- Botanical Description
- Chemical Composition
- Therapeutic Properties
- Procurement
- Methods of Application
- Precautions
Epimedium or Mountain Dog is a genus of perennial garden herbs of the Barberry family. The genus includes about 50 species, which, thanks to beautiful foliage and unusual bright flowers, have a high decorative value. These plants are often used to decorate gardens in Western Europe, recently they are becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Some of them, for example, the Gorianka large-flowered and the Korean Mountain Dog, besides decorative, also have important medicinal value. They are aphrodisiacs, stimulate the secretion of sex hormones, enhance sexual desire in women and men, have a general restorative effect. In natural conditions, the fire can be found in the foothills of the Caucasus, the Alps, the Far East, Southern Europe, North West Africa, East and North Asia.
Botanical description
Plants of the genus Gorianka are found in humid mountain forests, in foothills and forest clearings, gardens, meadows, in thickets of bushes. They are very unpretentious, can grow almost everywhere in the shade and in the open sun, are resistant to temperature changes, only in severe frost some evergreen species can freeze. Reproduction is carried out by seeds and by dividing the bush.
Rhizome strong, long, creeping, has many branches. It grows horizontally in the direction from the center to the periphery. At the 5th - 6th year of life the gradual withering away of the central inner part of the bush begins.
The height of shoots varies from 15 to 75 cm depending on the species.
The stem is thin, erect, covered with a reddish-brown bark.
The leaves are dense, leathery, mostly radical, located on long petioles, bright green in color. If the distance between the leaves is 1 - 2 cm, then the plants form dense bushes, and if 3-7 cm - more loose. The shape of the leaf blade can be heart-shaped, lanceolate or elliptical. The edges of the leaves can be wavy, smooth or finely toothed. Some types of plants along the edges and along the veins of leaves are painted in bright purple or orange, which increases their decorativeness.
Interesting: In connection with the discovery of medicinal properties of the hills in China, there is a legend according to which a shepherd who grazed animals on the field where a plant grew, found a significant increase in their sexual activity. Among Chinese healers, the epimedium received an interesting name - "the grass of a lascivious goat".
The flowering period lasts all summer. Flowers are collected in simple or twice branched loose racemose inflorescences with a pair of leaves at the base. The calyx consists of eight sepals arranged in two rows under each other. Internal sepals are like petals. The corolla( diameter 0.5 - 2 cm) of unusual shape consists of four petals, which can be divided or form a ring. Some plant species on the petals have long or short hooked spurs. Coloring of flowers is different: purple, white, yellow, etc.
Fruit is a pod-shaped bivalve capsule. When the fetus ripens, the smaller dorsal wing disappears and opens the lower sash that carries the small seeds.
Chemical Composition
The healing properties and composition of the horn are currently studied in considerable detail by Chinese scientists. It has been established that the herb and rhizome of the plant contain the following active substances:
- alkaloids( desoxymethyl-aureiarine, magnoflorin);
- saponins;
- steroids( β-sitosterol, campesterol, etc.);
- flavonoids;
- bitter substances;
- glycosides( quercetin, icariside, epimedins, Icaryin);
- resins;
- Essential oils;
- tannins.
The most important among them is the flavone glycoside Icariin.
Therapeutic properties of
Epimedium-based remedies have long been used in Eastern folk medicine mainly for violations of the functions of the genital system in men and women. However, in addition, they have immunostimulating, rejuvenating, tonic and restorative effects on the body and are used in the complex treatment of various diseases.
Large-flowered chassee
A large-flowered flowerpot is used in folk medicine to maintain sexual function in men, which is why it is often called "green Viagra".It strengthens the sexual desire, increases the erection, eliminates premature ejaculation, and also has anabolic properties. In doing so, it has a complex effect:
- relieves stress and chronic fatigue, thus eliminating the problems with potency caused by psychological factors;
- increases the concentration of free testosterone in the blood by raising the level of other hormones( noradrenaline, epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin), stimulating its production;
- dilates the small blood vessels in the penis, thereby increasing the flow of blood to it, which contributes to the improvement of erectile function;
- enhances spermatogenesis and improves fertility.
Gorianka. The following medicinal properties are inherent in the mountain flower:
- , increasing the bone tissue strength by stimulating the synthesis of osteoblasts;
- antioxidant action;
- lowering blood pressure;
- increase of working capacity;
- improved memory and brain activity;
- normalization of sleep and a calming effect on the nervous system.
Means based on it are effective for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, reproductive system diseases - infertility, impotence, dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities. Infusions of hot dogs help with diseases of the urinary system, vascular pathologies and heart diseases, chronic kidney failure and radiation sickness.
The presence of tannins provides astringent and antimicrobial action. Decoctions of the epimedium are used externally for the treatment of boils and ulcers, rinsing of the mouth with inflammatory processes on the mucosa, they are consumed inside of the digestive tract.
Sometimes burners are used as a sedative, as it reduces anxiety, attacks of panic attack, normalizes sleep, relieves nervousness and has antidepressant effect.
Large-flowered chamomile
The healing properties of the Korean kettle are similar in many respects to that of the large-flowered falcon. Herbs of the plant:
- have a diuretic effect;
- increases uterine contraction;
- dilute blood;
- improve blood circulation in the pelvic area;
- normalizes the exchange of fluid in the body;
- have antiviral and antimicrobial effects.
They are used for anemia, insomnia, rheumatism, joint and muscle pains, hypertension, colds, psychasthenia, heart failure.
The plant has long been used as an excitatory( estrogenic and gonadotropic) remedy, significantly stimulating nervous sensitivity, enhancing sexual desire and potency in men. It also improves the quality of sperm, increasing the number of spermatozoa in it and their mobility. In women, the reception of funds on the basis of Korean hot drink promotes the normalization of the menstrual cycle and increases libido, is used for infertility, painful menstruation and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. The plant helps in the menopause, reducing the risks of osteoporosis and hypertension.
It is interesting: In Russia, about 60 different types of complex supplements containing extract of a horn are allowed.
Raw material procurement
The ground parts of the plant are used as a medicinal raw material. They are harvested during the flowering period. The stems are neatly cut with scissors, then laid out in one layer on a pallet and dried in a dry place with good ventilation or outdoors under a canopy. It is also possible to dry in automated dryers, which can significantly shorten its time.
Store finished dried raw materials in tissue bags for no more than 2 years. Fold it in such a way that air can flow freely between the stems.
Ways of using
In folk medicine, the fry is used as infusions, decoctions and powdered dry powder.
Recipe for a hot large-flowered hammer
Dry raw materials in the amount of 5 g pour ½ l of hot water, insist 30 minutes, then filter. Take 200 ml three times a day during meals.
For menstrual irregularities, infusion is prepared from 2 g of raw material and 600 ml of water.
Broth gerods to enhance the male strength
Dry raw materials( 15 g) are ground, placed in a saucepan, pour 250 ml of steep boiling water and stand on a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then cover with a lid and insist 2 hours. The resulting broth is filtered and taken for 1 tsp.with meals three times a day. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
Precautions for
Contraindications to the use of a hot dog are:
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- child's age;
- allergy;
- thyroid disease;
- individual intolerance.
Important: Before starting the reception of folk remedies from a hot dog or various dietary supplements in which it is contained, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
Video about the peculiarities of growing plants of the genus Gorjanka: