Top-10 herbs that will help get rid of stress

The state of stress is familiar to everyone. The organism in this period seems completely depleted, fatigue is piling up, anxiety appears, often such a condition is accompanied by headache and insomnia. The tension is rapidly increasing. In some cases, digestive activity weakens, which leads to pain in the abdominal area and diarrhea. It is urgent to do something. But what can you do if you do not want to seek medical help? Will help grass from stress.

Nature is rich in medicinal plants, and some of them are endowed with special strength that helps our body overcome the stress of

1. Melissa

This plant shows a powerful sedative effect without causing addiction. Melissa is considered absolutely safe and is widely used to relieve anxiety. She is treated for insomnia, reduces anxiety and eliminates stress.

Note! If you combine melissa and valerian in one drink, then such a tandem can replace medicines from stress!

Calming tea

To prepare tea that will help relieve nervous tension it is necessary: ​​

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  • 60 g of dry herbs to be put in a thermos bottle;
  • add a couple of glasses of steep boiling water;
  • tightly close and leave for 2.5 hours.

The ready drink is filtered and taken three times a day for 100-120 ml.

Having a sedative effect, it perfectly relaxes and helps to calm down

2. Valerian

This herb will come to your rescue in case you can not fall asleep due to stress. In addition, it is often used in cases of severe anxiety, when some important event is approaching, for example, performing before a large audience or exam.

Valerian is allowed to be consumed both during the day and immediately before going to bed.

Rules for the reception of

As a rule, the root of valerian begins to be taken from small doses, which, if necessary, gradually increase.

  • With insomnia, which arose against a background of stress, drink a root extract of valerian in an amount of about 400 mg.
  • If you wish to use this herb as a sedative, then the dose of the extract should be approximately 200 mg.

The result does not take long to wait - the effect comes after half an hour after receiving.

3. St. John's wort

St. John's wort in the form of tinctures is used not only for stress, but for depressive states. It perfectly removes the symptoms of a nervous system disorder and can be shown to use during the menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

Note! This herb rarely shows any side effects!

Preparing a plant antidepressant

To help St. John's wort to get rid of stress, it should be insisted on only on an alcohol basis. It can be both medical alcohol and vodka. Only alcohol is first bred to a fortress of 40 °.

In glassware, 40 grams of grass and a couple of glasses of vodka are combined. Leave for 14 days, then filter. The finished product is taken twice a day for 20 drops.

4. Chamomile

Dried camomile is famous for its powerful sedative effect. She well relieves anxiety, which arose after a stressful situation.

This herb perfectly relaxes the entire body, therefore it is recommended to take tea out of it for the night

Camomile tea

To prepare a healing drink, dried inflorescences in the amount of 1-1.5 teaspoons are steamed in a cup of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. Then filter and give a little cool.

Recommendation! Chamomile tea is recommended to drink in a warm form, but not hot!

Take this natural remedy for half cup three times a day, preferably before meals. Sugar is not added to the drink. The course should not be more than three weeks.

5. Mint

This herb contains menthol, limonene, caryophyllene, alpha-pinene, carvone and other chemical compounds that work together and help to get rid of the effects of stress. Mint tea perfectly relaxes, reduces anxiety and reduces irritability.

Due to the use of this drink the body is fully restored and begins to function correctly

It is quite easy to take advantage of mint tea: a tablespoon of herb should be added to a glass of boiling water and left under a lid for a quarter of an hour. If desired, the drink can be filtered and taken three times a day for half a cup.

6. Ginseng

Ginseng is an excellent assistant in the fight against stress, which was caused by increased mental activity. He is one of the best stimulants of the nervous system and leads the body to tone. Often, this herb is indicated for use by people with a tendency to neuroses and depression, which are accompanied by a sense of fear.

How to take ginseng?

Under stress, take tincture of ginseng daily for a month, 20 drops twice a day.

As a result of taking ginseng, the mood rises, the person becomes balanced and gets rid of a feeling of chronic fatigue.

The dream is restored, and the body acquires the ability to tolerate unpleasant life situations

7. Eleutherococcus

This herb is analogous to ginseng, but it works much more efficiently. For this reason, it is customary to use it in small doses. Eleutherococcus influences the nervous system very gently, but takes it in the form of tea.

Tonic Drink

  1. You can prepare a wonderful anti-stress drink from the harvested leaves and roots: a glass of boiling water is added to the tablespoon of raw material and everything is tanned in a water bath for a little more than half an hour. Store the broth in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  2. Eleutherococcus tea is brewed with filtered water, it is advisable to choose dishes for this purpose porcelain. Insist as a normal brew and drink after 10 minutes.

8. Hops

Hops cones are usually brewed in situations where a person is not able to cope with stress on his own. This plant perfectly copes with emotional stress and relieves excitability.

Important! Decoction from hops can not be abused, as it can lead to such negative consequences as nausea, vomiting, migraine, dizziness and pain in the heart area!

Brew correctly

  1. In five parts of a mix of hop cones and herbaceous leaves of motherwort, add one part of a mix of melissa and mint.6 tablespoons of raw material is poured with a liter of boiling water. After 10 hours the drink can be drunk: before meals, half a cup three times a day.
  2. Add 250 ml of boiling water to the tablespoon of hop cones and drink the brewed tea before bed.

9. Oregano

Soothing and relieving stress will help not only the broths of oregano, but also the fragrance of fresh grass. It shows good results with convulsions, irritability and neuroses. It can be recommended for women who have a difficult premenstrual syndrome.

Applying oregano grass

  1. Infusion: 6 teaspoons of dried plant soak in half a liter of boiling water. Cover and leave for half an hour. Filter and take a tablespoon after eating.
  2. Baths: 100-200g of dry raw material pour 3-5 liters of boiling water, hold for 2-3 hours, filter and pour into a bath, the water temperature in which should not exceed 37 °.We take a bath about a quarter of an hour.
Aromatic bath will restore balance even after serious emotional stresses.

10. Ivan tea

This plant shows very soft sedative effect, protects against stress and displays an anticonvulsant effect. Drink from the willow-tea will help you not only to eliminate anxiety, but also give the body the ability to continue to withstand the influence of factors that cause stress. Every evening you will quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly all night.

Tea from the spray

  1. A teaspoon of leaves of willow-tea is brewed in a half-liter of water, kept on low heat for about 5 minutes. Filter and drink before eating.
  2. The amount of raw material can be increased, while reducing the volume of water. The finished product is taken an hour after it is infused on a tablespoon three times daily before meals.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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