Mushroom is not an enemy to us - He heals cancer!

Mushroom gruel - an amazing mushroom, both in its useful qualities, and in appearance. Since ancient times, its healing properties are known, which are used in many diseases. This fungus has many synonym names: upstart, sage, witch egg, etc.

Composition and useful properties of the osder

The structure of the veselka ordinary found 13 important amino acids, many necessary micro-and macro elements and various biologically active compounds.
Also in the mashroom veselka contain phytosteroids, the action of which is similar to male hormones. Therefore vesicles are used as an aphrodisiac and a remedy for impotence. Some substances in the fungus have the property of lowering the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, since it facilitates its excretion.
Another important component of this natural remedy is phytoncides. They kill viruses of hepatitis, herpes and even to some extent the AIDS virus. Different mucopolysaccharides also have a beneficial effect on the joints. Mineral substances mushroom veselka ordinary help to improve the condition of the skin, cure long non-healing ulcers and pressure sores.

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Biological active compounds activate the activity of the nervous, cardiac and other body systems, that is, they have a general tonic effect.
Thanks to this rich composition, the "upstart" is used:

  • to accelerate wound healing,
  • as an anti-cancer and antihypertensive agent,
  • for the treatment of kidney, skin, digestive system diseases, etc.

Antitumor effect of

Special mention should be made of the antitumor effect of the vesicle's therapeutic fungus. Some polysaccharides affect the production of porphyrin in the body, which has a harmful effect on tumor cells. It promotes the destruction of their cell membrane, as a result of which the cell simply disappears.
It was found that when using the "witch egg", the antitumor cytotoxic lymphocytes were more than twice as active. And this activity is observed in relation to atypical cells of both benign and malignant tumors. Therefore, the vesicle mushroom on the medicinal properties is not inferior to chaga, known as an anticancer agent.
Also veselka reduces the severity of side effects from radiation and chemotherapy of a cancer tumor of any location and species.

Contraindications to use

Despite all its useful qualities, the mushroom veselka has contraindications to use.
These include:

  • gestation period;
  • children's age( up to 6 years);
  • period of lactation;
  • individual intolerance to fungal components.

Important: in any case, before using the "upstart" you need to consult a doctor.

Adverse effects of

It is believed that the ordinary chicken does not contain any harmful substances, and therefore does not cause undesirable phenomena on the part of the body. But with long-term use of the fungus mushroom can have a side effect in the form of dyspeptic phenomena( digestive disorders).For example, a person can feel nausea, worsening appetite, he is concerned about diarrhea or bloating. But this happens rarely.

Where to collect the vest?

If you want to take advantage of the medicinal properties of the mushroom veselka, the question of where this natural medicine is growing is the first thing that comes to mind. After all, many have never even seen this mushroom. It is believed that the common osier is more common in coniferous forests. But sometimes it can be found in deciduous forests and forest belts.
Another important question is at what time of year this wonderful natural healer grows. In general, it can be found at any time, from May to October. But the peak of growth is in June-July.

Tip: if you do not know the mushroom vesicle when collecting most conveniently, remember that the best period is about the day of Ivan Kupala. Therefore sometimes "witch egg" is compared with the flower of the fern, which must be searched on the night of the Ivanov day( July 7).

If you can find a paddle, then you can try to grow it on your land. Then you do not have to collect it in the forest anymore.
This kind of mushroom is not so easy to recognize when they are young. At first they look like a normal raincoat or oval chicken egg. They are covered by a thin matte shell of white color. As it grows, it breaks and shows a mass of gelatinous or gelatinous consistency. Such a mucous membrane becomes yellow or olive. Veselka is considered the fastest growing fungus. It can grow 5 mm in 1 minute.
Very quickly grows a leg, and then the "upstart" becomes easy to recognize by its characteristic appearance and sharp smell.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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