- Healing properties
- Contraindications
- Brew culture
- Useful additives
- Home use options
Yellow tea is a special business card of Egypt. This is known to every tourist who has become acquainted with exotic cuisine at the popular resorts of the country of two continents. And despite the fact that the raw materials for yellow tea are widely cultivated in a number of other states - Turkey, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the birthplace of the drink for some reason is conditionally recognized by Egypt.
The basis for the production of yellow tea is the annual, popularly known as fenugreek hay, shamballa or helba. All parts of the plant that have undergone easy fermentation receive a specific flavor. For those who taste Egyptian tea for the first time, the rich aroma of the drink may seem strange, at least, but this is no reason to refuse to use it.
The complex chemical composition of tea from herba, transferred from tea leaves to boiling water, is able to help the body. A taste is a business coming, like an appetite with food.
Interesting! A young growth of fenugreek is a part of a number of popular seasonings, like hops-suneli. Plant seeds are widely used in national Indian cuisine. And it's not in the taste, but in the benefit of the helba.
Healing properties of
Nature has endowed the helbu with a complex of substances very useful for the body. On the tissues and human organs, Egyptian tea works in a variety of ways:
- removes inflammation
- tones up
- stimulates immunity
- relieves spasms.
Yellow tea on the basis of the helbec seeds is recommended for the prevention of a number of diseases or as part of complex therapy in the fight against a particular ailment. Indications for use are discussed below.
Egyptian yellow tea has a pronounced expectorant effect, and therefore will ease the condition with bronchitis, pneumonia, SARS.He, being a natural antipyretic, will help to knock down heat, get rid of muscle pains and a state of painful weakness.
Digestion system
Active ingredients in yellow tea will be invaluable in the fight against dysentery, worms, flatulence, gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases. A number of acids and trace elements will normalize gastric motility, pancreatic secretion, suppress pathogenic microorganisms, improve appetite and liver health.
Note! Components of tea envelop the stomach with a kind of protective film, adapting the body to receiving new, unusual food. This property of the drink is useful to all lovers of spicy and fatty dishes. It is for this reason that the Egyptians so often offer tea to their guests, inadvertently not to provoke an upset stomach of a tourist who is not accustomed to exotic cuisine.
Nervous system
The hasty rhythm of the life of modern man leads to frequent nervous breakdowns, mental fatigue, chronic fatigue, attacks of neurasthenia.
Active ingredients contained in Egyptian tea will help cope with painful conditions, return interest to life and the world around. In addition, the use of tea will positively affect sexual activity and potency.
Female Health
Yellow tea is very useful for women at any age. This is an excellent tool for maintaining normal hormonal balance, preventing possible outbursts and failures. In order to make sure of this, it is enough to get acquainted with the instructions to medical preparations "Alfagin", "Alvo PMS", "Fenugreek Plus".These and other medicines contain fenugreek extracts with reference to the plant's ability to tonify the body, normalize the hormonal background, alleviate conditions in painful menstruation.
Nursing mothers should pay attention to Egyptian tea for another reason. The drink improves lactation, which means that the woman will not have to resort to artificial milk formulas while feeding the baby.
Yellow tea from Egypt is also useful for older women. Natural remedy, being a plant analogue of female sex hormones, will remove a number of symptoms of early menopause - irritability, drowsiness, painful conditions, loss of strength.
Overweight problem
Fenugreek is credited with another miracle property - the ability to reduce weight. However, it should be noted that the means for losing weight yellow Egyptian tea is not. Without additional procedures and diet, regular use of the drink still will not lead to the desired result.
For weight loss tea is useful in that it has a diuretic and mild laxative effect. This leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body and a visual effect - a narrowing of the waist.
Drinking a drink increases the level of glucose in the blood and, as a result, dulls the feeling of hunger. These properties and explains the participation of yellow tea in the diet and weight loss.
Any useful and most harmless product with non-compliance with the rules of use can cause harm. Yellow tea is no exception. Very carefully, the following categories of consumers should be taken into consideration:
- to pregnant women
- allergy sufferers
- to diabetics.
In the first case, the active components of the helba can provoke miscarriage, in the second - cause an allergic reaction( as on legumes), in the third - aggravate the condition of the insulin-dependent patient.
In addition, lovers of strong brewed drinks in case of an overdose show a digestive disorder. It is worth remembering its laxative effect. Conclusion - in order to avoid harm to health while drinking yellow tea, you need to observe the measure.
By the way! Many consumers note that fenugreek can change the smell of sweat. Noticing the changes, do not worry, this is a kind of side effect. It is absolutely harmless and does not cause any inconvenience.
Brew culture
It's no longer a problem to prepare tea leaves for ordinary people. However, here we are talking about seeds. A reasonable question arises: how to brew yellow tea from Egypt? Let's consider all possible ways.
Just make a reservation, the traditional methods of preparing a drink here is indispensable. Unlike the fermented tea leaves, fenugreek grains do not so easily part with useful substances and fragrant components. Tea should be cooked in the truest sense of the word. But the result is worth it.
Standard procedure:
- tablespoon of yellow seeds resembling pellets or grains, it is necessary to remove them from the bag and rinse them under water.
- the dust-free and soriferous raw materials are distributed in one layer on a napkin or towel,allowing the ability to dry in vivo
- in the next step, the seeds can be lightly fried in a frying pan. This is not an obligatory, but recommended action that will allow experimenting with the intensity and variety of the taste of the yellow tea
- . It remains to pour the tea leaves into the ladle and pour it with ordinary drinking water( 200 ml) of room temperature
- . It is necessary to adjust a weak fire on the plate, and after boiling,, so that the drink does not intensively boil. This measure will preserve the crystal transparency of the yellow tea, avoid clouding and precipitation of
- after 10-15 minutes of cooking. The exotic drink can be taken off, poured into circles of
- , Egyptian yellow tea is drunk warm, adding honey, shredded ginger or lemon rings to it.
Note! The fortress of the drink is regulated by increasing or decreasing the number of seeds. The water temperature at the initial stage does not play absolutely no significance. Regardless of whether hot or cold water is filled with raw materials, the output will get the same specific taste.
Useful additives
Culinary and titers noted that with yellow Egyptian tea, the following additives perfectly match:
- decoctions of dates
- herb stevia
- cinnamon
- nutmeg
- milk.
It is believed that brewing tea from herbs with stevia grass will help in the fight against arthritis, and adding milk to the fenugreek, more precisely replacing water with milk, will enhance lactation, which is incredibly important for all lactating mothers.
Other spices do not bring any additional benefit, but simply change the flavor of the drink. So, yellow tea will not be fastened in a short time, and it can be brewed as much as desired.
Note! Sometimes the helba seeds are ground in a coffee grinder. On the quality or taste properties of Egyptian tea, this move does not affect. Just when brewing instead of a tablespoon of whole grains use a teaspoon of powder.
Home Use Options
Yellow tea is useful not only when ingested. This is an excellent cosmetic and therapeutic remedy for external use.
So, with fenugreek it is good to rinse the sore throat with angina. The procedure for brewing seeds is standard - 1 tbsp.l.raw material on a glass of water.
This same broth will help cope with inflammation of the female genital organs. The syringing procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
Regular rubbing of affected skin with yellow tea will help to defeat eczema or dermatitis.
Welded and mashed beet pulp is an excellent medicine for the rapid healing of boils and ulcers.
Remember! Any illness requires consultation of a qualified specialist. Do not self-medicate!