spices, salt - add to taste.
Curd pancakes
The dish is suitable for an easy tasty breakfast, as well as a snack or dinner. For cooking, you will need:
- packed cereal cottage cheese
- 3 chicken eggs;
- 2-3 tablespoons psyllium;
- 50 ml cream( fat content of 36-40%);
- vanillin or vanilla essence;
- coconut oil.
Eggs are combined with cottage cheese and mixed thoroughly. Add salt and a few drops of vanilla essence( or a pinch of vanillin) into the mixture. After that, add psyllium and cream. All mixed well and allowed to stand for 5-10 minutes. If after that the dough turned out too thick, you can add a little more cream, if too liquid - even half a spoon of psyllium. Ideally, the consistency dough should turn out to be rather dense - as for syrnikov. Pancakes fried in coconut oil, in its absence, you can replace it with creamy butter.
Bread on psillium
The most popular kind of baking is bread with psyllium, for those who lose weight by Dyukan, it is suitable for the stages of fastening, stabilization, alternation and fulfills the norm for DOPs and gluten for 2 days. The bread is very lush, airy, with a thin crust and a delicate taste.
For the test, you will need:
- psyllium - 10 g;
- non-fat kefir - 200 ml;
- dry yeast - 5 g;
- eggs - 4 pieces;Dry skim milk
- - 5-6 tbsp.l.;
- corn starch - 2 tablespoons;
- baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
- wheat gluten - 4 tablespoons;
- sweetener - 1 tablet or a couple drops;
- powder( poppy, sesame, flax or chia seeds) - 1 tsp;
- salt.
In warm kefir add yeast and sugar substitute, mix. Then pour the psyllium and allow it to swell for 5-7 minutes. After that, you can add the remaining ingredients and mix until homogeneous. The consistency of the dough is quite viscous, for mixing it is better to use a mixer with special nozzles for the dough. The finished mixture is transferred to a baking dish and sprinkled with a powder. Form with bread leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes( for example, in a slightly warm oven - up to 30 degrees).Bake bread for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then take it out of the mold, wrap it in a towel and let it cool.
Plantain seed bran is an extremely useful additive that allows you to cleanse the body and fix the work of all its systems. Psillium gives complete freedom in choosing how to take it - today in stores you can find both capsules and flour from it. Adding it to your diet, you can achieve a significant improvement in your well-being and lose a few pounds, most importantly - observe the measure and the rules of admission.