- What is an ado?
- How do you use guduchi?
- Guduchi. Its benefits and contraindications
Guduchi is a curative herb widely used in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic knowledge affects even modern scientists. Sometimes they do not know how doctors in ancient times could heal the most serious ailments.
Nowadays man considers himself the crown of creation. We have completely become far from nature, we believe the answer is given by science, and its discoveries can work miracles. But how often do we remember that medicine, scientific works, studies of luminaries can not provide answers to many questions. And there are solutions where no one expected to find - in ancient sources. For example, in Ayurveda, much is said about the grass guduchi. Do you know what she can do, no? So, read, you will be surprised.
Why, as it seems to us, almost cave people of antiquity knew more than many scientists of our technocratic age? And whether our ancestors were primitive. As it turns out, no. Ayurveda is proof of this, and the teaching is far from alone, which can show us that it is possible and necessary to live in harmony with nature. And we can become healthy, strong, spiritualized, filled with energy. We are in a hurry to buy tablets, doubtful vitamins from advertising, rather than to open and read about this or that plant.
Still, the trend towards a healthy lifestyle, towards environmentally friendly products, to learning again ancient knowledge, herbs and other fruits is gaining popularity. And now many of us have a genuine interest in the grass of the hummus. We'll tell you why.
What is guduchi?
This plant, which can rightly be called medicinal. It has been used for hundreds of years. And about him it is said in one of the most mysterious, interesting, actual even in our days teaching - Ayurveda. It is aimed at healing people from all sorts of ailments. At the same time they can be very serious, and the methods there are not as it is now - just under the knife. Ayurveda tells how one can get out of bed with the help of herbs and other gifts of nature.
Guduchi is a perennial plant. It is referred to as lianas, as it stretches upward, has many air roots. The habitat of Huduchi is the mountains of the Himalayas and India. The plant is used for medical purposes, has a lot of indications for use. All thanks to the rich composition. It seems that the grass contains everything that our body needs for recovery and, in general, for prevention and health.
How to apply the huduchi?
There are always a lot of recipes in folk medicine. One plant can be used in different variations - it's infusions, and decoctions, and appliques and so on. Guduchi-chupna( second name), as well as many herbs, is a part of different recipes and preparations. They are made not only at home by their own hands according to the methods of healers, but also different means are produced from the plant, including the great demand now for dietary supplements.
Biologically active additives are not a cure or panacea, but they should not be underestimated. Someone thinks BADs are placebo or simply ineffective pills. Yes, there is a certain amount of truth, but it concerns those preparations that are not qualitative, which are indicated in the composition, for example, guduchi, but do not say that the percentage of the plant is minimal. Therefore, the remedy is powerless, especially when a person is ill, but does not drink the drug for prevention. A good dietary supplements can help health and should not be underestimated.
It should be noted that for the preparation of drugs take an extract from the stem of the plant, which can be called amylaceous. And the company that produces the drug on the basis of herb guduchi according to the principle and covenants of Ayurveda is "Himalaya".This company is very famous, respected and sought-after, produces a lot of natural products, guaranteeing quality.
That's interesting! Guduchi knows in many countries, including the Philippines. There the natives use the plant as a tonic, which serves to generalize health and give strength. In translation from their language, such an elixir is called "you can live."
Guduchi. Its benefits and contraindications
Useful properties of
Thanks to its medicinal, unique, rich composition, the herb has a beneficial effect on our health, and the preparations based on it are also of great help. You will be surprised how much can guduchi from the Himalayas.
- Grass and preparations based on it are very powerful tools that simulate immunity. It helps to develop natural protection from the pathogenic environment in both adults and children.
- Is the prevention of cancer.
- Attaches strength. A person feels a rush of energy, a desire to live, a motivation at the expense of health throughout the body.
- Helps to cope with depression, insomnia, recover from stress.
- Actively fights against the whole pathogenic environment - viruses, bacteria.
- A powerful remedy for liver repair. Therefore, grass is shown to people suffering from hepatitis, cirrhosis. The plant helps to keep the virus under control and stimulates regeneration.
- Helps to cope with fever. It is guduchi and used during this illness in India in ancient times.
- Struggles with complex pathologies that are formed from the effects of parasites inside the body.
- Helps to restore strength after chemotherapy. And, in general, the grass is shown to those who recover after surgery, a serious illness.
- All colds and flu, including, are also an indication for use.
- Beneficial effect on the respiratory system, when a person is sick with asthma, bronchitis and so on.
- Healing herbs for both bones and joints. Scientists noted that patients suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, feel considerable relief.
- Is a powerful antioxidant that helps us to be beautiful, have good skin, clean from toxins the body.
- Reduces temperature, pain. Therefore, you can use the drug during a cold, painful menstruation.
- Guduchi can remove inflammatory processes in the body.
- Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Important! Very often the preparations created on the basis of vegetative components, in the structure have also many carcinogens. They can lead to malignant formations. Guduchi on the methods of Ayurveda from a good company can only have a beneficial effect on health, so beware of fakes.
Here is a healing herb. We are sure that our ancestors knew even more useful properties of guduchi. We should listen to our heart and understand, so whether we want to go for the next batch of tablets to the pharmacy, and whether it's time to change tactics and try something new. Unfortunately, modern people consider it normal to buy some medicines for others, they say, these have not helped, so you need to buy others. All this is filled with chemistry by our body, killing its natural defense. In this case, over time, and to the preparations, the body becomes unreceptive.
Of course, you must use any manipulation of your health only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication should be avoided. Yet most of us are accustomed to treat all the pills from the pharmacy, and a sudden shift to other treatments can give unpredictable results. Well, about who can not use the grass, it is written further.
Guduchi and contraindications
In general, you can often hear that, say, this plant simply has no contraindications. But it is better not to take guduchi to people with diabetes, as there can be an unpredictable result with sugar in the blood. You also need to be sensitive to pregnant women. People who are going to do the operation, the drug should stop drinking two weeks before surgery. But again, all this can be done only by a doctor. And, of course, certain plants can be contraindicated to those who have on them or components in the composition, an individual intolerance.
That's all we would like to tell you about such a wonderful plant and preparations from it. Be attentive to your health, live in harmony with nature and yourself.