We use golden doctors, it helps the joints and the heart!

Golden mustache( fragrant calligraphy) is a houseplant known for its medicinal properties. The use of a golden mustache allows you to get rid of many diseases, improve your health and improve your vitality.

Ointments, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, butter are prepared from the calligraphy, and the plant is also used fresh

Tinctories made from calligraphy of fragrant

Tinctures of golden mustache on vodka or alcohol can be used to improve visual acuity and treat tumor lesions.

Recipe # 1

Needs for shoot shoots in the amount of 40 pieces and 1 bottle of vodka( 500 ml).Vegetable component to grind with a knife and pour vodka. Remove for 3 weeks in a dark room. To improve vision, you must drink 1 table.spoon the drug three times a day( no later than one hour before a meal).

Recipe No.2

To prepare tincture from a golden mustache, 15 jointers and half a liter of vodka will be needed. Shredded and filled with vodka jointers insist 2 weeks in a darkened place. Each day, the mixture must be shaken. When sufficient time has passed, the liquid must be filtered and the raw materials squeezed out. Apply this tincture according to special schemes together with vegetable oil. The treatment scheme depends on the type and location of the tumor.
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Ointment from calligraphy for the treatment of joints

Treatment of joints with a golden mustache is possible with arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, gout, rheumatism. To prepare the ointment, you must mix the freshly squeezed juice of the plant with baby cream, animal fat or petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1 to 3. The obtained ointment is rubbed by the aching joints or applied in the form of a compress( keep the bandage with ointment for half an hour).Instead of juice, you can take fresh leaves or callus joints, crushed to the state of gruel. In this case, the ratio of the plant component to the fatty base should be 2 to 3.
For pains in the joints, use a golden mustache in the form of a tincture prepared according to one of the recipes described above. Marl napkin should be infused with tincture and attach it to the painful joint, pribintovat. After 30 minutes, remove.

Calligraphy fragrant with cancer

The golden mustache helps the body to defeat cancer, as it increases the defenses and improves metabolism. The components of the plant are destructive to the tumor.

It should be noted that at first from the beginning of treatment the patient's condition may worsen: weakness increases, diarrhea appears. These phenomena indicate the purification of the body and the beginning of the disintegration of the tumor.

Most often, the golden mustache is used in oncology as an oil emulsion. To make it, you should put 30 ml of vodka tincture of calligraphy, prepared according to prescription number 2, pour into a jar of glass and add unrefined sunflower or linseed oil( 40 ml).Then the can is sealed tightly and shaken for 7 minutes. The oil emulsion must be prepared immediately before taking, as it must be drunk until the oil and tincture are separated.

Scheme for treatment of lung, stomach and breast cancer

Oil emulsion of a golden mustache with these diseases should be drunk in cycles.1 cycle consists of three courses lasting 10 days, between them there should be breaks of 5 days. During each course, the emulsion is drunk 20 minutes before meals on an empty stomach three times a day. At the end of the 3rd course, take a break of 10 days, then the cycle repeats. Such a treatment should be continued until complete cure.

Caution: if the tumor is located in the stomach or intestines, when it disintegrates in the stool, blood may appear. You should see a doctor right away. However, starting treatment without counseling is not recommended.

Treatment of the cancer of the uterine neck and rectum

The emulsion of the golden mustache in folk medicine is used to treat cancer of the female organs, including the cervix. With this localization of the tumor, an oil-in-oil emulsion is impregnated with a cotton-gauze swab and placed on the vagina for the night. Cancer of the rectum is treated with microclyster emulsion in a volume of 15-20 ml( daily before bedtime).With these diseases, only the route of administration changes, but the treatment itself is carried out according to the above scheme.
The emulsion is used not only for oncology, but also for diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • gastric or duodenal ulcer,
  • angina,
  • arterial hypertension, etc.

Application of a golden mustache accelerates the scarring of gastrointestinal ulcers and prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels.

Golden Ums for acne treatment

Home remedies from a fragrant collision are used for washing and rubbing the face skin, due to this it becomes smoother, velvety, irritation and greasy shine disappear. Golden mustache helps with acne.
To prepare infusion for washing, you need to fill a large plant leaf with freshly boiled water( 1 liter).A day later the infusion is filtered and washed face in the mornings and evenings or rubbed the skin with a moistened cotton disc.
For the same purposes, you can make a decoction: take 30 plant joints and bring in a liter of boiling water to a boil. Then remove from the plate and cover with a lid. After 12 hours use, as well as infusion. Alcohol tincture, prepared from a golden mustache according to the recipe described at the beginning of the article, can be used as a basis for the lotion. For this, it is bred with boiled water.

Tip: if you have oily skin, then water will need less, and vice versa. Therefore, the ratio of tincture and water should be selected individually.

Butter from

's gold mustache To make healing oil, take the leaves and stems of the plant and squeeze out the juice from them. To it add olive oil and insist 3 weeks, then filter. There is a faster way - a shredded plant is poured into any plant.oil and tanned in the oven for 8 hours at 40 degrees. Oil from the flower of a golden mustache is suitable for the treatment of many diseases. For example, with the first symptoms of flu or cold, you need to mix 3 drops of oil with 0.5 stack.warm water. This solution rinses your throat every 2 hours.
To lower the temperature, reduce the pain in the muscles, 2 drops of oil should be mixed with the table.a spoon of jojoba oil. The mixture is smeared with the forehead, the wings of the nose, the skin behind the ears and the chest three times a day.

Application of calligraphy for other diseases

The list of what the plant treats is very long. This is due to the content in it of a large number of different substances. More details about this can be found in the article about the beneficial properties of a golden mustache.

Scallop fragrance is also used in the following cases.

  1. Toothache: every half an hour, apply gauze moistened with hot decoction to the cheek on the side of the sick tooth. You can rinse your mouth with a warm solution of a plant's tincture( 1 tea-spoonful per glass of water).
  2. Herpes: at the first signs of exacerbation( tingling, burning), a wet leaf of calligraphy or a tampon moistened in tincture is applied for 10 minutes to a painful patch.
  3. Purulent wounds, skin diseases, trophic ulcers: use ointment from calligraphy, wipe the affected areas with decoction, infusion, diluted tincture, make lotions and compresses.
  4. Bruises, bruises: immediately after the bruise, the gruel from the leaves of the plant should be put on gauze or bandage. Apply the reverse side of the gauze to the sore spot, and not the gruel itself.

Treatment with a golden mustache according to traditional medicine prescriptions can sometimes cause undesirable effects, for example, an allergy or hoarseness of the voice. Therefore, during the reception or external application of the plant, one must carefully listen to the reactions of the organism.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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